I tried the three add-ons, "Dust-Me Selectors", "CSS Usage" and "Firefinder for 
Firebug" (most likely a bit rapidly) and all three seem to get me at least some 
of the information I need.

I only have 10 pages done at this time and it was already a bit fastidious 
going to all of them one by one to activate the add-ons. However, Dust-Me 
Selectors is certainly the most mature of the three and lets you spider the 
site with a sitemap and also save the data.

CSS Usage remembers what was seen previously when going from one page to 
another until you clear the data. It seems to ignore some pseudo-classes: they 
are marked unseen but I'm sure they are used.

FireFinder does one page at a time, but the point of this add-on is different.

In my short test I found two selectors that were not used, although I had gone 
through the stylesheets by hand not long before. I don't even know how they got 
there... Probably they got left in place after I changed the html of the page. 
It goes to show that such tools are useful (unless you feel unused selectors do 
no harm, which could be a valid point).

So I think I'll keep them all and see how it goes as I do more pages. Since 
there is a plan to have a xml sitemap when going live, I should be able to use 
that for the final check.

If anyone finds anything else, please share.



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