
Several weeks ago, I
sought and received some help from this list re. my www.thinkingmusic.ca 
While building two more
pages for that site -- www.thinkingmusic.ca/analyses/coltrane,
and www.thinkingmusic.ca/analyses (the much smaller page of the two), I’ve 
begun to implement some of your recommendations.  
One of these was to allow
containers’ heights to be deterimined by their contents, rather than by a
given, fixed amount.   I’ve now tried to
do that, by giving my absolutely positioned divs positions for left, top, and
right, but leaving their bottoms as “auto”.
To get all containers to
‘conclude’ at the same point, at the bottom of the page, I’ve given their
bottom-most elements the margin-bottom measurements required to do that.  
However, I’m getting unexpected results that
I don’t understand:  
1) Firefox, Safari, Opera
and IE each interprets the measurements between successive link-containing ul’s
(within the page’s #left div) differently, which means that that div only
concludes at the same point as its neighbouring div in Firefox (within which I
designed the page), and no other browser.  Instead of all divs ending at the 
same place at the bottom of the page,
I get a ragged end-of-page.

2) In Firefox, zooming all
elements gives the #left div greater or lesser height than its neighbouring
div, depending on the degree of zoom.
Are these differences the
result of my own errors, or normal browser behaviour?
If the result of browser
behaviour, I’d rather just find a way to ensure that all divs conclude at the
same point (and leave the minor differences alone), rather than write
re-calibrated measurements for each browser.  Is there a way to do this?
Thanks, in advance, for
any light you can shed on this.

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