On Apr 11, 2009, at 5:46 AM, Michael Leibson wrote:

> Thanks, Phillipe!

>> Here is how it looks like, when I force the window to the width of  
>> the
> monitor -windoze users call that full screen or something:
>> <http://dev.l-c-n.com/_b/ml.png>
>> I zoomed the text, note how the selected part overflows the sand  
>> background (and is then unreadable).
> Wow, pretty gruesome!  However, I intentionally made the font size  
> super-big, in the hope that everyone who can read will be able to do  
> so without text-zooming.  Should I worry?

Obviously yes, as the text becomes unreadable. 'font size super-big'  
is very relative. For my eyes, the body text is about just right, but  
certainly _not_ big, let alone super-big; for others it might be small.

> One more question, if I may:  I see that, on your computer, my  
> 'contact' link (top right of page) actually displays as an email  
> 'envelope' symbol.  Is that your computer/browser's default display  
> for any <href="mailto. . . > code -- or is my html incorrect?  (On  
> my FF 3.0.4, on Windows XP, I simply see what I'd intended --  
> "contact", with no symbol.)

That is me, my user stylesheet actually, who injects that.
a[href^="mailto:"]::after {content: url("moz-icon://.EML?size=16")}

Philippe Wittenbergh

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