Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
Erika Meyer wrote:

I think that one issue is that there still tends to be a big real-world divide between designers and developers. Very few people "design" in CSS, and from what I've seen, there is little financial incentive to do so.

Granted. Emphasis is, as always, financial incentive.

That's a huge barrier.

True. Barriers are made to be broken, though. I wish I were among those who could do so...

Instead, the web dev model is still (as far as I can tell) wireframe -> photoshop -> CSS . Web design is still a relatively new field, and a lot of designers (and perhaps more importantly, employers) are still thinking in print. The ongoing desire to have a site look and behave the same in all browsers is evidence of that.

Sites can and do look and behave the same cross-browser employing CSS. That is not the issue. It is the overwhelming desire to emulate print on the Web that is at issue.

I know my "broad content concept --> source-code --> CSS --> test across
media --> add imagery --> enhance --> repeat until finished" model is
not widely used. One has to visualize in code from the start to use it,
which probably throws visual designers - print designers - off.
Much easier to start with the "picture" itself and trivialize the rest
until it breaks. One can't easily blame the "picture" for weakening the
code necessary to realize it, so the "picture-makers" go free and the
overall cost goes up.

It is my opinion, a more sensible and meaningful front-end development concept will win out in the end. In the meantime only the brave and daring are willing to go your route. But they grow in number. Some are found among the contributers and posters to this list...

Guess that's why so many web creations tend to break under the slightest
amount of stress and can not be easily redesigned with CSS alone to work
in/on other media than the regular "browser defaults on screens" setting
- that's most likely all they are made for.

Such sites are made to satisfy a prevailing need to succeed. And until such time as these sites are replaced by efforts to succeed within the wider gates and freedom offered by the Web and the intrinsic merits of CSS we live with emulated unreadable broken magazine ads.

The way toward change in web design trends is always by setting examples, especially high-profile examples.

Know of any existing ones out here?

There are some out there. Not many. There will be more. Someone will break the barrier. Others will follow suit...




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