> From: Nancy Johnson [mailto:njohnso...@gmail.com] 
> The problem with getting rid of IE6 is too many internal
> applications
> especially in the business community will only work in IE6,
> like the
> internal application we use.
> From: Michael Stevens <bigm...@bigmikes.org>
> So, who's the rocket scientist that decided it would be
> a good idea to write
> applications with ONE and ONLY ONE viable program to run
> those programs?

Yes, unfortunately we are all paying the price for bad decisions and practices 
undertaken by a) poor application developers b) short-sighted IT departments. 
These past mistakes, together with an unwillingness to rectify them, have cost 
our industry a LOT of money, and have held back innovation dramatically.

This is not to say you cannot ostracise IE6 users from your website. Just be 
aware that some of your target audience will not be able to view your site in 
all its glory. If your site has a target audience of 'everyone', that's bad 
news. If you chose to alienate people accessing from within a poor business 
environment (and, to some extent, those on older hardware), that's completely 
up to you.

- Bobby

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