-Caveat Lector-

Dear Eagle 1,

Hello. I hope you are well and am very glad that you have found the dialogue
amazing because I wouldn't like people to find it boring. I am also glad
that you have quoted Ezekiel 34 because it is one of my favourite pieces and
I have, in fact, explained it in great detail on my website. Perhaps you
might like to take a look at it. Its URL address is:-


>From what you have said about the so-called christian priests giving
Christianity a black eye, whom I also mention in the above explanation and
about whom you and I are in total agreement, you should love the
explanation. Please feel free to show it to your friends.

Of course you are allowed to believe as you wish; everyone has their
free-will. It is one of The Laws of this planet.

What Revelation 11:9 states, and you have misquoted, is that The Ark of The
Covenant will be (in the future) seen in the City called NEW Jerusalem that
John saw COMING DOWN out of heaven (a UFO?)and of course it will be, when it
comes down in the near future. After I have retrieved it from Tara, in
fulfillment of Malachi 4.


As you have correctly stated: God is not stupid; for which I can personally
vouch. But then you go on to say that He would not be so stupid as to leave
The Ark on Earth. So, by so doing, you are actually telling God that you
think He is stupid for doing so. And you think I'm trying to place myself
above God? What then are you doing when you call Him stupid?

The Ark HAS TO BE on Earth because it is God's Witness against His People.
It cannot act as His Witness if it is not here to WITNESS what the people
are doing.

If you want to know why it is my job to recover The Ark then I suggest you
go to my website at:-


and then click on JAH on the homepage.

I repeat that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing and you too
obvioulsy consider yourself to be another expert, like Penny does, who knows
more about God than His servant does.

You are right that it will not be recovered until the end of this age. This
is the end of this age. Read:-


and then you will KNOW that it is the "End Time".

You say no hu-man is worthy to discover the things of God. Where did, or
when did I say that I am a hu-man? Is it laughable? They laughed at Noah too
and we all know what happened to them because of their arrogant unbelief.
Calling God stupid as you have done is not verging on blasphemy; it is
blasphemy. For your information; I never act and I NEVER play church because
Jesus told everyone in Matthew 6:6 NOT to go to church.

Ireland is neither in the desert nor in a secret place. Everyone knows where
Ireland is or can look it up on a map. I am pleased to be able to agree with
a lot of what you have said and would like you to calm down and stop
breaking the Eleventh Commandment and look at my website for yourself, with,
if possible, an open mind, because I feel sure that you will find it
extremely enlightening and enjoy it, as long as you approach it with the
right attitude. Perhaps then you might even like to help me to obtain a
permit to dig from Sile de Valera, so I can recover The Ark and show it to
you, so you can then apologise to God for calling Him stupid.

Throughout the history of the ages, Satan has always used people who thought
they understood the Scriptures to attack those who do, by getting them to
misquote the Scriptures and shout down those who speak the Truth, so it will
not be heard. It seems that nothing has changed; exactly as Jesus
prophesied. Go away from me those who call me Lord (christians) but do not
do the things I say; I know you not.

Peace be upon you,


----- Original Message -----
From: Eagle 1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

> -Caveat Lector-
> This dialogue in the messages attached is truly amazing...
> To Pennie and JAH and whomever else may be interested:
> Everyone is entitled to believe as they wish to...  allow me to believe as
> so choose.
> It is my own PERSONAL BELIEF that the ark of the covenant will *never* be
> found in this earth age, or on the face of this earth until God so
> In Revelation 11:19 "And the temple of God was opened [for all to see] in
> heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament [also
> known as the ark of the covenant] ..."  He clearly states in this passage
> alone,  that the ark is in heaven...  where ever that is.
> One would assume by implication of the scriptures,  by the name 'Emmanuel'
> or 'Immanuel' as stated in Matthew, Mark and Luke chapter 1,  which means
> "Yah dwells with us",  and with the conception of Christ,  He is so
> and continues to do so.  WHERE He is in each of our lives is private
> information between each individual and God Himself. (It is no one else's
> business, because no one will stand for you on judgment day, except you
> Christ, the principle advocate. The slate will either be clean or filthy.
> There is no in between and there is no hiding the record of the book from
> the ultimate Judge).
> If  *God left no artifacts*, including not leaving the body of Moses, nor
> the body of Christ after their deaths,  what makes anyone think that God
> would be stupid enough to leave behind an article such as the 'ark of the
> covenant'?  He is not stupid,  and He didn't leave it!   It won't be
> until EVERYONE,  (that is A-L-L), see it in His temple as stated in
> Revelation 11:19.   It simply makes no sense to think that God will prefer
> any one hu-man over another to discover this holy item or any other holy
> item on the face of the earth.   Taking from scriptural knowledge, in
> Revelation,   NO MAN WAS WORTHY TO OPEN THE BOOK.  In the same respect,
> would you think, JAH,  that you alone are most worthy to find and possess
> the 'ark of the covenant'???  That is almost laughable...  and verges on
> blasphemy.  God knows men's hearts better than they do; they are greedy,
> selfish and unforgiving.  God is not going to give to man what is HIS
> the end of this age.  God has given more than enough since the beginning.
> God is not happy with man and man's decisions to follow other gods and
> doctrines than those He has set forth in His book - See Ezekiel chapter 34
> for a run down on this.  ANYONE who professes to know the truth of God,
> so convey it by teaching or by example is considered a 'shepherd of the
> people' ...  and according to God there are many out there that HE DID NOT
> SEND to the people. They are self annointed, self righteous hypocrits!
> is exactly what Jesus called the Pharisees many times; and it wasn't
> he couldn't find other words to describe them...  He meant what he said,
> "hypocrits", who are nothing more than "play actors", those who love to
> "play church"; those who come in the name of God, but God did not send.
> THOSE are the ones that give true Christianity a black eye.  And is it no
> wonder that so many in the world do not know or understand the foundations
> of Christianity; nor from what they've heard do they want to know.
> Personally,  I don't blame them,  when they know they've been lied to
> in the gate.
> Properly interpreted,  the scriptures in that same mentioned chapter of
> Matthew 24 clearly state in plain english,  "... Then if any man shall say
> unto you, 'LO! here is Christ   **[which includes the personnages, His
> temple, the furniture in the temple and all that belongs to God]**,
> For there shall arise false Christs [those making claims to all things
> concerning God] and false prophets, and shall show great signs and
> insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
> Behold, I have told you [all things] before [in advance].
> Wherefore if they shall say unto you,  BEHOLD! HE [anything that pertains
> the true God and His Savior] is in the desert, go not forth;  BEHOLD HE is
> in the secret chambers [those making claims to esoteric knowledge];
> it not!  For as the lightening cometh out of the east and shineth even
> the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
> Matthew 24:23-27
> It's simply saying that until the true Christ appears,  and as long as you
> are in the flesh body, you are not going to possess, nor see the things of
> God.
> Pennie implicated false prophet, false information was being spread...
> I have to agree.
> Keep up the good work Pennie!  Uncovering the sugar coated lies of satan,
> what business of our Father's we are to be at.  Thanks for this expose`.
> eagle 1
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 11:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Dear Pennie,
> >
> > Thank you for your nice compliment about my maturity.
> >
> > How would you know whether I have quoted the Scriptures out of context
> > not. You are doing it again. Claiming to be an expert on God, when it is
> > quite obvious that you do not know what you are talking about. Have you
> not
> > heard that: a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.
> >
> > How would you know what God would and wouldn't do? You talk as though He
> > would first need to consult you and ask you what He is allowed to do.
> > Amazing really.
> >
> > The Ruler of The Universe has said quite clearly that The Ark and The
> > Covenant containing His Laws is the one thing to save the world. Please
> read
> > that Bible you boast about having and look at the last page of the Old
> > Covenant/Testament, or click on JAH on my homepage, and read what it
> in
> > Malachi chapter 4 and you will see that it is not a sign, but a warning.
> > can assure you that He IS going to bring it out in His Own time, very
> soon;
> > as soon as I get the permit to dig.
> >
> > I have not separated myself from God, as you wrongly state, because it
> He
> > who has sent me to recover it. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you
> > access The King of kings' Bible advert on my site, to be able to see
> > unlike you who only claims to read the whole Bible, I have compiled it
> with
> > all the bits the governments conspired about and took out of it because
> they
> > didn't want people to read them.
> >
> > If you really understood the Scriptures instead of just thinking that
> > do, then you would know that God had Jeremiah take The Ark away from the
> > Jews in 588 B.C. and give it to the "Lost" Ten Tribed House of Israel,
> > exile. All of which is explained in detail on my website at:-
> > http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/
> >
> > If you access the Jeremiah's Tomb article and follow the links then you
> > should be able to see that you are wrong and learn the truth. However,
> there
> > are none so blind as those who refuse to see. So, I just hope that you
> > calm down; open your eyes and your mind and see and recognise the truth
> > my website.
> >
> > Thank you for your kind wishes of good luck, but in my experience there
> > no such thing as luck and I don't need to dig up all of Ireland; only a
> tiny
> > area of grass measuring 2 metres by 2 metres, because I know exactly
> > it is. All I am waiting for is the permit to dig, so I won't be breaking
> > Irish law.
> >
> > Thank you also for your friendly tip about not touching The Ark, but you
> see
> > I have to touch it and open it in order to show The Tablets and Scrolls
> (The
> > Torah) to the world as it says in Malachi 4. How else could the whole
> world
> > be reminded to return to God's Laws, all at once, just before the Last
> Day?
> >
> > If you really want to prove me wrong then help me to get the permit to
> > that I have asked everyone to help with and then I can touch it and if
> > wrong I will die. But I can assure you that I will be perfectly safe,
> > because it is my job.
> >
> > I will not be the least bit offended if you don't kiss my bottom and
> anyone
> > reading your messages and my messages will have no doubt in their mind
> to
> > which one of us is being neurotic. If you think I'm an idiot, then
> > can read what is on my site and make their own minds up about that too,
> and
> > hopefully they will, as many have already and complimented me on it.
> >
> >
> > I'm sorry that you don't like it. It is not meant to offend anyone, but
> > unfortunately the truth often has that effect on some people.
> >
> > Peace be upon you,
> >
> > JAH.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: pennie hammons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 11:08 PM
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)
> >
> >
> > > Wow, your maturity level is stunning. Your postings speak for
> themselves.
> > > Did you purposefully capitalize the word "messenger" because you think
> you
> > > are a divine entity? Please say it was a typo!
> > > You have quoted scripture out of context to prove any point you wish.
> do
> > > not need a website to publicize every concept I might have about God,
> > have
> > > the Bible to refer to for the truth (the WHOLE Bible, not just the
> I
> > > like). Your pleas for a permit to dig up the ark are enough for me to
> see
> > > that you have separated yourself from the will of God to seek your own
> > > glory. God does not need a permit to recover the ark and He wouldn't
> > > it's discovery to prove He is real. You act like it is the one thing
> > save
> > > the world; a great sign of the Truth. Jesus said a wicked and
> > > generation asks for a sign, but none will be given it. First of all,
> > ark
> > > is exactly where God wants it to be and will bring it out in His own
> time,
> > > if ever. That is a material thing that merely represents Christ.
> Secondly,
> > > we know from the Bible that the ark is most assuredly in Israel, as
> > > other country possessing it would be cursed until its return, so good
> luck
> > > digging up all of Ireland seeking your fame. Here's a tip from me to
> you:
> > If
> > > you do find it, don't think for a minute you are righteous enough to
> touch
> > > it. As for my boyfriend and I...well, you are an idiot!
> > > If you insist on posting your neurotic website in answer to all the
> > world's
> > > problems, don't get offended when we all don't bow down and kiss your
> a$$.
> > > Love, Pennie
> > >
> > > >From: " JAH Publications" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >CC: "Conspiracy Theory Research List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member
> > > >Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:17:25 -0000
> > > >
> > > >Dear Pennie,
> > > >
> > > >Hello, I hope you are well. The following is in answer to your
> unprovoked
> > > >outburst against me.
> > > >
> > > >You don't think that Joshua2 was actually telling the truth and was
> being
> > > >serious about his wife leaving him do you? The lies he told in that
> part
> > > >were obviously intended as a joke, although how anyone can think that
> > > >telling lies is funny, tells us a lot about them and speaks for
> > > >So why in those circumstances would you think it was a bad statement
> > > >make?
> > > >If his wife had really left him, I would agree with you.
> > > >It was his comments that followed the lies about his wife that were
> > > >the most offensive.
> > > >
> > > >I actually feel sorry for Joshua2 because he seems incapable of doing
> > > >anything other than insult me just because he chooses to disagree
> > me.
> > > >He has done it yet again in his most recent message.* Perhaps, if he
> has
> > > >time, he will grow out of it.  I, on the other hand, have insulted
> > no-one.
> > > >Joshua2 obviously does not agree with freedom-of-speech; except when
> > is
> > > >doing the speaking of course.
> > > >
> > > >* "Dear JAH Dude,
> > > >
> > > >It is quite obvious that you are insane. I suggest a long rest and
> don't
> > > >forget your medicine.
> > > >
> > > >I'll be here after New Year 2000 to greet you when you come back to
> > planet
> > > >Earth.
> > > >
> > > >Have a nice Millennium,
> > > >
> > > >Joshua2"
> > > >
> > > >Are you Joshua2's girlfriend? because you seem to think very much
> > him.
> > > >Perhaps, if you aren't, you should get in touch with him. You'll
> probably
> > > >get
> > > >on well together.
> > > >
> > > >How would you know whether I have translated the Scriptures correctly
> or
> > > >not,
> > > >or whether God would use a space-ship or not, or what Christ would or
> > > >wouldn't do, or that I am, as you call me, a false Prophet or not?
> > > >same
> > > >phrase has been used against every Prophet who has ever warned people
> of
> > > >coming events and how to survive them, which is all that I am doing.
> > you
> > > >don't like the message then exercise your own free-will and reject
> > > >ignore it, like the people did with Noah. All I ask is some civility
> and
> > > >that you don't insult the Messenger, perhaps naively, going on the
> > > >record on this planet.
> > > >
> > > >You obviously consider yourself to be an expert on these things. So
> where
> > > >is
> > > >your website so we can see it and make up our own minds, whether you
> know
> > > >what you're talking about.
> > > >Judge a tree by the fruit it bears.
> > > >
> > > >Joshua2's email address, just in case you are not his girlfriend,
> > > >
> > > >My website is there for the whole world to see, so that they can look
> at
> > it
> > > >and make up their own minds, for which they do not need your opinion.
> So
> > > >why
> > > >are you, like Joshua2, so forcefully giving it to everyone? They,
> > the
> > > >two people below and many others who love my site, are capable of
> making
> > up
> > > >their own minds, without your help.
> > > >
> > > >For those who would like to make up their own minds, my website
> > > >is:-
> > > >http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/
> > > >
> > > >If only one person in 6,000,000,000 appreciates and is helped by my
> site,
> > > >it will make all the time; effort and the few insults worthwhile.
> However
> > I
> > > >have already had word from a lot more than one person who absolutely
> love
> > > >it, so things ARE really worthwhile.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Peace be upon you, and your boyfriend Joshua2
> > > >
> > > >JAH.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >----- Original Message -----
> > > >From: pennie hammons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 6:55 PM
> > > >Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > -Caveat Lector-
> > > > >
> > > > > "JAH" is a false prophet. Anyone who thinks God flies around in a
> > > >has
> > > > > belittled God. God created the universe and life. Does He really
> need
> > a
> > > > > space craft to carry Him around? The concept is ridiculous. jah
> likes
> > to
> > > > > hear himself talk, he has interpreted the scriptures accurately in
> > some
> > > > > places, but doesn't have a full understanding of Christ. A truly
> > loving
> > > > > being doesn't say "I can understand why your wife left you" when
> > > >criticized.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > >From: Rodrigo Cesar Banhara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > >Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > >Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member
> > (fwd)
> > > > > >Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 13:37:33 -0300
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  -Caveat Lector-
> > > > > >
> > > > > >On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 03:14:29 -0700, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > >P.S. Don't let those chumps that have been rude towars your
> > > > > > >message over the last 36 hours discourage you AT ALL....i.e.,
> > > > > > >TIME IS SHORT, and you just gotta stay with those spirits THAT
> > > > > > >ARE ABLE TO _HEAR_ YOUR UNIQUE INSIGHTS, i.e., there ain't no
> > > > > > >time enough to waste even replying to ppl that CAN'T HEAR!!
> > > > > >
> > > > > >I agree, Mike! The site of our friend JAH is very interesting.

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