-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000406a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/05_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No moral strictures were harmed during the production of this bulletin.
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@ Rusty: http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~kurisuto/rusty/rusty.html
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# Deliveryman Sez He Saw Goat-Hauling Bigfoot-Like Thang. He says he doesn't
  drink or "use dope," so you have to believe him on this: He saw a hairy,
  8-foot-tall critter carrying a goat. "He was all covered with hair, a real
  dark gray color, with some spots that looked a honey color ... and it was
  mighty, mighty, big." A deputy was sent to the scene, but didn't find sus-
  picious footprints. http://jsonline.com/news/metro/apr00/foot05040400a.asp

# UFO in Missouri. Although it is difficult to judge the size of an airborne
  object at a distance -- there's no point of reference by which to gauge --
  Noll estimates that the craft was "about the size of a football field."
  Humungeous: http://www.riverfronttimes.com/issues/2000-04-05/feature.html

: Have large entities stolen your goats lately? Do they hover menacingly? Do
they threaten you? Do you use dope? Do you want to now? When will you start?
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# Sun, 6 planets to line up. (AP) Next month, the sun and six of the planets
  will line up like cosmic billiard balls in a configuration doomsayers warn
  could shift the Earth's poles, trigger earthquakes, ruin the stock market
  & usher in da Age of Aquarius if anyone survives. Astronomers are busy de-
  bunking apocalyptic predictions,just as they did when the planets lined up
  in 1982, 1962 and about every 20 years before that. They'll have to do it
  again in 2020 too. And you thought it was safe to ditch those Y2K survival
  kits... http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565448807-ab2

# COPS FEAR CULT READY FOR APOCALYPSE. POLICE fear doomsday cult members are
  stockpiling weapons, food & clothing in preparation for an apocalypse next
  month. Members of one sect are said to have been asked to obtain weapons
  including shotguns, bolt-action rifles and crossbows. The leader of the
  Order of St Charbel admits they have guns. Expect the world to end in May:

: Has your world ended lately? Will it end soon? Are you prepared for the
end? Are you well-armed/supplied/fucked? D'ya have many crossbows, heterae,
prayers? Does the world end every 20 years, whether we notice it or not??
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# Doomsday sect's handbook had message. KANUNGA, Uganda (AP) In a 163-page
  handbook distributed across Uganda, a doomsday sect offered a seductive
  message of heavenly salvation to African villagers struggling with poverty
  and the scourge of AIDS. For the unconvinced there was a different fate -
  a fiery torment where they would burn for eternity. The paperbound tract,
  "A Timely Message from Heaven: The End of the Present Times," was distrib-
  uted by the thousands; we obtained a copy from a man in the SE village of
  Rugazi who said cult members tried unsuccessfully to recruit him.It offers
  little but stark choices & homespun advice for righteous living. For hund-
  reds who adhered to its tenets, the reward was ultimately a vicious death.
# Also: Uganda cult handbook excerpts, see

: Have you propagandized for Hellfire and Dalmatians lately? Have you gained
many adherents? Is everyone doomed but your fellow-believers? Are you doomed
too? Are you in any hurry for doom? Can't we approach doom slowly, lazily??
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@ We're bound for hell <http://www.exposingsatanism.org/> (in a handbasket)
  with peace signs & yin yangs <http://exposingsatanism.org/signsymbols.htm>
  and Pokemon <http://www.exposingsatanism.org/pokemon.htm> and Christmas
  <http://www.exposingsatanism.org/christmas.htm> and most of the good music
  <http://www.exposingsatanism.org/music>, but even the relatively innocuous
  [if insipid] Backstreet Boys <http://www.backstreet.net/> are a satanic
  influence <http://www.av1611.org/othpubls/teenidol.html> these days. Now
  go get religion at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Religion/ or else.

# SATANIC TELEVISION FACES HELLFIRE! ‘Satanic’ TV sets burned. Karachi -
  A Pakistani group modeled on the Taliban of Afghanistan has launched a
  campaign against "un-Islamic" practices by rounding up & burning "satanic"
  television sets: http://www.hindustantimes.com/nonfram/050400/detFOR09.htm
@ The Satanic Hamster Dance: http://www.greymatter.org/satanichamsterdance/

: What's your favorite path to Hell? D'ya prefer damned TV/music/holidays to
the salvated kinds? Is Hell a lot more interesting than salvation? Do mono-
theists rail against Hell because their preferred destination can't compete?
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# Valley to Bill Joy: 'Zzzzzzz' (Wired) The information revolution's giddy
  rush to worship science gets a drubbing from critics such as Bill Joy, who
  sez we're ignoring the little things - like ethics. The Valley, of course,
  disagrees. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,35424,00.html

# O'Hair suspect pleads innocent - atheist disappearance still a mystery.
  Godnose? http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565423881-52e
@ SingSing Unplugged - The Electric Chair: http://theelectricchair.com/
@ Out Of Indiana - The Electric Amish: http://www.electricamish.com/
@ THE CHURCH OF THE GERBIL: http://www.corg.org/main.htm
@ THE CHURCH OF THE OTTERS: http://tcoto.da.ru

: What's your favorite ethical/moral/spiritual dilemma? Do you try to solve
such problems with reason, prayer, lawsuits, bribery, murder? Is electricity
the answer? Do otters/gerbils/hamsters lead you towards the Truth? How fast?
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# Gene Research, Meet Napster. (Wired) A researcher is building a Napster-
  type application for sharing research data about the Human Genome Project.
  But the controversy surrounding Napster might make this another scientific
  hot potato. G'z. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,35404,00.html

# Gene Researchers Score $13 Mil. The NIH doles out money for scientists to
  study how genetic differences affect how we respond to drug treatments.
  I volunteer: http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,35412,00.html

# DNA database Down Under - Suspects to have samples taken without their
  consent: http://www.smh.com.au/news/0004/05/national/national09.html
# Judge allows dog-hair DNA evidence to be used as evidence in aggravated
  robbery trial: http://dallasnews.com/texas_southwest/59837_doghairdna.html

: Have you abused any DNA lately? Do people/aliens/robots abuse your DNA? Do
corporate/govt/church agents take your DNA without your consent? Do they run
experiments on it? Do they swap your DNA online? Do you demand royalties??
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  "We've all experienced dark moments when it seems logic has given
   way to chaos and nothing seems to add up.  But it is in these very
   moments that the world, however briefly, makes perfect sense to
   blondes." -- http://www.SleazyTabloid.com

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of Thought, Experience, Behavior, Knowledge, Foreboding...

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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