On 2014-03-04 09:01, Kristian Duus Østergaard wrote:
> On 2014-03-04 06:43, Anders Le Chevalier wrote:
>>>> Yes, I recall that episode. crypt() was returning a null pointer.
>>>> What's happening is that the primary authentication module is not
>>>> one of the system authentication modules. It might be authpam, or
>>>> one of the database or ldap modules. When authentication requests
>>>> fail, this falls through to the next available authentication
>>>> module, authshadow or authpwd, which attempt to use crypt() which
>>>> fails and returns a null pointer.
>>>> The easy way to fix this is to simply remove authshadow and authpwd
>>>> from the authmodulelist setting in the authdaemonrc configuration
>>>> file. They're broken, and they'll never work.
>> I have disabled all modules except mysql in authdaemonrc. Perhaps this
>> will help.
>> ~A
> Anders are you sure you have modified the correct authdaemonrc ?
> I found out that I have a leftover /etc/courier/authdaemonrc the one
> that needs modifying is :
> /etc/courier/authlib/authdaemonrc
> I have now removed authshadow from my system, and I will let you know if
> it removes the error tomorrow.
> Regards
>  Kristian

Removing authshadow from authdaemonrc prevented me from sending email, so it's
back in..

But I haven't seen any segfaults after restarting - strange....


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