Michael Leibson wrote:

>>> www.thinkingmusic.ca/analyses

> You guys aren't 'mere web developers' -- you're mathematicians!


When dealing with browsers that's definitely an advantage.
Apart from that; when one has created and modified a few thousand
layouts, the only problem is which solution(s) to choose amongst the
many one knows will work for the case at hand.

To use the same page for more examples - different ways to achieve the
same thing, here are two identically-looking pages...


These two have the left sidebar absolute positioned from inside an
absolute positioned main column, which mean I've gone back to your
absolute positioning method but rearranged the markup ever so slightly
but modified it slightly to make it work as you wanted.

"test_09_0511-a" has the sidebar above the main content in the markup -
like your original page, while "test_09_0511-b" has the sidebar below
the main content. As you can see the source-order can be modified to
either main content first or main content last, based on the exact same
stylesheet with the exact same absolute positioning...


Now, note that this method only works well when the main column is at
least tall enough to stretch the sidebar to a reasonable height. To
short a main column will make the sidebar look crammed, so you may have
to add a suitable min-height to #main if you don't have enough content.
I've used #main {min-height: 1200px;} which has no effect on the
examples since the amount of content pushes it taller, but the optimal
value depends on how much you want to put into the left sidebar.

I added in a "jagged bottom-edge" just to show what we mean by that.
By applying #left {bottom: 10px;} I'd mad sure the sidebar will always
be 10px shorter than the main column, regardless of how tall the main
column is or ends up being when you resize text. I think it looks better
this way.

To give you a bit more to build on; read this ALA article...

Also; for the examples above I used my own IE-expression to make IE6
play ball...

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