On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 15:24:33 -0700, John <j...@coffeeonmars.com> wrote:

>On 9/21/13 2:44 PM, Freelance Traveller wrote:
>> I'd just tend to write
>> to the standard,
>And what would that standard be? It's almost as though there are two: 
>the w3c-compliant world, and the IE world.

Less so now than formerly, I think; recent versions - IE7 and later,
really - have done a far better job of compliance with the W3C standard
than earlier versions. And that largely seems to have been because of
developer pressure. Yes, there are still - and probably always will be -
areas where IE diverges from W3C, but I think that, more and more, it's
for legacy support rather than future lock-in.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
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