Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
> Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

>> However, a well-working "catch all" solution should also be 
>> presented, since there is one. I don't think that has gotten 
>> through yet.

> How does your solution "catch all"?  It does not meet goal #3 that I 
> stated in my last email, which is to preserve proportions.  There is 
> not a catch all, as there never is in web design.  You choose your 
> goals, and by doing so, reject other goals.

That's one of your goals - not mine. My goals are defined at the bottom
of this response, in case they got lost too.

> I'm very familiar with using ems for layout.  I've used them myself 
> in a couple different sites and written articles about their use for 
> Community MX.  However, I disagree with yourself and Roger of 456 
> Berea Street that they should be combined with percentages to prevent
>  horizontal scrollbars.  Doing such completely defeats their purpose,
>  as Al and I have tried to explain.

I have no problems with your explanation, but I am more, or rather only,
interested in the user-experience. I don't want *any* design-methods to
get in the way.

I have also used ems for layout. That method has been around for many
years. You will find one of my test-examples linked in to css-d around
18 months ago. They are nice for designers, but that's all - IMO.
They are no good at the user-end without limits, which is why Roger's
solution is better for users - visitors.

The purpose with 'elastic' is that it has all the qualities of a
proportional, em-based layout, on windows that are wide enough, and
falls back and behaves like a normal, percentage-based layout, on narrow
One can even create 'elastic' with ems and percentages in reversed order
- reverse the rules, and it will work almost the same way.

The fact that this approach doesn't fall inside definitions that you and
Al may agree on, has no impact on a working solution. It simply is
*another* solution, that can be used by those who find it useful. Others
don't have to care or like it or anything - and I personally couldn't
care less since I never design for designers.

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