Barney Carroll wrote:

The line between philosophy&  politics blurs! If it works, I'll do it.
If it doesn't I won't. The question is ideological and we could debate
it for yonks. Ultimately, I believe posters come here for practical
advice. If they were looking for the spec, a bot could do a better job
than the lot of us.

OK, one last attempt and then I'll shut up.  What is "practical advice" ?
Is it (for example) "This will work in all browsers currently known to
man, but violates one or more W3C specifications" ?  If so, then how
can you (as the person offering the advice) have any confidence that
it will also work in next year's browser, or next week's, or even
tomorrow's ?  If, on the other hand, the practical advice were
"This will work in all browsers currently known to man, and is
fully compliant with all relevant W3C specifications", then would
not you (as the author) and I (as the consumer) have justifiable
confidence that it will continue to work in future browsers for
some considerable time to come ?

Over and out.
** Phil.
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