On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:44:05AM -0400, Bill Birthisel wrote:

> I am the author of the Win32::SerialPort module. As one would expect
> from the name, it only runs properly on Win32. So the last update
> generated several "false" failures. The next update will add a $^O test
> and fix the prerequisites to address those.
> So far, I have not had any complaints from users. So my question,
> especially relevant since there will be a lot of 5.12 testing, is
> whether is it considered proper to do a release just to address issues
> created for the CPAN testers?

Yes, plenty of people do it.

There's some tips here:

David Cantrell | A machine for turning tea into grumpiness

What profiteth a man, if he win a flame war, yet lose his cool?

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