-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dear Joshua 2,

Gee, Did I really sound that bad?  One of the things I didn't say, as I have
studied the holocaust is that I am terribly embarrassed that one book I have
referenced in time past made the statement that the low land Christians
seemed to have played a significant role in an election that helped put or
keep Hitler in power.  I am quite amazed that a nation could elect someone
like him in the first place.  But like so often, hindsight is much better
than foresight.

I am also amazed that anyone allowed your angry tone to be printed on this
web sight.  You remind me of a patient of mine who began talking about the
Montana freemen. (I will not state his race, as it would only fan the
flames.)  As he spoke, he became so enraged as he reviewed what he perceived
to be their ideological concepts (comparing with what Hitler had done to the
Jews,) that he began ranting that the "freemen should be strung up from the
nearest lamppost without a trial."  I did not even dare to respond at that
point, but waited until we finished the appointment to comment that, as I
understood it, what he was advocating for the "freemen" was one of the
terrible tragedies of the Nazi "character defect."  But the fact that he was
ready to do the same thing to his perceived antagonists is what wars are
made of.  But you're not a bigot, are you?  Such a kind and gentle soul. Not

I wonder if you really know what you are talking about, in most of your
sputtering and opining?  I will tell you that your comments about the
Tibetan Theocracy are falling on the wrong set of ears, and I will rebut
your unlearned opinion of Tibet being some kind of "shangila" before the
Communists took over, (and I am not advocating Communism as a solution to
much of anything, but it did stamp out brutal and ruthless slavery in Tibet,
with the help of the Dahli Lama) with much more authority than you can
imagine or ever muster.  Actually, Tibet was "ruled" by the Chinese
Nationalists, and before that, by a Chinese Dynasty, and before that, an
earlier one, etc., etc.  So, where were you going with that?

>"The point is, that Christian Europe used genocide
>to solve it's theological differences with the Jews. This is a
>bad thing. Baaad."

You poor fool.   Don't you get MY point?  Farben was a Jewish owned and run
company.  They manufactured the gas and took the profits. And somebody in
Washington helped them do it.  How does that place blame on "Christian
Europe"  when JEWS DID IT to Jews?

As I see it, in war, Christians (Americans) kill Christians (Germans) and
vice versa, Buddhists (Japanese) kill Buddhists (Chinese), and Buddhists
(Chinese) kill Buddhists (Tibetan), and Buddhists (Tibetan land owners-pre
Mao) killed and maimed Buddhists (Tibetan slaves - and if you don't know
this, ask someone who lived there from 1965 to 1975 like the person I know
personally who is a world respected authority on Tibet), etc., etc., and the
only thing that will begin to resolve these hatreds being played out, is to
preach and live in tolerance of each others beliefs.

Certainly MOST, if not all of us do not live up to the standards that the
founders of our respective religions exemplified. For you to support the
Jewish state and the Vatican stating that neither owes tolerance of anyone
else's belief system is in defiance of the First Amendment of this Country,
and of the Law of Nations, and of Nature and Natures God, (upon which the
First and other Amendments were based) which were the principles that were
used to establish the new body of law that was used to try the German and
Japanese war criminals, WHOSE MAIN CRIME was being intolerant of the right
of the  Jew and the Jehovah's Witness (and where is their "holocaust
memorial"?) and ALL THE REST, TO LIVE IN FREEDOM enjoying what have been
described as the "unalienable rights of man."

If we were to follow your angry tirade's principles ("Israel is a Jewish
State....Neither of them owe other religions anything. Get it?") we should
revert back to the fact that America was founded as a Christian State, and
doesn't "owe other religions anything" either.  What a pitiful position to
espouse and believe.  I guess this is where the proof of Christ's uniqueness
stands.  He was found "guiltless" by Pilot, and turned Him over to the Jews,
who, as angry as you, put him to death, as my patient advocated for the

Tho' I don't measure up to Him by any means, He is still my "standard".
Would to God all in the world, including you, would also try to emulate Him,
who only ever raised His hand in anger at the money changers in the Temple.
If I truly did such a poor job of stating my case, I sincerely apologize.
It was not my intent.  D. Wishart

PS Gandhi was a pretty good example of an unbigoted person.  Until a
religious fanatic did him in.  I guess that's just another case of a State
that "doesn't owe other religions anything." deja vu? Uh...Is it not true
that the Jew considers others (especially those of other religious
persuasions) to be "goyem" and heretics, and just like the Muslim believes,
a heretic can be cheated or killed without qualms? Just asking, so if I'm
wrong, I'm sure you will correct me. Peace...

>From: Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [CTRL] The new Calvinism: "everyone is guilty"
>Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 14:05:59 -0500
>-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
></A> -Cui Bono?-
>don wishart wrote:
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > </A> -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > In a book I found in the stacks of the Bork (sp?) Law Library at
> > titled "The War Crimes Trial of I G Farben Co.," I learned several
> > (The book, since I have publicized these facts, has disappeared both
> > the stacks and from the records, although a book of similar title is
> > but without the list!!) I G Farben Co was, coincidentally, the company
> > manufactured the infamous gas used in the "chambers," and two things in
> > book caught my attention; first, I G Farben was, initially, a "Jew"
> > company, and several of its star chemists, etc., were Jewish,
>So what's your point???
> > and second, in
> > a list at its beginning I took note that people of various races,
> > political leanings, etc., were candidates for the ovens, and it was
> > apparent that a tremendous number of people other than Jews were killed
> > the "camps."
>Yes, but not for being Jews. The point is, that Christian Europe
>used genocide
>to solve it's theological differences with the Jews. This is a
>bad thing. Baaad.

You poor fool.   Don't you get the point?  Farben was a Jewish owned and run
company.  They manufactured the gas and took the profits.  How does that
place blame on "Christian Europe"  when JEWS DID IT to Jews? As I see it,
Christians (Americans) kill Christians (Germans), Bhudists (Japanese) kill
Bhudists (Chinese), and Bhudists (Chinese) kill Bhudists (Tibetan), and
Bhudists (Tibetan land owners-pre Mao) killed and maimed Bhudists (Tibetan
slaves - and if you don't know this, ask someone who lived there from 1965
to 1975 like the person I know personally), etc., etc., and the only thing
that will begin to resolve these hatreds is to preach and live in tolerance
of each others beliefs.  Certainly MOST of us do not live up to the
standards that the founders of our respective religions exemplified. For you
to support the Jewish state and the Vatican stating that neither owes
tolerance of anyone else belief system is in defiance of the First Amendment
of this Country, and of the Laws of Nations, and of Nature and Natures God,
which were the principles that were used to try the German and Japanese war
criminals, WHOSE MAIN CRIME was being intolerant of the right of the  Jew
and the Jehovah's Witnesses (and where is their "holocaust memorial"?) TO
LIVE IN FREEDOM enjoying what have been described as the "unalienable rights
of man."  If we were to follow your angry tirade's principles ("Isreal is a
Jewish State....Neither of them owe other religions anything. Get it?") we
should revert back to the fact that America was founded as a Christian
State, and doesn't "owe other religions anything" either.  What a pitiful
position to espouse and believe.  I guess this is where the proof of
Christ's uniqueness stands.  He was found "guiltless" by Pilot, and turned
over to the Jews, who, as angry as you, put him to death.  Tho' I don't
measure up to Him by any means, He is still my "standard".  Would to God all
in the world, including you, would also try to emulate Him.  If I truly did
such a poor job of stating my case, I sincerely apologize.  It was not my
intent.  D. Wishart
> > I G Farben Co. had offices in America and contacts in
> > Washington, and for some strange reason did not get bombed until very
> > in the war even though it also manufactured many significant materials
> > fuel and rubber from coal!
> >
> > I do not understand why the world is so ensnared in the concept of a
> > holocaust when at least an equal number of "men and women" of other
> > persuasions and nationalities were murdered.  Where is their memorial in
> > Washington D.C.?  And in the minds of the rest of the world?
>I'll tell you why doc. It's a Jewish plot to annoy good god
>Christians like you. And to make the world see how loving your
>really is.
> > One last point.  Try to be a Christian in Israel!!  There is almost NO
> > TOLERANCE for people of other faiths in Israel,
>And there doesn't need to be either. Israel is a Jewish State.
>The Vatican
>is a Catholic State. Neither of them owe other religions
>anything. Get it?
>Before the Chinese invasion Tibet was a Buddhist Theocracy. So
>what? No one
>is forcing you to live in any of these places.
> > and yet the United States
> > sends a huge amount of money to a country that is bigoted to an extreme.
>  I
> > wonder (really?) why Congress appropriates so much money to a nation
> > such rabid intolerance of others.
>What intolerance are you talking about? Are you stupid or just
>full of shit?
>Every religion on the planet including Buddhists, and Bahais are
>free to
>practice their beliefs in israel. Israel allows the Pope to own
>real estate
>in Jerusalem. The Pope is an enemy of Israel. I'd say that's
>damned tolerant.
> > I think we call such treatment "hate
> > crimes" in this country!.. I'm afraid there are always more questions
> > anyone has answers to, right!  Dr. Donald Wishart.
>I think that you are an ignorant bigot. But lucky for you it's
>a hate crime to be an ignorant bigot in this country.
> >
> > >From: "Damian B. Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Subject: [CTRL] The new Calvinism: "everyone is guilty"
> > >Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 18:50:13 -0800
> > >
> > >-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > ></A> -Cui Bono?-
> > >
> > > >
> > > >>
> > > >> The Führer Furor
> > > >>
> > > >>                                          by Joseph Sobran
> > > >>
> > > >>         Governments, demonstrators, pundits, and even musicians are
> > > >> protesting the inclusion of the Austrian
> > > >>         Freedom Party in the new Conservative government. The
> > >Party
> > > >> is of course led by Jörg Haider,
> > > >>         February’s Hitler of the Month.
> > > >>
> > > >>         "The rise of Jörg Haider in a country whose role in the
> > >Holocaust
> > > >> still awaits clarification is more than
> > > >>         unsettling, it’s shameful and unforgivable," says the great
> > >Jewish
> > > >> pianist Andras Schiff, canceling a scheduled
> > > >>         concert at the Austrian embassy in Washington. Several
> > >governments,
> > > >> including the United States, have
> > > >>         already announced sanctions against Austria because of
> > > >> anti-immigrant politics and controversial
> > > >>         remarks about the Third Reich. He reminds people of Hitler.
> > > >>
> > > >>         If only Haider were a Communist! Communists still
> > > >> without international indignation, in European
> > > >>         coalitions. Despite the rather sanguinary history of the
> > >"socialist
> > > >> republics" from Russia to Cambodia, which
> > > >>         have resulted in a hundred million abbreviated life spans,
> > >nobody is
> > > >> seriously disgraced by choosing to
> > > >>         associate himself with the name, symbols, and history of
> > >Communism.
>But this isn't really about Communism is it????
>It's about Austria and it's connection to right wing fascism
>and what it did last century.
>Do all you right wingers have attention deficit disorder. C'mon
>Stay focussed boys. Nazis. We are talking about Austria and
>Take your rittalin and pay attention.
><A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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