-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>> The Führer Furor
>>                                          by Joseph Sobran
>>         Governments, demonstrators, pundits, and even musicians are
>> protesting the inclusion of the Austrian
>>         Freedom Party in the new Conservative government. The Freedom Party
>> is of course led by Jörg Haider,
>>         February’s Hitler of the Month.
>>         "The rise of Jörg Haider in a country whose role in the Holocaust
>> still awaits clarification is more than
>>         unsettling, it’s shameful and unforgivable," says the great Jewish
>> pianist Andras Schiff, canceling a scheduled
>>         concert at the Austrian embassy in Washington. Several governments,
>> including the United States, have
>>         already announced sanctions against Austria because of Haider’s
>> anti-immigrant politics and controversial
>>         remarks about the Third Reich. He reminds people of Hitler.
>>         If only Haider were a Communist! Communists still participate,
>> without international indignation, in European
>>         coalitions. Despite the rather sanguinary history of the "socialist
>> republics" from Russia to Cambodia, which
>>         have resulted in a hundred million abbreviated life spans, nobody is
>> seriously disgraced by choosing to
>>         associate himself with the name, symbols, and history of Communism.
>>         Liberal opinion has trivialized Communism by censuring
>> anti-Communism as "McCarthyism" and ridiculing
>>         those who see "Commies under every bed." But hysterically
>> free-associating people with Hitler (d. 1945) is
>>         still considered normal behavior. In spite of Stalin, you can still
>> name your kid Joseph (thank God!); but
>>         don’t name him Adolf!
>>         Since the late 1960s Hitler and Nazism have become synonymous less
>> with World War II than with the
>>         program of mass-murder now known as the Holocaust, though the term
>> Holocaust was never used either by
>>         Hitler or his enemies — Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill,
>> Dwight Eisenhower, or even "Uncle Joe"
>>         Stalin. Today the term is ubiquitous, and several countries have
>> actually made it a crime to doubt that the
>>         Holocaust occurred.
>>         The Holocaust has become so many things: memory, cautionary lesson,
>> guilt trip, metaphor, explanation,
>>         and — though unique in history — perpetually imminent danger. It can
>> happen again at any time, regardless
>>         of circumstances, defying normal laws of causality, without such
>> preconditions as a Hitler, a world war, a
>>         Versailles treaty, and economic catastrophe.
>>         Moreover, everyone is guilty, not just Hitler and the Nazis. The
>> stain of guilt for the Holocaust has spread to
>>         all the German people, the Allies, Pope Pius XII, the Catholic
>> Church as a whole, the authors of the
>>         Gospels who originated the anti-Semitism that would result, two
>> millennia later, in genocide; not to mention
>>         such anti-Semitic authors and artists as Chaucer, Shakespeare,
>> Voltaire, Dickens, Dostoyevsky, Wagner,
>>         G.K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc, T.S. Eliot, and Ezra Pound.
>>         The Holocaust has entered the realm of science fiction. In novels
>> and movies like The Boys from Brazil and
>>         Marathon Man, new little Hitlers can be cloned, or a handful of
>> octogenarian Nazis hiding in South America
>>         can launch the whole thing all over again. Talk about a Master Race!
>>         As a symbol with such limitless potential, the Holocaust can even be
>> turned against the Jews themselves.
>>         Critics and enemies of Israel liken its racially discriminatory
>> policies — on immigration, residence,
>>         citizenship, and even marriage — to Hitler’s. And in truth, Jörg
>> Haider has little to teach the Israelis about
>>         abusing and excluding minorities.
>>         Which hasn’t prevented the Israeli government from recalling its
>> ambassador from Austria, with appropriate
>>         moral bluster: "We are calling on the free world, all the
>> democracies, to isolate this neo-fascist government,"
>>         says one Israeli official, unblushingly. Perhaps he has forgotten
>> such Israeli leaders as Menachem Begin,
>>         Yitzhak Shamir, and Benjamin Netanyahu. All Israeli practices,
>> however brutal, are justified as necessary
>>         exercises in Holocaust-prevention.
>>         Since the danger is eternally imminent, there is no limit to what
>> may be done in the name of avoiding another
>>         Holocaust. Normal standards of decency, prudence, and rhetorical
>> restraint may be set aside when a
>>         budding Hitler is spotted. A minor local politician sparks a
>> worldwide furor; a dissident historian of World
>>         War II is denounced as "one of the most dangerous spokespersons for
>> Holocaust denial." Dangerous? Yes!
>>         If you deny the first one, you see, you’re promoting the next one.
>> (Even "Holocaust denial" can cause a
>>         Holocaust.)
>>         Thus an endless anti-Hitler frenzy becomes a form of moral witness.
>> It makes the McCarthy Era seem like a
>>         moment of calm.
>> February 10, 2000

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