The only way I can think of is to to do a search for class name or ID name.  
Notepad is pretty good doing this.  Try Edit, Find.  Then you can use Find Next 
to go to the next occurence.  For ID you will have only one item on the page so 
that is not the problem.


--- On Thu, 8/7/10, Ellen Herzfeld <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am doing a make over of a large site. There is a lot of
> tweaking.
> I use firebug and the webkit dev tools (and even the IE dev
> tools sometimes) but I'm looking for something different.
> When I go over my stylesheets to clean them up and organize
> them in a way that's comprehensible to me at least, I
> sometimes wonder why I have this rule. I use some classes
> and ids for the selectors when I can't figure out how to do
> otherwise, but I mostly try to avoid having them all over
> the place. When the stylesheet starts getting a bit long I
> find that the reason for a rule isn't always totally obvious
> and it sometimes takes me a while to remember or figure out
> where it is used. I also want to avoid putting comments
> everywhere.
> I would like a tool that takes a rule and goes through my
> pages and gives me a report on where the rule is actually
> really used.
> So if it isn't used anywhere anymore (most likely because I
> changed something somewhere) I will be able to remove it
> safely.

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