Michael Leibson wrote:

> [...] Related questions:   why, if using an <li> without an ordered 
> or unordered list is not allowed, does it work on my site?   What are
>  the negative consequences of using it that way?

1: you're relying on browsers' error correction, which may or may not
give the same results across browser-land. There's no standard for error
correction, so even if something works in most browsers you can't
complain if it breaks anywhere.

2: non-standard constructions are more problematic to style and debug,
since the standardized relationships don't exist.

3: you're learning a bad habit, and such habits are often hard to
unlearn once they get stuck.

If/when such "bad habits and designer bugs" becomes frequent for your
work, and you need help to fix something, even if it is or seems to be
unrelated you may be met with the following response...
...and not much else.

We expect people who ask for help to at least have done their homework -
the best they can, and won't waste time on going through all the
unnecessary and "self-inflicted" weaknesses that _may_ cause problems
but _maybe_ do not. That's your department, and you've got standards and
validators to help you.

> But while I understand how my background's width causes the 
> horizontal scrollbar, how does the "left: 50%;" affect either the 
> scrollbar or my friend's 'zooming' of all elements?

Have no idea about your friend's zooming effect since I can't see or
analyze his browser/OS. Also: I still don't know what or how wide a
"zillion-pixel-wide" screen is, so I can't emulate it.

> Aside from using a fluid design, is there any way I could have it 
> both ways?

Sure. You can use a fixed sized background on a fluid container.
Fixed-width design doesn't mean all containers have to be fixed-width,
only that it appears that way.

Your design will fit in a 1024px wide browser window at default settings
with a non-fixed container for the background - without causing a
horizontal scrollbar, and still hold a wider background for wider windows.

>> <http://www.gunlaug.no/tos/alien/ml/test_09_0410.html>
> . . . For some reason, I keep getting a "not found" error message 
> when trying to go to that URL.

The URL is working, so can't help you there.

Anyway, just add...
p, li {border: solid 1px red!important;}
...to your stylesheet, to see how wide those elements are - or use one
of the available designer tools to the same effect.

>> FWIW: it looks like you're attempting to recreate print design on 
>> the web, and that rarely ever works well.
> I know.  The problem, though, was that I needed to get the site up 
> immediately -- it's the second site I've ever done, and I'm very slow
>  at this kind of thing.

Nothing special about that - a lot to learn. Just don't put design
before structure, as "nice designs" on weak structures are less than a
dime a dozen on the web already - and they're causing more problems than
all browser bugs put together.

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