On Jan 9, 2008, at 3:21 AM, Sandy wrote:

> I have a site that is set up to center in the middle of a screen.
> The content is 880px wide, and it has a negative left margin
>       margin-left: -440px;
> http://bradtrent.com/bradtrent.css
> This was all hunky dory but my client has now has two monitors, and is
> complaining
>> on my computer where I'm running two  monitors, when the page loads
>> it opens up over both monitors, half on  one and half on the other.
> Is there a way to tell the site that
> margin-left: -440px;
> means from the middle of *ONE* monitor, not from the middle of the  
> two?
> a sample page is here
> http://bradtrent.com/gallery3/gallery312.html

So the client maximises his/her browser over 2 monitors ? Sounds  
completely crazy, but I stopped being surprised by clients.

body{max-width:1280px; margin:0} /* for good browsers */
for IE 6 and max-width

Philippe Wittenbergh

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