-Caveat Lector-

On Sunday, December 27, 1998 9:39 AM, KA [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Sun, 27 Dec 1998, Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
> >over by the Roman Catholic Church . . . with the result that the world
> >became civilized.
> THAT's debatable!

Debatable, yes, but I submit we're coasting on the civilization brought to
the world by the Roman Catholic Church between 4th and 14th century (one
hundred years or so before Apostate priest Luther started changing the
Bible which the Catholic monks of the Middle ages had preserved after the
Catholic Popes (Damascus I to Gregory the Great) compiled and St. Jerome
translated.) Now, as paganism revives, civilization is in a free-fall.

> >And now the forces of neo-paganism with their birth
> >prevention (anti-baby) pills, abortion, "mercy" killing and the whole
> Hogwash.  I know plenty of 'neo pagans', including Wiccans, who don't
> believe in abortion nor euthanasia...and plenty of Roman Catholics who
> do...

I know you're right about the traitorous, apostate Roman Catholics (many
too dumb and shallow to know of their infidelity) and don't know any
Wiccans ---  but as I understand it, both are simply in contradiction of
their professed group's doctrine.

> Are you telling us you are against birth control pills, too?

Absolutely. Better to call them birth prevention pills, or anti-baby pills.
They do tremendous harm to women, too. This is where the many Protestant
religions bit the dust (again) in following the demonic Margaret Sanger,
while the Roman Catholic Church has been consistent and held firm. (All
Protestant religions in the USA, except the liberal plants like
Unitarianism) were anti-birth control in 1930, for instance.
> >Many neo-pagans think they have a great "find" when they reveal that
> >cultures have the story of a Savior, and mother and child "team" like
> >and Mary, etc. Did it ever occur to any of these neo-pagans that the
> >way these "legends" could have appeared in so many cultures is that they
> >have a common source? And that source was the promise of a Savior for
> >mankind passed on by Noah after the great flood.
> Then explain to us the flood legends which come to us from civilizations
> which PRE-DATE Noah?  ;-)

OK. I should have said that Adam and Eve were promised a Savior, and that
the promise they passed on got distorted in many cultures up to the time of
Noah -- but you have to sometimes try to cut these posts short when you
think you've made the essential point.

> Let alone the 'saviour' legends which also come from those pre-Noah
> cultures...

Same deal -- or are you suggesting that "evolution" planted these notions
in widely diverse peoples, all getting the idea independently, or what are
you suggesting regarding the prevalence of the Savior or the Mother/Child
team legends found in so many cultures?

> >And those who believe that Jesus is a myth, might try to explain the
> >of Turin, which still defies all explanations despite Ruling Elite
> There are as many scientific studies debunking the shroud as supporting
> the theory that it's Jesus' actual shroud...it all boils down to FAITH...

I don't think so. They can't reproduce the shroud today, despite much
high-falutin bunk that hopes you infer that they can. Also, the Shroud had
certain pollens in it that were only found in the Mid-east area.

> It is by FAITH alone that one is saved, not by turning THINGS into icons
> and worshipping them...
Here, here; so true. Who said anything about worshiping icons? Material
things or signs are sometimes given to strengthen Faith. But, check out St.
Paul, you need to believe with a Divine Faith, and you need to believe what
Christ taught " . . . he who hears the Church (singular), hears Me." It's
in St. Mark and elsewhere. It is blasphemy to believe that the Holy Ghost
inspires dozens of "churches" which contradict themselves on the most basic
points, such as what it takes to be saved. God is truth, and not a bundle
of contradictions. One Faith, one Church, one magisterial voice, one flock,
one Shepherd.

> >Incorruptibles, (see book by Joan Carroll), etc. and so on. As Joe
> >said, if you think that Jesus was a hoax, consider that His words are
> >be quoted 2000 years later ---
> And how long have the Buddha's words been quoted...or those of the
> Hindus...or of Confuscius, or Lao-Tze?  All those religions have been
> around much longer than Christianity...
Good point. But I believe all those religions are based on real men, not on
hoaxes. It's only Christ that claims to have risen from the dead. The
others didn't dare, or didn't think to make such claims. :^)    Jim Condit

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> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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