At 16:49 +0100 on 03/30/2011, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote about [css-d] Erratum:

Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

 Surely the goal is to write fully conformant documents that
 render reliably (if not necessarily consistently) in all
 mainstream browsers; if the alternative is to write non-
 conformant documents in order to pander to the inability
 of browser vendors to W3C specifications, then count me
 out, please.

"... to pander to the inability of browser vendors to comply
  with W3C specifications ...".

I question if "inability" is the correct description. With some browser vendors IMO a more accurate term would be "refusal". They can but do not for their own reasons. Their attitude, to paraphrase a famous movie line, is "W3C Specifications? Our Browsers don't need to obey/conform-to no Stinking W3C Specifications".
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