-Caveat Lector-


The Assault on the Presidency

by Edward Spannaus and Jeffrey Steinberg
Printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.


April 1991: Linda Tripp goes to work for the Bush White House as a political
appointee, following a series of civil service jobs in the Department of

November-December 1992: At the recommendation of senior Bush administration
people, the Clinton transition team hires Linda Tripp as an administrative

January-March 1993: After working initially for Presidential aide Bruce
Lindsey, Tripp is assigned to the Office of Legal Counsel, working for
Bernard Nussbaum and sometimes for Vincent Foster.

Winter 1993: Tony Snow, a conservative columnist on the payroll of Rupert
Murdoch's Fox TV, introduces New York City literary agent Lucianne Goldberg
to Linda Tripp, as Goldberg is seeking contracts for anti-Clinton books.

Feb. 11, 1994: Paula Jones holds a press conference, claiming she had been
accosted by Governor Clinton.

March-April 1994: The Sunday Telegraph's Washington bureau chief, Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, holds a series of meetings with Paula Jones and her
lawyers, pressing her to file a lawsuit against the President.

April 1994: Tripp is transferred from her White House job to a position at
the Pentagon. Clinton loyalists have already become suspicious that Tripp
has been a ``mole'' for Republican Get Clinton forces. Tripp lies to
colleagues at the Pentagon that she was expelled from the White House
because she ``knew too much about Whitewater.''

May 5, 1994: Paula Jones files her lawsuit against Bill Clinton. She
receives extensive financial support from conservative and evangelical legal
foundations, most of them funded by Richard Mellon Scaife.

Summer 1994: Kenneth Starr is preparing a pro bono legal brief for women's
groups supporting Paula Jones. He is simultaneously doing work for the
Landmark Legal Foundation, one of the groups bankrolled by Mellon Scaife.

Aug. 5, 1994: Starr is named to replace Robert Fiske as Whitewater
independent counsel. The three-judge selection panel is headed by Appellate
Court Judge David Sentelle.

Summer 1995: Monica Lewinsky becomes an unpaid intern in the White House.
She is later given a paid job there, answering correspondence.

July-August 1995: Tripp testifies before the Senate Whitewater committee
about events surrounding the death of Vincent Foster.

April 17, 1996: Lewinsky is transferred to the Pentagon.

Autumn 1996: Lewinsky meets Tripp.

November 1996: Starr begins questioning Arkansas state troopers about
Clinton's extramarital affairs, although there is no clear mandate for this
line of investigation.

Spring 1997:Newsweek's Michael Isakoff first meets Linda Tripp, while
Isakoff is working on the Paula Jones case. Lucianne Goldberg attends some
of the Tripp-Isakoff meetings.

August 1997: Tripp speaks to Newsweek about an alleged sexual encounter
between President Clinton and Kathleen Willey.

Aug. 11, 1997: President Clinton's personal attorney, Robert Bennett,
attacks Tripp's credibility after the Willey story breaks in the news, and
Willey denies the Tripp allegations.

Late August 1997: Linda Tripp begins taping phone conversations with Monica

October 1997: Tripp and Isakoff meet with Lucianne Goldberg, in Joshua
Goldberg's Washington apartment. Tripp plays several of the Lewinsky tapes
for Goldberg.

Autumn 1997: The Rutherford Institute, which is now representing Paula
Jones, reportedly receives three anonymous phone calls from a woman,
alerting them to a Lewinsky-Clinton ``affair.'' Earlier, an anonymous call,
also from a woman, had reportedly tipped off the Rutherford lawyers about
Katherine Willey.

Dec. 17, 1997: Lewinsky and Tripp are subpoenaed by Jones's lawyers, to be
depositioned for the upcoming civil suit against the President.

Dec. 26, 1997: Lewinsky leaves her job at the Pentagon.

Jan. 7, 1998: Lewinsky signs an affidavit denying that she had had an affair
with President Clinton.

Jan. 10-12, 1998: Sometime during this 72-hour period, Linda Tripp brings
her tapes to Kenneth Starr.

Jan. 13, 1998: Tripp meets Lewinsky at Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City,
Virginia; Tripp is wearing a wire, with FBI agents in hiding. At this point,
Starr still has no jurisdiction to probe the Lewinsky matter.

Jan. 15, 1998: Starr meets Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and requests
expansion of his investigative authority.

Jan. 16, 1998: Reno applies to the three-judge panel for expansion of
Starr's investigation. The request is immediately approved.

Jan. 16, 1998: Starr interviews Hillary Clinton under oath at the White

Jan. 16, 1998: Tripp meets Lewinsky at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel; FBI agents
grab Lewinsky and bring her up to a hotel suite, where they try to compel
her to take immunity--without a lawyer present--and then attempt to entrap
Vernon Jordan and President Clinton's personal secretary, Betty Currie.

Jan. 18, 1998: Clinton's deposition is taken in Paula Jones case.

 Top of Page The Assault on the Presidency Site Map Overview Page

The preceding article is a rough version of the article that appeared in The
Executive Intelligence Review. It is made available here with the permission
of The Executive Intelligence Review. Any use of, or quotations from, this
article must attribute them to The Executive Intelligence Review.

 Top of Page Assault on the Presidency Site Map Overview Page

The preceding article is a rough version of the article that appeared in The
Executive Intelligence Review. It is made available here with the permission
of The Executive Intelligence Review. Any use of, or quotations from, this
article must attribute them to The Executive Intelligence Review.


Publications and Subscriptions for sale.

Stop the Assault on the Presidency! -- Pamphlet -- $5.00; One Hour
Videotape -- $25.00

EIR Issue, March 13, 1998: The Olson-Starr Salon: Plotting Against the
President -- $10.00

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