Years ago I read a book on typography and it didn't click until today that the 
"em" isn't strictly a horizontal measurement in CSS.  I'd never thought that 
hard about it until today. I was naturally concluding that "em "was a 
horizontal measurement and "ex" was vertical - and that either could be used as 
relative measurements.  I'd never thought otherwise until today. 

I read the CSS2 spec this afternoon,  and learned that the em is really an "em 
square" and the square is how font-size is determined.

So out of new-found ignorance, I have questions:

1. If em is really the "em square", and ex is strictly an "x", then am I right 
to conclude there is not a relative horizontal measurement?
2. Since the em is a square,  width of the glyph affects line-height, right? 
3. Since "ex" isn't an "ex square", body{font-size: 2ex}   sets the width of 
the glyph's the same as its height, correct?
4. Is this the reason that body{line-height: 2ex} is shorter than 
body{line-height: 1em}?

Since font-size is always a square, then "em" seems appropriate when the 
typeface is more squared. Therefore:
1. If the typeface is wider than it is tall, it seems that I should use 
body{line-height: 2ex} rather than body{line-height: 1em} or 
2. If the typeface is taller than it is wide, then it  seems that I should 

This morning I totally understood font-sizing. Now I don't know anything. 
Please share any insights you have. 

<signature id="paceaux">
   Frank M Taylor

On Jan 24, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Tim Climis wrote:

>> From my this, it really visually appears as if the em is not an "m" or an 
>> "M" in
>> even the most plain typeface. That's when the text is centered. If it's left 
>> or
>> right aligned, you can fit in two more "m".
> As has been discussed before in this thread, em is not a horizontal measure.  
> It is a vertical measure, and is defined as the size of the font.
> Directly from the CSS 1 spec (just to show that it's always been defined this 
> way - at least in CSS) "ems, the height of the element's font"  
> The CSS 2.1 spec gets more precise, particularly in regard to x-height. 
> It was (a really long time ago, and only a really long time ago *in print*) a 
> measure of the width of a capital M.  It has been (and is defined in the CSS 
> spec as) the font height for quite a while.
>> more interestingly, I looked at the "computed size" in Chrome, and it
>> reported that the div had a calculated size of 140px.
> That's not interesting at all.  That's expected.  The font-size is 14px (you 
> set it to that).  1 em is the font-size.  So 10em would be 14px x 10=140px.

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