Daniel Hammond wrote:
> | You can use overflow-x and overflow-y properties separately, 
> | instead of just "overflow: scroll"
> | 
> | http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/#overflow 
> | 
> | It's been supported since Mozilla 1.8 and IE5. I think all 
> | browsers support it even though it wasn't part of CSS2.1 
> | specs (it will likely be in CSS3).
> | 
> | Sounds like a topic for a blog post ;-)
> | 
> | -Estelle
> Very good. I used "overflow-x: scroll" and it fixed the problem. Thanks very
> much for your help. Now about what you mentioned regarding the potential
> situation where I may not know the required width... Do you know of
> something that would work if that were the case?
> Thanks again,
> Daniel

Re: <http://www.studentremix.org/test/ms/media.htm>

For CSS this can only be done with media queries [1] [2].

@media all and (min-width:800px) {
   iframe {overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden;}

This will only work in Safari and Opera.

1. <http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/>
2. <http://css-class.com/test/css/selectors/media/min-width1.htm>

Alan http://css-class.com/

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