Dear Francesco,

On 2/19/2019 10:18 AM, Francesco Beretta wrote:


I agree with Martin's definition of phase and point of view of not "connecting a discussion about "phases of ideas" with "phases of Physical Things".

I earlier thought myself that ideas, in some ways, could have 'phases' but it seems more suitable, in the way of modeling adopted by the CRM, to say that ideas (in the sense of propositional objects or of concepts/types — and what about symbolic objects ?) exist as such, are identifiable as such, and do not change in their identity over time. It seems to be our mind, our belief (CRMinf I2 Belief), our mental state (Issue 359: mental state), that can evolve, i.e. the substratum carries new ideas, our classification of concepts can change, our belief, etc. but this would be about changing of mental state not about changing of the ideas themselves, as such. Would this be the point ?

Yes, this is one possible and valid interpretation. In this case, it is not the idea that evolves, but the people develop derivatives and adopt them. My question was also about the identity conditions of those collectively supporting such evolving ideas. May be they are as difficult to confine as the ramifications of derivatives of ideas. We would need examples in which people systematically document phases of ideas, in order to understand what is a reasonable scope and good practice in respective scholarly domains. I suspect however, that the number of ideas in this way analyzed may be so small that it is marginal for us for the time being.

Would then, it this is correct, Mental state (not existing yet as class – Issue 359) and Belief I2 be subclasses of Exxx Phase ?

Yes, let us explore that. I'd like first to come up with independent definitions, and then see how they fit.

Another issue would be to ask if a E74 Group can have phases. Althogh the identity of the group remains the same, it can have different 'behaviours', strategies, situations, etc. This is of course related to social life, to an ongoing, virtual CRMsoc extension. But insofar as 'Phase' is modelled as high abstraction level class in CRMbase itself, wouldn't be appropriate to consider also phases in the life of groups ?

Yes, indeed. Examples will be the starting point.

If yes, then we would need one property pointing from the temporal entity 'Phase' to the object concerned by the specific appearence or characteristic identifying the phase. But E74 Group and E18 Physical Things do not belong to the same class, right? By the way I was wondering why E74 Group is not subclass of Legal Object – E72. But if it was, this wouldn't arrange things, I assume, because, ont the one side, having phases in not the intension of the Legal Object class and, on the other side, there's the E90 Symbolic Object subclass there which wouldn't seem to have 'phases'. Or does it have indeed ?

If there is something common the Actors and Physical Things, that is interesting. Let us model bottom-up, and first understand what "phase" would mean for Groups, and what for Physical Objects separately.

The question is also, if the Mental State (or I prefer "Mental Attitude") is actually what makes a Group to have "phases", and that poses the critical question of collective mental states, which may even be regarded as a bad idea in a basically materialistic model as ours.

All the best,


All the best


Le 18.02.19 à 20:40, Martin Doerr a écrit :
Dear Martijn,

On 2/18/2019 5:10 PM, van Leusen, P.M. wrote:
Dear Martin,

Would you want to tie the existence of a phase exclusively to E18 Physical Things? One can imagine phases in the development of ideas as well....

Yes to both. As always, we do not model the term, here "phase", but try to define a distinct concept we can associate with a clear-cut "behavior". Physical Things can be thought of as having a simple trajectory through space-time: Any change makes the previous disappear.  Therefore, substantial evolutionary steps can be represented with a begin and ending on a time-line.That is a concept I can perceive as a sort of "phase". Therefore the label.

The evolution of ideas, as any other immaterial thing, does not make previous ideas disappear. I will be very happy to discuss what phases of ideas may be confined to, whose they are, what sense of progress they have, and how we perceive the social effect of ideas we would associate with phases.

Because of the above considerations, I suggest not to connect a discussion about "phases of ideas" with "phases of Physical Things" (which include humans!!). I do not suggest that phases of humans are restricted to material aspects. In my proposed definition, they may be due to mental developments, as long as they characterize substantially the being.

All the best,



On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 8:54 PM Martin Doerr < <>> wrote:

    Dear All,

    Here a first attempt to define "phase":

          Exxx Phase

    Subclass of: E2 Temporal Entity

    Superclass of:E3 Condition State

    Scope note:This class comprises phases during the existence and
    evolution of an instance of E18 Physical Thing characterized by
    an appearance, constitution or a behavior distinct from that in
    other times of its existence, or distinct in the evolution of
    things of comparable kind, such as the nestling, fledgling,
    juvenile and adult forms of birds, but some kinds of phases may
    also be consequence of incidental changes such as accidents.



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      Dr. Martin Doerr
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Dr. Martijn van Leusen
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  Dr. Martin Doerr
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  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
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 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

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 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


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