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Welcome to another spooooky issue of your scariest dreams and weirdest
fantasies - The Conspiracy Journal!  This week we look at such unnerving
stories as - weird water monsters in China - A strange blue glow at a
nuclear processing plant in Kentucky - and the second part of C.A. Honeys
"Miscellaneous Commentary" For those of you interested in other
fascinating things by C.A. Honey, please email him at this address for
more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ALSO!!! This is your LAST CHANCE to get the new book from Conspiracy
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~ And Now, On With the Show! !

Blue Glow' Reported At Paducah Plant - Nuke Criticality May have been

A "blue glow" reported by workers at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
could indicate nuclear reactions occurred underground in a top-secret
burial pit for atomic-weapons parts, according to an internal memo
obtained by The Courier-Journal.

The memo, written by a health physicist employed by the plant operator,
says "a 'blue glow' that looked like 'blue fire' above the ground" was
first observed in the early 1980s over the southwest corner of the C-746-F
classified burial yard and was  reportedly seen a number of times after

Ray Carroll, a health physicist for the U.S. Enrichment Corp., wrote that
the "blue glow" could be a type of radiation resulting from nuclear
fission processes, and added, "If the cause is a fission source, personnel
entering the area could potentially receive a lethal dose of radiation."

But the U.S. Department of Energy's site manager at Paducah, Don Seaborg,
said, "We don't have any indication" that a fission reaction occurred. He
said that after receiving the memo last week, he had not been able to find
supporting data, such as elevated radiation readings on the landfill's
surface or worker exposure measurements.

"That's the concern, if you have a blue glow, then that's indicative of a
criticality and of course a major safety concern," Seaborg said. "My
background experience tells me that it was  unlikely something was going
on of a criticality (nuclear reaction) nature. I'm bringing in the right
people with the right certifications to verify that."

The plant has been in the news since August 1999 when three employees
filed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that contamination and conditions
were much worse than had been disclosed by former operators. A cleanup
effort is underway.

The Energy Department leases production facilities to the U.S. Enrichment
Corp., a publicly traded company, but still owns the burial pit and other
areas where radioactive and hazardous waste was dumped or stored during a
half-century of enriching uranium for weapons and power plants.

According to the memo, the burial yard was covered with five to nine feet
of dirt at an undisclosed time after the first observations of a "blue
glow." But it notes that there was another reported sighting in 1996, long
after the earthen cover was applied. The glow has only been seen
immediately after a heavy rain, when there was a mist or moisture in the
air, the memo said. Carroll wrote that the glow could be Cerenkov
radiation, a phenomenon in which charged radioactive particles from a
fission reaction give off a blue glow in water.

On the chance that a fission reaction is occurring, Carroll recommended
barring employees from within 1,000 feet of the site and installing a
continuous radiation monitor with an audible alarm and "a red warning
light that can easily be read from a distance."

Carroll also recommended taking core samples in the burial yard to
determine if radioactive products of fission are present. "If these
radio-isotopes are present, a much more extensive environmental
remediation of the whole area will be required," he wrote.

But GeorgAnn Lookofsky, a USEC spokeswoman, said yesterday that Carroll's
safety recommendations had not been put into effect, because in radiation
surveys of the area, "we haven't found anything to raise our concerns."

She said Carroll wrote the memo after a plant employee raised concerns
about the glow. There could be other explanations for the glow,  according
to Kimberlee J. Kearfott, a professor of nuclear engineering at the
University of Michigan.

For the glow to be from a fission reaction, there would have to be
"extremely large sources" and a vast amount of energy being expended to
cause the Cerenkov effect, she said yesterday. She said the only places
she has seen the blue glow are in a university research reactor under
water or in spent fuel rods immersed in water.

She said a more likely scenario is either a chemical fluorescence or
phosphorescence or a glow from tritium -- a radioactive material that
reports say was buried in unknown quantities in the plant's landfills.

Seaborg, the Energy Department site manager,  raised the possibility that
the glow was the result of something going on underground, possibly from
spontaneously burning metals,  such as uranium or aluminum. The reports of
a glow, however, do not mention any smoke  accompanying the blue

A metals fire also could release radioactivity, but on a much smaller
scale than from a fission reaction, Seaborg said.

John Volpe, manager of the Radiation Control and Toxic Agents Branch of
the Kentucky Cabinet for Health Services, said he does not have enough
information about the incidents to even speculate as to what may have
happened.  But Volpe said this is an example of why the Energy Department
should make available information about the landfill's contents.

"We have asked them to take samples and basically they said they would
not," Volpe said.

Robert Daniel, director of the Kentucky Division of Waste Management, the
state  regulatory agency overseeing the Paducah cleanup, said the report
of a blue glow "is news to me." Daniel said he will ask his staff to
review the matter but added that the Energy Department in the past has
gone to court to successfully prohibit the state from regulating disposal
of nuclear material inside the plant's fence.

According to Bechtel Jacobs, the Energy Department's environmental cleanup
contractor at the Paducah plant, the landfill was used from 1965 to '87
for burial of classified weapons components contaminated with radioactive
isotopes. Many of the weapons were sent from the Pantex atomic bomb plant
in Texas.

Energy Department records show that the Paducah plant received several
hundred tons of  weapons parts to be dismantled so that precious metals
could be recovered.

Apparently by mistake, 20 radioactive atomic bomb neutron generators
containing tritium were also were shipped to the plant in the 1960s.  Very
likely other unrecognized shipments of radioactive materials were in the
weaponry the Paducah plant was asked to dismantle, because the shipments
were not scanned, Energy Department records show.

Tom Clements, executive director of the Nuclear Control Institute, a
Washington, D.C.,  nuclear non-proliferation group, said if a fission
reaction is confirmed, "it is most  troubling." Clements said if such a
reaction had occurred, "a remediation plan needs to be developed

Earlier this month, the Energy Department released a series of maps it had
prepared a year ago but never made public that showed that radioactive
contamination had leaked into the environment around the plant at
distances greater than a mile.
The Courier-Journal 10-25-00

Massive UFO Sighting on the LOA River

Multicolored bolides flew over Calama, Chiu-Chiu, Caspana and Ayquina. A
terrible blast terrified residents, professionals and children alike

Terror and uncertainty gripped the residents of Chiu-Chiu, Caspana and
Ayquina, who witnessed--with startling clarity--two unidentified flying
objects (UFOs) at different times on Thursday, October 19, 2000, a
phenomenon which was also seen by some Calama residents.

Eyewitness accounts from professors of the G-52 "San Francisco" school in
Chiu-Chiu, the second and most eloquent UFO crossed over the rural
settlement at a medium altitude around 22:00 hours, to the surprise of a
large number of locals.

"Suddenly, a thing the size of a junior soccer field passed [overhead],
lighting the entire town and stopping for some two or three seconds and
appeared to continue in a southward direction. We then heard a tremendous
noise, like an earthquake, but nothing moved." This was the amazingly
similar testimony of nearly 20 children, who were accompanied by the
educational facility's physical education professor.

Students Rene Calpa Carrazana and Walter Anza Vilca stated that the
bolide, which was predominantly white in color, also issued blue, red and
yellow lights. A member of the group even recalled a "burning odor".

They said that around 19:00 hours that daty, another incandescent object
-- not so close to Earth -- crossed the heavens and full speed and even
split in two.

** The School **

After visiting the educational institution, reporters interviewed
instructors, workers and students whose accounts dovetailed perfectly.

Monica Espinoza Fernandez, a teacher of Basic Education, noted that at the
time the phenomenon occurred, a meeting with 35 members of the General
Center of Parents and Attorneys-in-Fact was being held. Some of these held
the detonation and saw a light move swiftly past the classroom's windows.
"I felt nothing, but my daughter was with the auxiliary and she suddenly
ran in to tell me, but I paid her no mind until I saw Fresia was

Matters became completely different for this woman when she was visited by
the Calama Carabineros (state police), who knocked at her door at 1:30
a.m. in order to learn more of the details of the strange experience
visited upon the town of Chiu-Chiu.

"My husband, who also saw something, dealt with them and told them what
happened." Aside from confirming his wife's version of the events,
Professor Juan Rojas Maffet added that at 19:00 hours that very same day
he had seen a flying object through a window on the establishment's second
floor while in conversation with some of his colleagues.

"It appeared out of the northeast, split in two and lost itself in the
south. I thought: "What the hell!" but didn't comment it with anyone until
that evening, when everyone saw the light and felt the noise."

Both he and his wife remarked that the men in uniform confirmed the
sighting in Inacaliri. "They said that two residents had their eyesight
damaged by the glare, and others left the tiny village on foot."

While instructor Vilma Salvatierra Cortes did not see the UFO, she felt
the noise which made the hardiest soul around quake at the knees. "Was it
loud? It was a veritable explosion/"

Translation (C) 2000. Institute of Hispanic Ufology
Special Thanks to Liliana Torres

Research Continues Into Bigfoot 'Body Imprint' Cast

Idaho State University Researcher Coordinates Analysis of Body Imprint
That May Belong to a Sasquatch

Pocatello - Dr. Jeff Meldrum, associate professor of anatomy and
anthropology at Idaho State University, is a member of the scientific team
examining a plaster cast of what may be the first documented body imprint
of a Sasquatch.

The imprint of what appears to be a large animal's left forearm, hip,
thigh, and heel was discovered Sept. 22 in a muddy wallow near Mt. Adams
in southern Washington state by a Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
( expedition in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.

The investigating team, including Meldrum; Dr. Grover Krantz, retired
physical anthropologist from Washington State University; Dr. John
Bindernagel, Canadian wildlife biologist; John Green, retired Canadian
journalist and author; and Dr. Ron Brown, exotic animal handler and health
care administrator, all examined the cast and agreed that it cannot be
attributed to any commonly known Northwest animal and may represent an
unknown primate.

Meldrum, whose research includes comparative primate anatomy and the
emergence of human walking supervised the careful cleaning of the cast,
and will coordinate its analysis by a scientific team. He first became
actively interested in the question of the existence of a North American
ape after examining fresh Sasquatch (popularly called Bigfoot) tracks in

"While not definitively proving the existence of a species of North
American ape, the cast constitutes significant and compelling new evidence
that will hopefully stimulate further serious research and investigation
into the presence of these primates in the Northwest mountains and
elsewhere,"  Meldrum said.

Dr. LeRoy Fish, a retired wildlife ecologist from Triangles Lake, Ore.,
with a doctorate in zoology from Washington State University; Derek
Randles, a landscape architect from Belfair, Wash.; and Richard Noll, a
tooling metrologist from Edmonds, Wash.; discovered and cast the partial
body  imprint during the BFRO expedition.

More than 200 pounds of plaster were needed to produce the 3-1/2 x 5-foot
cast of the entire impression, which was reinforced with researchers'
aluminum tent poles. Other Sasquatch evidence documented by the BFRO
expedition includes voice recordings and indistinct 17-inch footprints.

Trace evidence attributed to Sasquatch is usually footprints, but
impressions of other body parts, including hands, knuckles, and buttocks,
have occasionally been found.  This unique instance of a partial body
impression provides further insights about this elusive ape species'
anatomy.  Preliminary measurements indicate its body dimensions are 40 to
50 percent greater than those of a six- foot tall human.

After the cast was cleaned, extensive impressions of hair on the buttock
and thigh surfaces and a fringe of longer hair along the forearm were
evident. Meldrum identified what appear to be skin ridge  patterns on the
heel, comparable to fingerprints, that are characteristic of primates.

Hair samples collected at the scene and from the cast itself and examined
by Dr. Henner Fahrenbach, a biomedical research scientist from Beaverton,
Ore., were primarily of deer, elk, coyote, and bear, as was expected since
tracks in the wallow were mostly of  those animals. However, based on
characteristics matching those of otherwise indeterminate primate hairs
collected in association with other Sasquatch sightings,  he identified a
single distinctly primate hair as "Sasquatch."

Idaho State University Press Release

Kangaroo Spotted Hopping Around Suburb

An errant kangaroo has been spotted hopping around a London suburb -- and
one woman   reported that it attacked her pet dog.

Park officials in Lewisham confessed they had been caught on the hop after
several sightings were reported by astonished walkers and golfers.

"One woman claimed her dog had been kicked by the creature and came flying
out of the bushes,'' said park manager Jim Horn.

A team of animal welfare officers has been set off in hot pursuit of the
kangaroo. All they have found so far is a set of paw prints which they
said ``could be those of a kangaroo.''

Huge Water Monsters Spotted at Altay

A tourist resort in Shuiguanchu,  Tangbahu, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang,
reports seeing a number of large water  monsters. Staff at Shuiguanchu saw
3 large monsters in the lake during the            months of June and

Staff describe the creature backs surfacing above the water, over 3 m
long, with fins approximately 0.4 m long.

The creatures  swam away when people began calling out, leaving 1 m sprays
like those left by motorboats.

China Business Times, 10/9/00
=====================================================================   -


The Great Pyramid in Egypt is also a mystery.  Its largest stones, while
much smaller than those at Baalbek or Sacsahuaman, weigh about 200 tons
and could not be handled or placed in position by modern man.

Even though the ancient cuneiform writers describe details of the building
of the Great Pyramid, its purpose, and those who built it, modern scholars
still insist on ignoring all such evidence, probably because to
acknowledge it would destroy most of the modern theories as to the
beginnings of mankind here on the Earth.

These writings, part of which were condensed into the biblical version of
the creation of the world and of mankind in Genesis, tell of the cities
built by the Nefilim before mankind's creation.  They also tell of the
building of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, not by humans, but by the
Nefilim.  Inside the pyramid was the instrumentation that guided the
spacecraft of the Nefilim as they came in and landed on the Earth.

Now you can understand why modern scholars refuse to consider these
stories as factual, believing that ancient science fiction writers were at
work.  They ignore all the vast quantities of scientific and astronomical
data given in the same writings, all of which has been verified by
scientists today.

Many theories exist today trying to explain how the Great Pyramid of Giza
was built.  None make sense, none can be taken seriously, and some are
more fantastic to believe than the theory that travelers from space built

For sake of argument, lets assume that any one of the theories is correct.
That still doesn't explain the much larger granite blocks in South America
or Baalbek in Lebanon.  Building ramps or making canals to float such
stones from the quarries cannot apply to Baalbek or Sacsahuaman. None of
the Egyptian theories is even remotely possible at these other locations.

The only answer that makes any sense at all is the ancient explanation
that the Nefilim built these stone monuments prior to the creation of
humanity.  Their scientific technology, which apparently included gravity
manipulation, enabled them to do all sorts of things we cannot duplicate
today.  Space travel, enabling them to come to planet Earth 450,000 years
ago, shows how much farther advanced they were than are our scientists

The ancient Sumerian records state that the first category of humans, Homo
sapiens or Neanderthal, "The Adam," was created about 300,000 years ago in
North Africa.  Homo sapiens sapiens, the second category,  "Adam of Adam &
Eve", was created thousands of years later.

The second category of humans (Cro-Magnon), or present day humans, are the
descendents of Adam & Eve who were driven out of Eden and spread out over
the Earth.  Those humans in the second category could procreate while the
original category could not, as they were hybrid and as such were sterile.

I find another very interesting fact in reading about Adam and Eve in the
Bible. In Genesis 3:1-5 we find that the biblical serpent was not a
literal snake for, as Zecharia Sitchin says, " he could converse with Eve,
he knew the Truth about ‘Knowing,' and he was of such high stature that he
unhesitatingly exposed the deity as a liar."

Because man had acquired the ability of procreation (knowing) in Eden, the
Nefilim leaders were afraid that man would also acquire "eternal life."
He was no longer just a servant doing all the "dirty work" or manual
labor.  Now he was able to have his own offspring. The Nefilim leaders
were afraid that man would somehow acquire the last remaining difference
between the Creator and himself, the ability to acquire eternal life.  He
might, as stated in Genesis 3:22, "become as one of us, to know good and
evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of
life, and eat, and live forever."

As a result man was thrown out of the Garden of Eden and forced to live on
his own and work to support his own existence.  Thus began the biblical
story of Adam and his offspring and the beginnings of civilization, as we
know it.  Prior to that the story in Genesis referred to a "generic Adam"
and covered the happenings from human creation 300,000 years ago up to the
time of the Adam and Eve story of their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

In 1956, a book was written by M. K. Jessup and published by the Citadel
Press in New York. The title was UFO AND THE BIBLE.  In the book Mark
Jessup makes the following statement that applies to all of my writings
and my books also. The statement was:

"The skeptic, honest, dishonest, or self-deluded_will wonder why we appear
to be blaspheming Christianity and the Good Book. The answer is, bluntly,
we are doing no such thing. What we are doing is to rationalize and
substantiate the Bible in the light of modern science, common sense, and a
host of bewildering and unexplained events of UFO nature.

Charles Fort spent a hectic lifetime accumulating tens of thousands of
accounts of events and phenomena which couldn't happen…but did!  Many of
them could not be explained under any known system of physical law, and
were attributed to occult causes or to downright absurdities."

Anyone following the progress of intellectual inquiry into the "flying
saucer" or UFO mystery is well aware that the government has followed a
policy of denying the very existence of UFO phenomena.  But the incidents
continue to happen.  As a result, each year more and more people become
believers that these "flying saucers" are coming to earth from other

At the same time certain religious groups, those I call "cults" or
"religious wackos," are stepping up their "I am right and you are wrong"
campaign. Unfortunately they believe they are the only ones with the "real
truth" and if they had the opportunity they would cheerfully burn people
like myself at the stake.  They think God gives them the right to destroy
anyone who disagrees with them. I am serious about this. Because they do
not have any legitimate argument for their particular belief or even an
argument that makes any sense against my belief, they feel perfectly
justified in threatening their opposition.

In biblical times, the Children of Israel and Moses, believed that God was
directing them to murder, rape and destroy other people who had a
different belief system. In Numbers Chapter 31 we find the complete story
of the Israelites being directed to kill every man, woman, and child,
except of course they were to keep the virgins for themselves and the
priests of Israel. The God of the Old Testament is depicted as a cruel,
harsh, jealous, humanized, Being, who authorized crimes against humanity
that are abhorrent to all reason.-

In Numbers 31 we find that the Lord (Moses believes that this Lord is God)
commands that Moses, and selected troops from among the tribes of Israel,
shall descend upon the Midianites and destroy them.  Starting with verse
7, we read that as the Lord commanded, they slew every male, various
kings, and captured the women and children. In addition, they
appropriated, a polite word for theft, all their cattle, flocks and goods.

In verse 14 we find Moses was angry because the troops let the women and
children live when God had commanded they all be killed.  So in verse 17
and 18 we read: (Moffatt version)

"Come, kill every male child, and kill every woman who has had intercourse
with a man! But you may keep alive all the girls who have never had
intercourse with a man…."

Then in verses 32 through 47 we find that 32,000 maidens were allowed to
live. Out of the thirty two thousand 16,000 were given to the troops of
Israel, and the other 16,000 were given to the men who had not fought in
the massacre.  God's share was a tax of 32 maidens who were turned over to
Eleazar the priest, as God had ordered. (Verses 40-41)  The Bible
discreetly does not say what the priests did with the virgins.

I think a person has to be pretty naïve to believe that it was God and not
a conniving Eleazar who actually commanded Moses and the Israelites to do
these terrible things. If God wanted to punish these people for their
"sins," He wouldn't need Moses and his troops to do it, as reasoned by
modern theologians, least of all tell them to save 32 virgins for himself.
God would have allowed the earth to swallow them up or send fire down from
heaven, or any number of other things.  He would not command murder, rape
and looting that in the eyes of modern Christian leaders is all right if
God tells you to do it.

Part Three in next weeks issue
Conspiracy Journal
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