
On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 2:15 PM, J.C. Berry <jcharlesbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have read that on mobile devices it is better to move your nav to the
> bottom of the screen. First of all, do you agree? Secondly, how can you
> move something down that may be in the HTML above the other elements?

You could use flexbox and the `order` property:


“The CSS order property specifies the order used to lay out flex items
in their flex container. Elements are laid out in the ascending order
of the order value. Elements with the same order value are laid out in
the order in which they appear in the source code.”

For a shameless plug, I wrote a jQuery plugin to tackle a similar
issue (I needed to move elements around depending on breakpoints):


Put simply, the above plugin makes a copy of the markup and that can
be controlled via CSS to show/hide depending on breakpoint. Or you
could just use it to re-arrange the page content and hid its original
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