I would like to suggest the following revision to the scope note for E73
Information Object. Its intention is to specifically mention “named graphs”
as being instances of E73 Information Object. As we look at implementation
of the CRM it is becoming increasingly obvious that “named graphs” are going
to be a particularly useful tool, it would therefore seem handy if we
explicitly mentioned that they live in E73!

Best regards




Current Scope Note

E73 Information Object

Subclass of:        E89 <>  Propositional Object

E90 <>  Symbolic Object

Superclass of:    E29 <>  Design or Procedure

E31 <>  Document

E33 <>  Linguistic Object

E36 <>  Visual Item


Scope note:        This class comprises identifiable immaterial items, such
as a poems, jokes, data sets, images, texts, multimedia objects, procedural
prescriptions, computer program code, algorithm or mathematical formulae,
that have an objectively recognizable structure and are documented as single


An E73 Information Object does not depend on a specific physical carrier,
which can include human memory, and it can exist on one or more carriers

Instances of E73 Information Object of a linguistic nature should be
declared as instances of the E33 Linguistic Object subclass. Instances of
E73 Information Object of a documentary nature should be declared as
instances of the E31 Document subclass. Conceptual items such as types and
classes are not instances of E73 Information Object, nor are ideas without a
reproducible expression. 


§  image BM000038850.JPG from the Clayton Herbarium in London

§  E. A. Poe's "The Raven"

§  the movie "The Seven Samurai" by Akira Kurosawa

§  the Maxwell Equations



Revised Scope Note 


E73 Information Object

Subclass of:        E89 <>  Propositional Object

E90 <>  Symbolic Object

Superclass of:    E29 <>  Design or Procedure

E31 <>  Document

E33 <>  Linguistic Object

E36 <>  Visual Item


Scope note:        This class comprises identifiable immaterial items, such
as a poems, jokes, data sets, images, texts, multimedia objects, procedural
prescriptions, computer program code, algorithm or mathematical formulae,
that have an objectively recognizable structure and are documented as single
units. The encoding structure known as a “named graph” also falls under this
class, so that each “named graph” is an instance of an E73 Information


An E73 Information Object does not depend on a specific physical carrier,
which can include human memory, and it can exist on one or more carriers

Instances of E73 Information Object of a linguistic nature should be
declared as instances of the E33 Linguistic Object subclass. Instances of
E73 Information Object of a documentary nature should be declared as
instances of the E31 Document subclass. Conceptual items such as types and
classes are not instances of E73 Information Object, nor are ideas without a
reproducible expression. 


§  image BM000038850.JPG from the Clayton Herbarium in London

§  E. A. Poe's "The Raven"

§  the movie "The Seven Samurai" by Akira Kurosawa

§  the Maxwell Equations




Stephen Stead


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