i think it's a good way of thinking, the limited space does force you to go minimal and abstract as much as possible with your content and how you present it.

on the topic of mobile-first vs desktop-first, there is an alternative - the goldilocks approach[1], which sits right in the middle, i'd say.


[1] - http://goldilocksapproach.com/demo/

Dne 23. 8. 2013 3:10, Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh napsal(a):
Been reading Implementing Responsive Design by Tim Kadlec--which is
surprisingly well-written for an IT book.

Kadlec seems to recommend building a site's CSS from the cell phone
up--because some phones  still don't handle media queries.  In other words
he starts off by making his sites look good at the smallest resolution, and
then uses media queries (and sometimes Javascript) to add floats and what
ever else is needed to make the site look right as the view port increases.

This came as a surprise to me. I assumed everybody did the opposite: still
build for the desktop, then fiddle with media queries and viewport widths
to make the site acceptable for pads and phones too.

His approach does sometimes require Javascript, to loop through all the
block elements of a certain class and then add to add CSS as needed.

What are the group's thoughts about this approach?  Do you build from the
desktop down, or from the cell phone up?

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