How's about some new nomenclature to help dissambiguate one's position re
any given Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). I would like to propose the
following for example:
UFOpo (UFO probably ours) A terrestrial craft of type unknown to observer
UFOpa (UFO putative alien) An aerial phenomenon outside the World of books
UFOso (UFO stellar object) An sighting of event predictable to astronomy
UFOsa (UFO secret agent) Accidental sighting of 'odd-shaped' spy-craft
UFObo (UFO biological object) Flocking birds, Insects, (+Fish if Fortean)
UFOba (UFO bugger all) Imagined objects in far depth/neuroptic distortions
Although offered somewhat light heartedly, the issue of whether any given
UFO sighting/report might lose its U-nature is not always clear.
> Samantha, there have been "sightings" of all kinds throughout history,
> it is you, and others of similar mindset (those who are inclined to
> believe in alien visitation, not that there is anything wrong with that)
> who classify these things as UFO's flown by aliens, with not one lick of
> evidence to support it.
To me, a UFO is any putative craft in the air that I cannot identify,
hence the U; - this can often include a wide variety of civil (and most
military) aircraft which I might see at 'funny' angles in the sky. One
person's UFO might conceivably be someone else's IFO (and vice-versa).
ET in my view is/are lifeforms, not necessarily biological in a
commonly-used terrestrial sense, who's origin is beyond the Earth's
biosphere. Most photons are of extraterrestrial origin (Solar) but some
are man-made (lightbulbs).
According to many astronomers 'interstellar dustclouds' are thought to
harbour life; Marburg/hantavirus hybrids appear to be very terrestrial.
In a nutshell, I would suggest that the most healthy view would be to
simultaneously entertain view that:
1. A UFO could contain ET.
2. An ET might travel in/on a medium of unidentifiable appearance.
Likewise, and just for completeness:-
1. A UFO might as well turn out to be a terrestrial object (UFOpo/UFOsa)
prior to its identification (thereafter becoming an IFO).
2. ET might travel in a biol membrane/747/Shuttle/rocket (i.e., an IFO).
Just a thoughts,.... whilst the Jury is still out ?
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