nov 7 2014 23:32 Crest Christopher <>:

> which is faster IIS or PHP ?

IIS is a server, PHP is a language that can run on servers. You're trying to 
compare apples to baskets. 

I haven’t looked at the Watermark code, but likely this is something in 
ASP.NET? If so that of course runs in IIS and possibly also on Apache with 
mod_mono The latter is probably 
not something for you and IIS is likely to be the best for ASP.NET.

Nevertheless, switching servers because of one function that is also available 
in other packages NOT on ASP.NET is a tad strange. What are you going to do 
when you find some new hot code that can’t run well on IIS?

I’m not saying not to choose IIS, but build a solid base for choosing 
technology that you can stick with for years to come.

Personally I don’t care for either PHP or ASP.NET.

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