Hi Colin,

Yeah that approach is called "mobile first". It's gotten to be really popular. A
few months ago though I read a good article call "Desktop First" that argued the
opposite approach...but I can't find it again (I'll keep looking).
BTW - when was that book published? I thought most mobile UAs supported MQ's by
now....I could be wrong.

As for me I work from the desktop down, it just makes more sense for me.


> On August 22, 2013 at 9:10 PM "Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh"
> <sandy.pittendr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Been reading Implementing Responsive Design by Tim Kadlec--which is
> surprisingly well-written for an IT book.
> Kadlec seems to recommend building a site's CSS from the cell phone
> up--because some phones still don't handle media queries. In other words
> he starts off by making his sites look good at the smallest resolution, and
> then uses media queries (and sometimes Javascript) to add floats and what
> ever else is needed to make the site look right as the view port increases.
> This came as a surprise to me. I assumed everybody did the opposite: still
> build for the desktop, then fiddle with media queries and viewport widths
> to make the site acceptable for pads and phones too.
> His approach does sometimes require Javascript, to loop through all the
> block elements of a certain class and then add to add CSS as needed.
> What are the group's thoughts about this approach? Do you build from the
> desktop down, or from the cell phone up?
> --
> /* Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh >--oO0> */
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