-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000210a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No robots engaged in simulated sexual activity to produce this bulletin.
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# Find almost anything: http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20000208S0004
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# Evidence Supporting Big Bang Found. GENEVA (AP) A series of atom-smashing
  experiments has now produced "compelling" evidence that the smallest par-
  ticles floated freely a split second after the creation of the universe.
  See http://news.excite.com/news/ap/000210/09/understanding-the-universe
# Science recreates beginning of time: www.ft.com/hippocampus/q34577a.htm

# 'Little Bang' creates cosmic soup. Euro scientists reproduce the Big Bang,
  and create a form of matter not seen for 15 billion years. Rather loud:

# Gas: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_443000/443154.stm
# Susy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_421000/421929.stm
# Higgs: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_299000/299550.stm

: Do deities have enough energy to provoke big-bangs, create quarks, expand
the universe? Where do they get that energy? Who/what created the deities?

# Tantalizing Hints Of Quark Gluon Plasma Found At CERN - "circumstantial"
  evidence: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/02/000209215728.htm
# CERN Sez: http://www.cern.ch/CERN/Announcements/2000/NewStateMatter
# Brookhaven NatLab Sez: http://www.pubaf.bnl.gov/pr/bnlpr020900.html
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# TOTS `KILLED' IN SATAN ORGIES. PAEDOPHILE rings in Britain are carrying
  out Satanic rituals during child sex orgies, a leading psychotherapist
  claimed yesterday. http://www.ic24.net/mgn/THE_MIRROR/NEWS/P2S7.html
# Babies born for Satanism - Kids secretly reared in UK for sacrifices
  to devil: http://www.lineone.net/express/00/02/10/news/n3040-d.html
# Dead babies' IDs stolen - Multi-million-dollar passport racket continues,
  see http://www.lineone.net/express/00/02/10/news/n2220id-d.html

: Have you killed any babies lately? Do you sacrifice them to Satan, Illumi-
nati, BillGates, {YHWH}, aliens, robots, me? Are bonobo/chimp/gorilla babies
adequate substitutes? Are there enough humans that a few won't be missed??

@ Chimps R persons 2: http://salon.com/books/it/2000/02/04/cage/print.html
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# 19 clicks of separation" theory of the Web. "Scientists say [the web is]
  developing according to the same organizing patterns and mathematical
  principles observed among plant life in the wild." Growing like a weed;
  nobody knows just why: http://www.seattlep-i.com/local/clik07.shtml

# Serendipitous meetings, missed planes, odd mistakes shape and reshape our
  lives. The tiniest change may alter our future or the future of the world:

: Are your relationships weedy? Do your mental processes follow plague-like
patterns? Do voices in your head tell you to apply pesticides to the Web, to
your relations, to yourself? Have you altered the future lately? How much??
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# BOOK-BUSTING: A tide of vandalism has swept most of the UK's libraries
  clean of musical texts and scores, writes Norman Lebrecht. "Glasgow,
  Liverpool and most London boroughs have lost their music libraries. The
  BBC has wantonly trashed thousands of scores. British library managers
  are burning more books than any group since Hitler's stormtroopers."

# Another CBS Digital Furor. CBS News, which on New Year's Eve digitally
  superimposed images of the network logo onto its broadcast from Times
  Square, threatens legal action against musicians who sampled Dan Rather's
  voice. Bother. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,34177,00.html

: What information would you most like to suppress/manipulate/manufacture?
Have you burnt any books/tapes/CDs/TVs/computers lately? Are you compelled?
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# Technology rules over extinction. When scientists make up their minds, all
  sorts of weird things transpire. They've cloned a sheep; sooner or later,
  they're going to duplicate a mammoth. But: Why would anyone want to clone
  a woolly mammoth? http://www.cleveland.com/news/pdnews/metro/c09scrug.ssf

# Mouth Rinse Could End Tooth Decay. Fighting tooth decay could someday be
  as simple as using a mouth rinse, sez a researcher who has genetically
  altered the bacterium known to cause tooth decay into a form that may per-
  manently prevent the disease. http://unisci.com/stories/20001/0209003.htm

: What's your favorite genetic manipulation? What'd you do with a mammoth?
Do tusky mammoths need a LOT of anti-tooth-decay bacteria? Do you? Where?

@ In 1822, William Cobbett explained <http://www.quite.com/misc/tea1.htm>
  why tea is evil and beer is good, just in case it isn't obvious.
  And feed your hungry mind at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Food/
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# Televised 'gay' movie marathon - Valentine's Day to feature 'It Ain't
  Just Boy Meets Girl Festival' - a queer form of recruitment:
  See also: http://news.excite.com/news/bw/000207/ifc-valentines-day-fest
# Equal perks for homosexuals - new UK law: employers provide same benefits:

@ I’M TOO SEXY FOR MY BODY. Your Valentine may think you’re sexy, but have
  you ever wondered what other members of the opposite sex may think? Find
  out about body shape and attractiveness with our Beauty Cool Tools:
Gals: Is Your BMI Sexy? http://healthcentral.com/cooltools/CT_Beauty/bmi.cfm
Guys: R U hot??? http://www.healthcentral.com/cooltools/CT_Beauty/bmi_03.cfm

: Are you distinct from your sexuality? If so, are you a fundy jeezoid, odd
Reptilioid, robot/Borg/GOP/AI, liar? Does anyone want you? Should anyone??

@ For over a quarter of a century, San Francisco Sex <http://www.sfsi.org/>
  Information has been giving out what they say is accurate, non-judgmental
  info about sex & sexuality to anonymous telephone callers from all over
  the continent. They're funded entirely by volunteers paying for the inten-
  sive training <http://www.sfsi.org/class.html> required before going on
  the phones. Call them up <http://www.sfsi.org/call.html> & ask a question
  (but don't ask one of <http://www.sfsi.org/fasq.html> these). Then get
  your rocks off over at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Sex/
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  "My ex-girlfriend was very sexy. She reminded me of the Sphinx because
   she was very mysterious and eternal and solid...and her nose was shot
   off by French soldiers." --Emo Philips

* Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 603-415-3736
* Fringes of: Science, Faith, Sex, Dope, Art, Paranormal, Conspiracy
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/News archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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