-Caveat Lector-


The British Oligarchy Moves To Oust President Clinton

by Jeffrey Steinberg
Printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.

The British monarchy, in league with elements of a vast Anglophile apparatus
inside the United States, is running a high-risk, high-stakes assault
against President Bill Clinton and, more broadly, the institution of the
U.S. Presidency, in the midst of the gravest financial and monetary crisis
of the twentieth century. The so-called Monica Lewinsky sex scandal is but
the latest and most vile episode in a British-led ``Get Clinton'' campaign
that was set in motion even before the President was sworn into office in
January 1993--long before the American public ever heard of Whitewater or
Paula Jones.
The fact that the latest chapter of the frame-up campaign occurred on the
eve of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting with President
Clinton, and as the Clinton administration was battling City of London,
continental European, and Wall Street bankers over how to deal with a
systemic world financial meltdown, currently centered in Asia, suggests the
real motives behind the latest ``bimbo eruption'' against the President.

It has been standard British monarchy fare, for example the ``Profumo
Affair'' in 1962-63, to accomplish strategic political objectives via
seemingly ``apolitical'' sex scandals. In that instance, the British
establishment used a sex scandal, with KGB complications, involving British
Defense Minister John Profumo, to bring down the Harold Macmillan government
and usher into power a thoroughly ``New Age'' Labourite, Harold Wilson. The
Wilson government immediately proceeded to launch a strategic assault upon
the Bretton Woods System, which led, in 1971, to President Nixon's
disastrous withdrawal of the dollar from the gold-pegged,
fixed-exchange-rate system. Those British-orchestrated events, during
1968-71, set the world on the course of financial and economic disaster,
which is now in its end-game phase.

In the present instance, the Hollinger Corp., the media cartel that grew out
of World War II British intelligence operations aimed at the United States,
dispatched, in 1993, under journalist cover, a self-admitted MI6 stringer,
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, to stir up a seemingly endless string of sex and
murder scandals, all aimed against the President. Evans-Pritchard has
bragged, in the pages of the Telegraph newspapers, that he personally
induced Paula Jones to launch her legal suit against President Clinton. The
suit has been bankrolled, from day one, through various right-wing and
Christian fundamentalist fronts, all financed by Richard Mellon Scaife, the
scion of the rabidly Anglophile Mellon family.

Rupert Murdoch, another ``crown jewel'' of the House of Windsor, has thrown
his own media empire, including the London Times, the New York Post, and the
U.S. network Fox TV, into the ``Get Clinton'' propaganda frenzy. The
editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, the Moonie Washington Times, and
the Hollinger-led American Spectator, have all been part of what the White
House appropriately dubbed ``the media food chain.'' In turn, these
ostensibly mainstream media outlets have worked in tandem with a large
number of even more unsavory newsletters--such as convicted fraudster Nick
Guarino's Wall Street Underground, Lord William Rees-Mogg's Strategic
Investment newsletter, and British plagiarist Dr. John Coleman's World In
Review--to spread the poison among gullible Main Street populists, through a
never-ending stream of junk-mail promotionals.

Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr, formerly President George
Bush's Solicitor General, is another creature of the Mellon Scaife
apparatus. Before he was appointed to the Whitewater grand inquisitor post,
the wildly Anglophilic Starr (he has photographs of Margaret Thatcher in all
his offices, according to the London Guardian) was involved in pro bono
legal work on the Paula Jones suit against the President. Starr has already
been provided with a lucrative post-Whitewater job at Pepperdine University
in California, a school heavily endowed by Mellon Scaife.

Even at the lowest gutter level, the assault on the President involves
people with long-standing Anglophile intelligence pedigrees--and worse.
Linda Tripp, the Bush administration mole who was the central player in two
attempted ``sex scandal'' attacks against President Clinton, has a
background that includes participation in several classified military
intelligence units, including the elite counter-terror Delta Force. From the
moment the Clinton administration came to Washington, Tripp surrounded
herself with hard-core enemies of President Clinton, such as retired FBI
agent Gary Aldrich, who wrote a book-length fabrication about his two-year
stint at the Clinton White House. Tripp had also established what she
described to her lawyer as a ``comfort zone'' with Starr's staff--through
her prior testimony before a Starr grand jury probing the death of White
House aide Vincent Foster.

Tripp's most visible handler, from no later than 1993, New York ``literary
agent'' Lucianne Goldberg, was a veteran of the 1972 Nixon dirty tricks
apparatus, with long-standing ties to the Meyer Lansky national crime
syndicate and the late Roy Cohn, the New York City mob lawyer and one-time
chief of staff to Sen. Joe McCarthy. The foul-mouthed Goldberg, by all
public accounts, solicited Tripp to begin illegally taping her telephone
conversations with Monica Lewinsky, and later was instrumental in steering
Tripp into the waiting ``comfort zone'' of Kenneth Starr.


LaRouche declares war
Lyndon LaRouche, in a radio interview with ``EIR Talks'' on Jan. 28,
addressed the assault on the Presidency (see Documentation). He, in effect,
issued a declaration of war against the entire apparatus now deployed to
destroy the Clinton Presidency. As LaRouche emphasized, the attack on
President Clinton ``is intended, by those who do it, to destabilize the
ability of the government of the United States to play a key, effective role
in making policy with respect to both the Middle East crisis, secondarily,
but primarily, the international financial crisis.''
Few people are in a better position than LaRouche, to clearly grasp the
character of the ``Get Clinton'' mob. During 1982-89, LaRouche was the
target of a prosecution that former Attorney General Ramsey Clark described
as having employed ``a broader range of deliberate cunning and systematic
misconduct, over a longer period of time, utilizing the power of the Federal
government, than any other prosecution by the U.S. government, in my time or
to my knowledge.'' Indeed, some of the very players now center stage in the
assault upon the President, were deeply involved in the 1980s ``Get
LaRouche'' task force, including, most notably, Richard Mellon Scaife and
the Wall Street Journal.

LaRouche's announced all-out defense of the institution of the Presidency
against this latest made-in-London assault, came at a moment when there were
already growing indications that, this time, the British monarchy and its
assets and dupes in the United States may have severely underestimated the
willingness of President Clinton to fight back, as well as the support that
such a counterattack could mobilize among an American citizenry grown
suspect of the relentless flood of Clintongate scandals and sensational

Indeed, in the week leading up to the Monica Lewinsky ``eruption,'' there
was a flurry of highly publicized activity on a number of ``Get Clinton''
fronts: First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was depositioned by Kenneth
Starr's office. The Justice Department Criminal Division announced that it
was opening a probe into allegations of kickbacks by Labor Secretary and
former White House aide Alexis Herman. A key witness in the special
prosecutor's case against former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros agreed to
cooperate with the special counsel as part of a plea agreement. The judge in
the independent counsel probe of former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy
imposed harsh new penalties against Tyson Foods. And, Espy's brother was
convicted in a case stemming from the Donald Smaltz ``independent'' probe.


Clinton counterattacks
With these developments rapidly unfolding, President Clinton had to either
capitulate, or fight back. He chose to fight--with strong support from the
First Lady.
On Jan. 26, one day before his annual State of the Union address, President
Clinton appeared at a White House press conference, along with the First
Lady and Vice President Albert Gore, and delivered a brief but unequivocal
denial that he had had an affair with Lewinsky, or had told her to lie to
attorneys for Paula Jones.

The following morning, on Jan. 27, the First Lady appeared on the NBC-TV
``Today'' show. She backed up President Clinton's statement of the previous
day, and launched into a no-holds-barred attack against special prosecutor
Kenneth Starr, televangelist Jerry Falwell, and others, whom she
characterized as part of a ``vast right-wing conspiracy that has been
conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for President.''

Clinton loyalists, including James Carville and Mandy Gruenwald, joined the
fray, making widely publicized television attacks on Starr, Falwell, Mellon
Scaife, et al.--which even the Washington Post and the New York Times
prominently featured, along with their own belated (and limited) ``exposés''
of the President's enemies.

Also, Monica Lewinsky's attorney, William Ginsburg, was unambiguous about
the brutality of the treatment his client received at the hands of the FBI.
Describing Lewinsky's 10-hour ordeal with FBI agents and prosecutors from
Starr's office in a Pentagon City, Virginia hotel room on Jan. 16, Ginsburg
told ABC's ``Good Morning America'' that Lewinsky ``was devastated,
concerned, upset, and fearful, [and] does not know what the future holds.
Repeatedly during the course of discussions with the office of the
prosecutor, we have been squeezed. Now she finds herself caught between the
President of the United States, Vernon Jordan, and Kenneth Starr, probably
three of the most powerful people in the world.'' Ginsburg said that Starr's
behavior ``should frighten anyone.''

In response to the bad publicity, Washington sources have told EIR that
Starr has launched a new disinformation campaign, aimed at regaining the
momentum, in what now promises to be a protracted battle over the fate of
the U.S. Presidency. In one embarrassing setback for Starr, the Dallas
Morning News posted a story on its internet web site, claiming that Starr
was interviewing Secret Service agents who had seen the President with
Lewinsky in compromising circumstances. The story was scheduled to be the
banner headline lead of the next day's edition. But overnight, the story was
yanked, when the paper learned that it was a fabrication.

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The preceding article is a rough version of the article that appeared in The
Executive Intelligence Review. It is made available here with the permission
of The Executive Intelligence Review. Any use of, or quotations from, this
article must attribute them to The Executive Intelligence Review.


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