On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Norman Fournier
<nor...@normanfournier.com> wrote:
> If you're in a sharing mood, Tom, it would be great if you would post your 
> solutions to this mailing list, and we could all benefit from your hard work 
> ;-)
> On 2013-08-23, at 10:24 AM, Tom Livingston wrote:

Like I said, this is low-tech. But it's quick, requires less effort
and so far has not caused any pain that I'm aware of.

Also, I certainly didn't think this up. I read about this technique
and it made sense to me. Possibly from Andy Clarke. I will say that I
hardly ever hear about so it's either common place, or unpopular.
Either way, it works for me. YMMV. I am allergic to polyfils and use
very few of them. The only one I can think of that I use regularly is
selectivizr (http://selectivizr.com/).


I have a main scss file that looks like:

@import "normalize.scss";
@import "forms.scss";
@import "fonts.scss";

@import "base.scss";

@media only all and (min-width: 480px){
    @import "480.scss";

@media only all and (min-width: 600px){
    @import "600.scss";

@media only all and (min-width: 768px){
    @import "768.scss";

@media only all and (min-width: 960px){
    @import "960.scss";

/* For modern browsers */
.clear:before, .clear:after {content:""; display:block;}
.clear:after {clear:both;}
.clear {zoom:1;}/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */

And an IE sheet that looks like:

@import "480.scss";

@import "600.scss";

@import "768.scss";

@import "960.scss";

The IE sheet is importing the same styles as the main sheet, minus the
MQs, inside a conditional for IE < 9. Sheets outside of the MQs in the
main sheet still work for IE. The cascade then builds the desktop-only
page for old IE, in my case 7 and 8.

These are scss imports which happen in preprocessing and are not
causing multiple server calls. The result is only 2 sheets, main and
ie < 9.

The base sheet is my mobile starting point, with usually only
typographic styles and such with little or no layout styles. This is
the base a "dumb" phone will get. Sheets build up from there as the
width gets wider.

I have conditionals around my <html> element, adding classes for 7 and
8, and I add specific 7/8 styles as needed in the individual break
point sheets. Yes, this causes good browsers to also download
ie-specific styles as well, but they are usually only a few lines and
I can live with that. It's one less server call. I find it much easier
to just keep all the element styles together, rather than to jump out
to another sheet to do a style related to the element I'm working on
in the main sheet. But that's just me. Feel free to create an
IE-specific sheet and tack in on the end of the above IE scss file.

I'm no guru. This is just what works for me.



Tom Livingston | Senior Front-End Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com
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