Dear Eagle 1,
I sincerely hope you are well and are now at peace after your recent tirade. I hope you are feeling much better now. As I cannot speak for others on this planet, then I have used the word I again. But I hope that others wish you the same, as well.
You wrote at the end of your letter:-
" PS - Just for the record..  You do not have the right or the privilege, or my permission to use anything I've said in this email either public or private anywhere else on or off the internet.  IF you so choose to do so,  I will persue the legal aspect of internet law against you.  eagle 1 "
Then you posted it YOURSELF to the CTRL list, which proves that not only do you not know what you are talking about, like Penny, bless her, for at least admitting it in her letter about Nikola Tesla and Jack Nicholas, but it seems, from your actions, that you don't even know what you are DOING. You don't want your words made public (are you ashamed of them?) and so you send them yourself to the CTRL list? Is that what you consider logical?
If you do live only by God's Laws, as you claim, why are you threatening me with internet law? Could it be that you are trying to intimidate me with threats because you can't win any other way, so that you can have the last word? By the way, free-will, is, for your information, one of God's Laws and there are no other laws on this planet that are Lawful.
I don't think that anything else needs to be said on the subject. Your words and actions speak for themselves far more than anything I might say, which would probably only provoke another tirade or legal action. Really; legal action; whatever next? Seems to me you're a bad loser. If you can't take it, you shouldn't dish it out. I didn't attack you. You started ALL of this.

The following short quotation; from The Bible Book of Moses (the fifth Book in The Bible) called Deuteronomy; is NOT to proselytise, as I have been accused of trying to do, but merely to answer your question in which you challenged me to show you where God calls The Ark of The Covenant His WITNESS against His people. I quote your own words:-

A witness against His people?  WHO and WHERE is it said that GOD NEEDS A WITNESS AGAINST HIS PEOPLE?  LOL   JAH,  Really!  Gimme a break. 

Deuteronomy 31:26 Take this Book of The Law, and put it in the side of The Ark of The Covenant of the "I AM" your God, that it may be there for a WITNESS against thee.

31:27 For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against the "I AM"; and how much more after my death?

31:28 Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak these words in their ears, and call heaven and earth to record against them.

31:29 For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt [yourselves], and turn aside from The Way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days; because ye will do evil in the sight of the "I AM", to provoke Him to anger through the work of your hands.

31:30 And Moses spoke in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the Words of this "Song" (Covenant), until they were ended.

32:1 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the Words from my mouth.

I have also been unfairly accused of dealing with issues that are not associated with the Conspiracy, which is also not true. This issue is the very CENTRE of the Conspiracy to destroy God's People Israel - the British and the Americans and their traditional allies.
Only by recovering The Ark and returning to ONLY God's Laws can we destroy all the false legislation that the Conspirators have passed to enable themselves to rip everyone off and make themselves the rulers of the New World Order. I can go into much more detail, if required, but I don't want to be accused of forcing my beliefs on others. However, I can assure you all that recovering The Ark is the ONLY way to enlist the help of The Force of Light, to help us defeat the forces of darkness that are behind the NWO. Their false religious teachings (including about Xmass) are part of that Conspiracy to deceive; rob; mislead and corrupt the people and lead you away from The Light into slavery. The Force - (God) has commanded me to tell you this and to enlist your suport and show you how to save yourselves.
That is why I joined this very list, because it is dedicated, or is supposed to be dedicated, to revealing and defeating the Conspiracy. That is also why I (sorry for using the word I again) have done my best to get you all to help me (sorry I used the word me again and oops that word I crept in again too) to recover The Ark and defeat the Conspirators. I didn't realise that all you wanted to do was talk about it, whilst letting the Conspirators succeed in destroying you. Perhaps I joined the wrong list? Does anyone know of a real anti-conspiracy list? If so please tell me how to contact it.
A wise saying is:- "It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool; than to open it and remove all doubt."
Love to you all and Peace be upon you,
P.S. Your words are in brown. Is there a subconscious message in your choice of colour for your own words? Did God guide your choice for you?
----- Original Message -----
From: Eagle 1
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

Due to the length of your letter and the required answers...  I will respond to you with a different color in between what you wrote in the below written letter...  with what I feel is something to respond to.
----- Original Message -----
From: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 1999 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

> Dear Eagle 1,
> Hello. I hope you are well and am very glad that you have found the dialogue
> amazing because I wouldn't like people to find it boring.
>>Amazing in the fact that you are so egotistical in your responses to people in the CTRL group and other mail that you have thrown up in front of everyone everywhere you go,  and that you try to come off as some rocket scientist of religion. 
I am also glad
> that you have quoted Ezekiel 34 because it is one of my favourite pieces and
> I have, in fact, explained it in great detail on my website.
OH,  I've been to your website...  and I've also noticed all the "my's" and "I's" you use there and in your correspondence.  A bit narcisistic in presentation!
Perhaps you
> might like to take a look at it. Its URL address is:-
> From what you have said about the so-called christian priests
See,  there ya go...  taking what I've said out of context.  I said the 'SHEPHERDS'.  How you got Priests out of Shepherds?  I have no clue.  Also the chapter referenced,  that you seem to be so fond of, uses the terminology repeatedly "shepherd". There is a difference between Shepherds and Priests,  throughout the Bible.  Here in this passage and other places or didn't you know?
> Christianity a black eye, whom I also mention in the above explanation and
> about whom you and I are in total agreement, you should love the
> explanation. Please feel free to show it to your friends.
Again,  what an ego maniac you are.  No wonder people give you such a hard time.
> Of course you are allowed to believe as you wish; everyone has their
> free-will. It is one of The Laws of this planet.
Live as you will by the "Laws of this planet".  I will choose to live by the Laws of God.
> What Revelation 11:9 states, and you have misquoted, is that
ARGUE as you will,  it was NOT misquoted...  you have misinterpreted Revelation,  obviously...  and I'm sure you believe in the rapture too? 
Oh well,  to each their own. 
The Ark of The
> Covenant will be (in the future) seen in the City called NEW Jerusalem that
> John saw COMING DOWN out of heaven (a UFO?)and of course it will be, when it
> comes down in the near future. After I have retrieved it from Tara, in
> fulfillment of Malachi 4.
LOL  Go ahead...  make my day!  LOL!  no not just LOL,  but ROTFL!

> As you have correctly stated: God is not stupid; for which I can personally
> vouch.
Yes,  exactly what I said.  I am not speaking for God, as  *you* seem to be... I was simply reiterating that He follows His own rules to the "T".  He has NEVER left artifacts for man to brood over and discover,  except for those that are so large, so huge, that man can only wonder about them,  they cannot be possessed by any one hu-man at any given time in this earth age.
But then you go on to say that He would not be so stupid as to leave
> The Ark on Earth. So, by so doing, you are actually telling God that you
> think He is stupid for doing so. And you think I'm trying to place myself
> above God?
YES I do think you are attempting to put yourself above God.
What then are you doing when you call Him stupid?
THAT is YOUR misinterpretation,  again, of what I said,  and what I meant.  I never said He was stupid.  YOU did.  YOU misinterpret many things...  Perhaps you should get your communication skills a bit more together before you go out and attempt to save the world.  You've got to know how to 'listen' as well as to 'speak'.
> The Ark HAS TO BE on Earth
WHO says it HAS to be on the earth?  WHERE do you get that idea?  Only those who have their eyes poised as "to grasp" it and it's power would even begin to reason such an antic.  NO...  it does NOT have to be ON THE EARTH.  And just for the doubt of it all,  so what if it is?  What does it prove?  NOTHING.  It proves absolutely nothing!  The Ark of the Covenant was given to a space and time that God chose it to exist in.  For HIS PURPOSES,  not ours.  That time is over,  long long ago.  Even as Paul has told us in his writings,  those things of that time were a shadow of what is to come.  CHRIST became all things that REPLACED the ark of the covenant.  IF you have not figured that one out yet,  you have a "long way to go,  baby".
>because it is God's Witness against His People.
A witness against His people?  WHO and WHERE is it said that GOD NEEDS A WITNESS AGAINST HIS PEOPLE?  LOL   JAH,  Really!  Gimme a break. 
You want a witness against the people?  Look around you.  Death, destruction, wars, disease, biological weapons, perversion,  EVIL.  THAT is the witness against His people.  NATURALLY.  Man has brought this witness upon himself.  GOD does not need an artifact to prove Himself!

> It cannot act as His Witness if it is not here to WITNESS what the people
> are doing.
What??? a box of sandstone, rotted paper, an old stick and wood?  THAT is what you call a witness???  LOL !   The antichrists of the world will salute you for your efforts!  What a joke!

> If you want to know why it is my job to recover The Ark then I suggest you
> go to my website at:-
I saw all I wanted to see...  NO I DON'T NEED TO GO TO YOUR WEBSITE!
and neither should anyone with any common sense.

> and then click on JAH on the homepage.
> I repeat that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing and you too
> obvioulsy consider yourself to be another expert, like Penny does, who knows
> more about God than His servant does.
What in the world kind of statement is that,  JAH!  Still full of yourself! 
YOUR LIMITED KNOWLEDGE IS VERY DANGEROUS!!  Take a swallow of your own words / medicine.
> You are right that it will not be recovered until the end of this age. This
> is the end of this age. Read:-
> and then you will KNOW that it is the "End Time".
> You say no hu-man is worthy to discover the things of God. Where did, or
> when did I say that I am a hu-man? Is it laughable?
THEN what are YOU?  IF you are not a human?
They laughed at Noah too
SURE!  I'm laughing at you....  but not the way the people laughed at Noah!
I laugh at you with PITY and shame that you bring such lies and ignorance to the masses and especially to the internet.  SHAME ON YOU!!!   Of course,  as you well know,  YOU will answer for your actions.  And as you imply with your extremely large egotism,  you are ready for the consequences.  And I certainly hope you are ready.

> and we all know what happened to them because of their arrogant unbelief.
> Calling God stupid as you have done is not verging on blasphemy; it is
> blasphemy.
YOU are soooooo WRONG!  I never said that,  you put words where they were not even implied and it is your own MIS-INTERPRETATION. 
For your information; I never act and I NEVER play church because
> Jesus told everyone in Matthew 6:6 NOT to go to church.
GOOD...  keep up at least one good thing.

> Ireland is neither in the desert nor in a secret place. Everyone knows where
> Ireland is or can look it up on a map. I am pleased to be able to agree with
> a lot of what you have said and would like you to calm down and stop
> breaking the Eleventh Commandment and look at my website for yourself, with,
> if possible, an open mind, because I feel sure that you will find it
> extremely enlightening and enjoy it, as long as you approach it with the
> right attitude. Perhaps then you might even like to help me to obtain a
> permit to dig from Sile de Valera, so I can recover The Ark and show it to
> you, so you can then apologise to God for calling Him stupid.
Again,  that is YOUR interpretation of what I said.  Not what I said,  nor what I meant or even implied.  HOW DARE YOU!   You will also answer for misjudging someone you don't know from Adam. 

> Throughout the history of the ages, Satan has always used people who thought
> they understood the Scriptures to attack those who do, by getting them to
> misquote the Scriptures and shout down those who speak the Truth, so it will
> not be heard. It seems that nothing has changed; exactly as Jesus
> prophesied. Go away from me those who call me Lord (christians) but do not
> do the things I say; I know you not.

> Peace be upon you,
THAT is NOT what Christ said, JAH.  Just like satan,  misquoting just one word, in the temptation.  Just one itsy bitsy word was misquoted.  But Christ recognized it.  Of course He would!!!  I recognize you in the same respect.  I don't want your "Peace",  you who call yourself JAH!  Because if you truly understood the Scriptures, you would understand what Christ said about this very statement...  "Peace be upon you",  and you would not use it. 
(1:6 And THIS is love, that we walk in His Commandments. This is the Commandment, That, as ye have heard from the BEGINNING, ye should walk in it. - JAH)
  "For many deceivers are entered into the world,  who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.  This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves,  that we lose not those things which we have wrought,  but that we receive a full reward.  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,  hath not God.  He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 

IF there come any unto you,  and bring not this doctrine,  receive him not unto your house,  neither bid him God speed:  for he that bideth (such as "Peace be upon you"), him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."      II John

Personally,  I do not care to be a partaker of your evil deeds.  I shake the dust and go my way,  as I suspect would be best for you to do, also.
eagle 1
PS - Just for the record..  You do not have the right or the privilege, or my permission to use anything I've said in this email either public or private anywhere else on or off the internet.  IF you so choose to do so,  I will persue the legal aspect of internet law against you.  eagle 1

> JAH.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eagle 1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 6:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)
----- Original Message -----
From: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 1999 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

> -Caveat Lector-
> Dear Eagle 1,
> Hello. I hope you are well and am very glad that you have found the dialogue amazing because I wouldn't like people to find it boring.

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