-Caveat Lector-

Barb Witt wrote:
>Since you seem very convinced, and recite your story as if factual, it
>would be helpful to me if you could provide at least one or two specific
>details, eg, who are the members of this cabal, how do they choose their
>victims, are they all the victims of this group "important political
>figures," what is the agenda of this group, etc.  Sorry, it just seems
>improbable to me that it would take a well-orchestrated cabal, major
>planning, and an entire caste of characters flawlessly executing
>pre-planned movements to get Clinton to drop his pants, or lie, etc.
If you're truly interested in learning how this cabal operates, try reading
the following article.  It may interest you to know that Theodore Olson is
married to the Barbara Olson who has been appearing on the talk-show
circuit, especially Larry King Live.



 This article appeared in the March 13, 1998 issue of Executive Intelligence

Secret Operation vs. Clinton Is Run by Olson-Starr Salon
by Edward Spannaus
Dramatic new information developed by EIR on the role of Washington lawyer
Theodore B. Olson as the power behind independent counsel Kenneth Starr,
suggests that President Clinton is the target of an illegal, rogue
intelligence operation being carried out under the putative authority of the
1981 Presidential Executive Order 12333.

There are close parallels between the operation being run against Clinton,
and that carried out against Lyndon LaRouche by some of the same circles, in
the 1980s. The railroad against LaRouche was conducted as a covert foreign
intelligence operation under the provisions of E.O. 12333--which permitted
the "privatization" of intelligence operations. Key to the ensuing
prosecution and judicial frame-up of LaRouche was a "softening up" process
of defamation conducted through news media assets of George Bush's "secret

This propaganda campaign was coordinated through a series of secret "Get
LaRouche" meetings at the New York apartment of Wall Street spook/financier
John Train--in what has become known as the "Train salon"--which included
representatives of government intelligence and law enforcement agencies,
plus news media representatives, including the Wall Street Journal. The
"Train salon" was a project of the "Public Diplomacy" effort run out of the
National Security Council, under the direction of George Bush's national
security adviser Donald Gregg, and Gregg's associate, longtime CIA
propaganda specialist Walter Raymond. According to evidence obtained by the
Congressional committees investigating Iran-Contra, the initial financing
for the Public Diplomacy program came from two intelligence-linked sources:
Richard Mellon Scaife's foundations, and the Smith-Richardson Foundation.

As we shall see, the same sort of "public-private" operation is now being
conducted against President Clinton, by circles around Theodore Olson.

In the LaRouche case, the "foreign counterintelligence" hook for the
investigation was the allegation--circulated by Henry Kissinger and circles
in the FBI--that LaRouche was a Soviet agent of influence, or a Soviet
disinformation agent. It is likely that, in the case of Clinton, the pretext
is the charge, circulating widely among circles within the FBI and private
right-wing networks, that Clinton is guilty of treason for allowing secret
intelligence to flow to China, in exchange for campaign contributions.

The Olson salon
The "Get Clinton" salon meets regularly at the home of former Justice
Department official Olson, a longtime close friend and associate of Kenneth
Starr, and of Olson's wife Barbara, chief counsel for Rep. Dan Burton's
House Government Reform and Oversight Committee. Burton's committee has been
noisily conducting investigations of the "Chinagate" allegations around
Democratic Party campaign fundraising, and of other alleged Clinton
administration transgressions.

The gatherings include: Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr, Federal appeals
court judge Laurence Silberman, former judge Robert Bork, Supreme Court
associate justice Clarence Thomas, Wall Street Journal editor Robert
Bartley, American Spectator editor Emmett Tyrrell, and many others.

A glimpse into the Olson salon can be found in the July 1997 Esquire
magazine, in an article by David Brock, titled "Confessions of a Right-Wing
Hit Man." Brock was the author of the Scaife-financed "Troopergate" article
in the January 1994 American Spectator--on whose board Ted Olson sits. Brock
described how he had been a guest at the wedding of Ted and Barbara Olson in
the summer of 1996, where "the entire anti-Clinton establishment" was on
hand, including Starr, former Bush White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray, and
the Wall Street Journal's Bartley. Brock says that Barbara Olson then
dis-invited him from another party at her home a few weeks later--after word
had leaked out that Brock's new book, The Seduction of Hillary Clinton, was
too sympathetic to the First Lady.

The collaboration between Olson and Starr goes back over 20 years, when they
were both partners in the Los Angeles-based law firm Gibson Dunn and
Crutcher; both men came to the Justice Department in 1981, when Gibson
senior partner William French Smith was named U.S. Attorney General at the
beginning of the Reagan administration. Olson is now back at the Washington
office of the Gibson firm; Starr has gone on to the Chicago-based law firm
Kirkland and Ellis.

Olson--to put it bluntly--runs Kenneth Starr. He is the one with the
"overview," and is said to be the direct link between Starr and the Justice
Department permanent bureaucracy around Jack Keeney and Mark Richard. Olson
played the central role in putting together Starr's staff, and is
responsible for the collection of career Justice Department prosecutors who
have been recruited to Starr's operation. Since Starr himself is not a
prosecutor, and has never tried a criminal case in his life, he is totally
dependent on the thugs whom Olson is responsible for bringing on board.

In our last issue, we described some of Starr's prosecutors. Some of them
are especially notorious for targetting black and Hispanic elected
officials. For example, Hickman Ewing, from Memphis, Tennessee, conducted a
long--but ultimately unsuccessful--vendetta against Rep. Harold Ford, and
was also involved in the cover-up of the assassination of Martin Luther
King, Jr. Sol Wisenberg and Ray Jahn, from San Antonio, Texas (Starr's
hometown), targetted mayor and later Clinton cabinet official Henry
Cisneros, plus Rep. Albert Bustamante, and Rep. Craig Washington. Starr's
deputy Jackie Bennett, from Justice Department headquarters, also went out
to San Antonio to help in the Bustamante case. Starr's office includes
longtime Federal prosecutors from Mississippi, Florida, Virginia, and Los

Olson is also the link between Starr and Paula Jones's attorneys. Olson and
Robert Bork played judges in a "moot court" practice session with Jones's
lawyers before they argued the Jones v. Clinton case at the U.S. Supreme
Court. The practice session was held at the Army-Navy Club in Washington.

There is also a tie-in to Linda Tripp, who, as we detailed in the Feb. 27
EIR, met with Paula Jones's lawyers on the evening of Jan. 16, right before
they took President Clinton's deposition. Tripp briefed Jones's lawyers on
her conversations with Monica Lewinsky, which were electronically monitored
by the FBI under the direction of Starr's office. Tripp's lawyer James
Moody, who says that he was hired to put Tripp in contact with Starr, is in
the orbit of the right-wing "public interest law firms" tied to Olson and
Starr, and which are funded by Scaife. Moody has done legal work for both
the Landmark Legal Foundation and for the Washington Legal
Foundation--previously known as the Capital Legal Foundation.

The legal network
Olson and Starr are both part of a tight network of lawyers who work in
"conservative" legal foundations and other organizations. They both sit on
the Legal Advisory Councils of two such groups: the National Legal Center
for the Public Interest and the Washington Legal Foundation--both of which
are bankrolled by Mellon Scaife.

The National Legal Center for the Public Interest (NLCPI) is the umbrella
group for a nationwide network of "public interest" law firms. In addition
to Starr and Olson, its Legal Advisory Council includes George Bush's former
Attorney Generals Willim Barr and Richard Thornburgh, plus Robert Bork,
former Federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova (who has been prominent recently
in publicly defending Starr), and Eugene Meyer, the executive director of
the Federalist Society. NLCPI's Board of Directors includes former FBI
Director William Webster and Dr. David Davenport (president of Starr's next
planned stop, Pepperdine University).

Up until recently, Ted and Barbara Olson and Starr were members of the Legal
Policy Advisory Board of the Washington Legal Foundation (WLF). This board
also counts among its members: Prof. John Norton Moore (a fervent hater of
LaRouche and one of the authors of E.O. 12333); former Virginia Governor
George Allen; former DOJ official and later Massachusetts Governor William
Weld, who orchestrated the frame-up of LaRouche in 1984-88, first from
Boston, and then as head of the Justice Department's Criminal Division; and
Joseph diGenova. WLF's National Board of Advisors includes Senators Jesse
Helms, Fred Thompson, and Orrin Hatch, and Reps. Dan Burton, Bob Barr,
Robert Livingston, Chris Cox, Henry Hyde--and indeed, much of the
Congressional Republican leadership.

Olson is also on the legal advisory committee of an offshoot of the WLF
called the Center for Individual Rights, whose major funders are the
intelligence agency-linked "four sisters": the Smith-Richardson, Carthage
(Scaife), Lynde and Harry Bradley, and John M. Olin Foundations.

Additionally, Starr and Olson are activists in the Federalist Society, an
organization of "conservative" lawyers and businessmen which especially
targets law students for recruitment; Starr's and Olson's law firms are
significant financial supporters of the society, along with the John M. Olin
Foundation and others. The Federalist Society was founded in 1982 under the
guidance of now-Supreme Court associate justice Antonin Scalia. Olson chairs
the Washington, D.C. chapter; Starr has been a regular speaker at Federalist
Society events, and is closely associated with appeals court judge David
Sentelle in that organization. It was Sentelle who headed the three-judge
panel which fired the first Whitewater independent counsel and replaced him
with Starr in August 1994.

The national co-chairmen of the Federalist Society are Bork (a regular at
the Olson Salon) and Sen. Orrin Hatch, chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee. Also on the Board of Trustees are former White House Counsel C.
Boyden Gray, former Attorney General Edwin Meese (who presided over the
secretive Council for National Policy for four years), and CNP members
Holland Coors and Donald Hodel (now also head of the Christian Coalition).

Get LaRouche, Get Clinton
LaRouche recently concluded that the operation being run against Clinton is
the same one that was used against him. "This is a group of people who meet
weekly, or approximately weekly, in a `Get Clinton' operation, who are
evidently steering and coordinating the attack on the President, and running
Kenneth Starr's operation as a subsidiary operation," LaRouche said in a
March 4 radio interview with "EIR Talks." "This is being run as a foreign
intelligence operation, in style, under Executive Order 12333, a foreign
intelligence operation targetting our own President! That's what the facts
show is a pattern. In other words, you can't do what's being done, legally,
except in this quasi-legal covert operations provision of Executive Order
12333 and other things, and the guy who wrote that thing, or drafted it, is
a part of the same ambience that's running this style of operation."

LaRouche said that whether it's being run formally under E.O. 12333 or not,
"is not crucial, because it's a 12333-style operation. . . . If it is legal,
or quasi-legal, it is run under that Executive Order, which is a foreign
intelligence operation against our President, directed, overall, from

"Now, this is pretty close to high treason," LaRouche declared.

Noting that Olson is also running the operation in the Paula Jones case,
LaRouche said that this means that Starr's Office of Indpendent Counsel is
"being run under the management of an extra-governmental agency, operating
in a mode which corresponds only to a secret foreign intelligence operation,
under provisions of 12333. And these are the guys who managed, with Olson's
help, managed the appeal to the Supreme Court from the Paula Jones lawyers,
to go ahead with this case against the President, while he's sitting in

Adding into this mix another British asset, "a crazy man, but with more
money than is good for his mental health--Richard Mellon Scaife," and then,
"the usual CIA-type foundations, which were used against me," such as the
Smith Richardson Foundation, the Bradley and Olin Foundations, he said.
LaRouche then summed it up: "These are all the same groups I was up against,
in the 1980s, the same groups that framed me up, and pulled all these phony
charges against me. And, the same crowd is going after the President."

The Chinagate connection
As noted above, the "predicate," in legal terms, for the 12333 operation
against LaRouche was a phony allegation that LaRouche had some sort of
Soviet connection; this allegation was circulated through certain factions
of the U.S. intelligence community, and into the Reagan-Bush National
Security Council, particularly among the above-mentioned Walter Raymond, and
Roy Godson--an NSC consultant who personally participated in the Train salon
meetings. In fact, one participant in the Train meetings reported that Train
himself insisted that LaRouche and his organization be characterized as

In the case of the current operation being run against President Clinton,
the corresponding allegation would likely be that Clinton allowed Chinese
espionage to go on in his administration, in return for campaign
contributions. Such charges--and worse--are being widely circulated in
sections of the FBI and DOJ, and in private circles which overlap the
Olson-Starr network.

This reporter had occasion to sit in on a briefing given about a year ago,
by a private investigator who is working with Rep. Dan Burton's
congressional committee investigating "Chinagate"--the committee for which
Theodore Olson's wife Barbara also works. A few weeks prior to that meeting,
the investigator, Neal Hogan, charged on NET Television that Clinton is
responsible for treason in his administration. "Let's be honest," Hogan
said. "Charlie Trie and John Huang have committed treason. And they are
responsible to the President. Therefore, the President is responsible for
this treason."

"The evidence is there!" Hogan proclaimed. "We've got the evidence just in
the DNC financing reports. . . . We know that John Huang attended 39
security briefings. We know that John Huang was given a security
classification even before he became a government employee. We know that
Charlie Trie was given a security clearance and allowed to wander around the
White House at will despite the fact that he's still a Chinese national, has
a home in Beijing, and a restaurant in Beijing." Hogan, a CNP member, is
also the head of the Washington, D.C. chapter of the Christian Coalition. In
addition to working for Congressional Republicans, Hogan also works closely
with a group of renegade FBI agents; Hogan has described himself as a friend
of former FBI agent Gary Aldrich (who is also a friend of Linda Tripp), and
Hogan said that he and his wife have been among the recipients of leaks from
FBI agents and Justice Department officials which began immediately after
the November 1996 elections. Hogan stated that the allegations being passed
around within U.S. law enforcement agencies are that Clinton has put the
lives of longtime U.S. intelligence agents in danger because of leaks of
sensitive intelligence information through John Huang and other Chinese

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