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Letter may reveal the truth about the Kursk disaster – Ohio investigator
uncovers a strange tale of a submarine seen on the Mississippi River – And
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~ And Now, On With the Show! ~

Sailor's Letter: Misfire Sunk Kursk

MOSCOW — A note left by a sailor said the nuclear submarine Kursk was sunk
by the explosion of a practice torpedo, a Russian newspaper reported
Monday. Navy officials refused to comment on the claim.

Russian officials found two notes from different crew members during the
operation to retrieve some of the bodies of the Kursk's 118 crewmen last
year, but said at the time that neither shed any light on the cause of the

The first note, written by Lt. Dmitry Kolesnikov, told how 23 sailors
crowded into the crew's rear compartment and were unable to escape after
the Kursk sank in the Barents Sea on Aug. 12. Officials have never
identified the author of the second note or spelled out its contents.

The respected daily Izvestia on Monday quoted unidentified naval officers
as saying the second note was written by Lt. Rashid Aryapov, who said the
explosion, which sent the submarine crashing onto the seabed, was caused
by the misfiring of a practice torpedo.

"That confirms the reason for the disaster that is the most unpleasant for
the military leadership," the newspaper said.

The government hasn't yet issued a verdict on the cause, saying the
disaster could have been touched off by an internal malfunction, a
collision with a foreign submarine or a World War II mine. Navy officials
have said a collision with a Western submarine was the most likely cause.

The unidentified Northern Fleet officers  told Izvestia that the letter
described how the submarine "somersaulted" in the water after the
explosion and that pieces of equipment that the shock wave tore from their
stowage places injured crew members. They said the note, written on a book
page and wrapped in plastic, was found on one of the bodies.

Northern Fleet spokesman Capt. Igor Babenko refused to comment on the

"The note immediately went to the government commission in charge of
investigating the cause of the disaster and we have never seen it," he
said by telephone.

When the note was found, Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov, who was in
charge of the Kursk salvage operation, described the note as saying that
the crew was suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning from the fire and
the rise in pressure. The note itself was never shown.

Igor Spassky, the head of the Rubin design bureau that designed the Kursk,
has said that he knew what caused the disaster but refused to name the
reason. Izvestia quoted Igor Kurdin, who leads a group of retired
submariners, saying that Spassky had told him that the first blast indeed
came from a misfiring torpedo.

After the Kursk slammed onto the seabed,  four combat torpedoes detonated,
instantly killing most of the crew, Kurdin  quoted Spassky as saying.

Most Russian and foreign experts have agreed that a misfiring torpedo was
the most likely cause of the disaster. The government plans to raise the
submarine to the surface later this year.

EL Diablito Strikes Again In Pitrufquen, Argentina

As occurs in fairy tales and myths, a strange being has been appearing
repeatedly at night in the town of Pitrufquen, Argentina.

The creature involved could be a diablito which according to the testimony
of some local children has manifested itself in a patch of a vacant lot
located in the city's Calle Manuel Rodriguez (street). The children
attested that the mysterious entity, which only appears at night, 'is
small, more like no taller than 60 centimeters (20 inches), and he's been
appearing since September (2000) in the same spot.'

Pitrufquen is located about 400 kilometers (250 miles) west of Buenos
Aires, the national capital. They believe that the entity lives in a sort
of cave not far from the backyard of the children's home.

"We would go and see him every night, but first we thought it was a guagua
(a newborn baby) living in a house close to where we live.. Then we
realized that the baby was always crying, and we thought that this is how
we knew El Diablito was approaching, explained the youngsters."

"Sometimes we would shine a flashlight on him at night. The light would
shock him and make him crouch. That's when we could see things on the side
of his head--like unusual ears. He'd squeal and then would go away, and
that's when we started throwing stones at him. He would follow us, but we
always managed to get away, they stressed."

The children explained that after this incident they never again went near
the place. "El Diablito scared us because he could do anything.  Besides,
he's real strong because he lifted a car that was near the  cave, and he
beat up the dogs,' they said."

The youngsters added that, "El Diablito got into the hospital and to
pester the people there. That's why lots of people came to the lot to see
him--firefighters and Carabineros (Argentinian state police)  and
detectives showed up to keep an eye on him and to find out what was going

Selmira Munoz, the children's aunt, corroborated their version of the
events. "Whenever my nephew visited that place, they all came across a
little crouching man wearing a sort of blanket over his back. The other
neighbors can also say the same, since many of them have seen it.
Fortunately, the entity hasn't come all the way to our house, and that's
why the children have no trouble sleeping. But if they bother it, it
reacts violently, she stated."

Selmira Mynoz also noted that there were suggestions that the alleged Imp
had been captured. "The hospital officials said that it had been caught
and sent to Temuco to perform experiments on  it."

Hernan San Martin, another witness to the mysterious entity's presence,
recalled that "one day I was drinking tea with my wife. I heard the
children throwing stones at something. We went out for a look, and my wife
told me she saw a little man walking around. I went outside to check what
was going on and found a sort of cave in which it seemed to hide. That's
when my wife told me it was a little man with wizened features , hairy
pig-like ears and shining eyes."

San Martin recalled that after the incident he wasn't all that convinced
by the children's story. "However, my wife and I thought we could feel it
approaching the house in the dark. I made an effort to catch a glimpse of
him, but I couldn't because he's very astute."

As time went by, he noticed that a few of his hens and chickens were
slowly dying.  "The likeliest explanation is that the critter killed them.
What I find strangest of all is that it only drank the blood. All of
these events led us to find out more about it. People told us that it was
an imp raised in the countryside and will never live in the city.  They
further told us that it obeys a master and is loyal to him."

Hernan San Martin finally tried in spite of its aggressive tendencies, has
not hurt the children un so far. "It appears to have only wanted to play
with them. , but it behaves violently towards animal since it hurts  our
cats and dogs don't want to go near it because it frightens them." the

Source: Scott Corrales and Diario Austral de Temuco for February 18, 2001

Corn Seed Tainted by Gene-Altered Protein

Corn seed about to be sold to farmers  for this year's crop was found to
be contaminated by traces of a  genetically modified variety of the grain
that prompted massive  recalls last year, the Washington Post reported on

Quoting government and industry sources, the Post said seed companies
detected the contamination while testing their stocks to make sure the
seed was free of the engineered corn, known as StarLink, approved in the
U.S. only for animal feed.

StarLink is not approved for human consumption because of concerns about
potential allergic reactions. It was found in taco shells in September,
leading to an eventual recall of more than 300 food products.

The Post said the newly discovered contamination does not pose any
immediate public health threat because none of the seed has been planted.

But if the contamination is found to be widespread, farmers and grain
exporters fear it could be devastating because major buyers Of American
corn in Europe and Asia have said they will refuse to buy any corn
suspected of being tainted by StarLink, the Post said.

Representatives of the seed industry and other corn and food industry
officials were scheduled to meet Thursday with officials from the three
federal agencies that oversee agricultural biotechnology, the Post

"There may be low levels of the StarLink protein in some non-StarLink
hybrid corn seed," an Agriculture Department official told the Post. Those
attending Thursday's meeting will "look into the issue and further
evaluate what steps may be necessary to address it," the newspaper said.

Industry sources told the Post that it was unclear how the seed corn came
to contain the StarLink protein, called Cry9c. The sources were also
quoted as saying the level of Cry9c being found in corn seed is very low.

StarLink's developer, Aventis CropScience, a unit of Franco-German life
science firm Aventis SA, maintains the corn is safe for human consumption.
The pharmaceutical giant has asked the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency to approve StarLink retroactively for human use to avert future
disruptions of the corn supply, but the agency is under intense pressure
from critics of biotechnology to keep the ban on human use, the Post said.

Taliban Begins Destruction of All Afghan Statues

The ruling Taliban movement on Thursday began the systematic destruction
of all statues from Afghanistan's rich cultural past because they had been
declared un-Islamic.

The destruction in the 90 percent of Afghanistan under Taliban control
began despite international appeals, including from U.N. Secretary General
Kofi Annan.

Mullah Qudratullah Jamal, the Taliban information and culture minister,
said the centers where the campaign of destruction had been unleashed
included Bamiyan -- site of two soaring statues of the Buddha hewn from a
solid cliff that are the most famous relics of Afghanistan's history.

Jamal said the destruction -- overseen by his ministry and the Ministry
for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice -- was also underway in
the national museum in Kabul, which housed a prized collection of early
Buddhist statues.

"All statues will be destroyed," he told reporters. "Whatever means of
destruction are needed to demolish the statues will be used."

"The work began early during the day. All of the statues are to be
smashed. This also covers the idols in Bamiyan," he said.

The decision to destroy the statues has already inflicted new damage on
the Taliban's already poor relations with most countries, which have
condemned the austere Islamic movement's restrictions on Afghan women and
refuse to recognize it as the legitimate government.

There has been international alarm at the order on Monday by the Taliban
leader Mullah Mohammad Omar to smash all statues, including the two famous
Buddhas that soar 38 meters and 53 meters above Bamiyan.

Annan had urged the Taliban "to do all in their power to preserve the
unique and irreplaceable relics of Afghanistan's rich heritage," a
spokesman said on Tuesday.

The United Nations cultural agency UNESCO appealed directly to the Taliban
on Wednesday to reverse the decision.   Even Pakistan, one of the few
foreign supporters of the Taliban,  joined the international pressure on
Thursday to halt the militant group's plans to destroy all their nation's
historic statues.

"Pakistan attaches great importance to and supports the preservation of
the world's historical, cultural and religious heritage," the foreign
ministry said.

"We appeal to the Afghan government to take measures to fully protect
Afghanistan's rich historical monuments, sites and artifacts which are
part of the world's cultural heritage," it said.

But Taliban officials have maintained there would be no reversal in the
decision, which they said was based on an Islamic injunction against idol

The Taliban's zealots believe they should destroy all television, pictures
or any other images of animate objects.  The Taliban said the order from
Omar was given after study by a  religious committee, although it
contradicted earlier assurances by Omar himself that Afghanistan's
heritage would be preserved.

Western governments and the United Nations -- which includes the Bamiyan
Buddhas on the World Heritage List -- have focused on the threat to
Afghanistan's vast cultural heritage.

The country, sitting astride the Silk Road, has a unique mix of eastern
and western influences, with many statues uniting Greek and Buddhist
traditions.  Buddhist countries like Thailand and Sri Lanka have also been
alarmed at the Taliban's focus on eradicating reminders of the centuries
before Islam when Afghanistan was a center of Buddhist learning and

Pakistan, which has preserved its own Buddhist heritage, is the only
country in the world to operate an embassy in Kabul dealing with the
Taliban.  The two other countries to recognize the movement as the
government of Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, have no
embassy in the country.

Man Claimed To Have Been Taken Aboard A Mystery Sub On The Mississippi

Ohio-based UFO investigator Kenny Young has uncovered a strange tale of a
man who said he was taken aboard a submarine on the Mississippi River near
Charleston, Missouri.

On April 4, 1942, sharecropper Albert Turner informed his employer, Harry
Johnson, that a submarine with 'five little brown men' and a negro captain
had surfaced in the Mississippi River and came to the river bank near
Charleston, Missouri.

The farmer reported that he was plowing a field next to the river at about
10:00am, when the grey colored nose of a small submarine poked through the
surface of the river. Turner claimed that the sub eased up onto the river
bank and a ‘Negro man' appeared on the deck.  Turner said that he was
summoned toward the vessel by hand gestures and given a 'tour' of the
mysterious ship. He described an airlock, armament and other interior
parts of the vehicle. Johnson advised the local police and shortly
afterward, the U.S. Coast Guard and F.B.I. were seriously investigating
the event.

According to a historian, family member and newspaper reports, Turner was
subsequently detained in St. Louis by the FBI for several days, possibly
as long as two weeks. After being released from extended F.B.I. custody,
Turner then recanted his claim and said the whole affair was nothing more
than a hoax.

During this time period in our history, African American citizens were
referred to as Negroes, and this is reflected in the journalism which
often refers to the claimant Albert Turner as a 'Negro.' In 1942 this
location was of key strategic interest to the U.S. industry and commerce,
situated close where the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers merge. This happened
several months after Pearl Harbor and while the U.S. was at war. Paranoia
was likely high on the domestic front. The submarine, although said to be
manned by little brown men and a Negro captain who spoke English, was
described as a 'Jap sub' in the Charleston, Missouri Enterprise Courier
(April 23, 1942).

Young managed to track down a still living family member of Albert Turner
(since passed away). The family member recalled the 1942 incident and told
of how Mr. Turner was terrified after his detainment in St. Louis (by the
F.B.I.) and never again spoke of the event, even when relatives would ask
questions of him about it through the years. He was described as being
'afraid' to talk about it.

Despite the 1942 report in the newspaper, the relative was unaware that
Turner had recanted his claim and was surprised when Young quoted the 1942
newspaper saying that the event was a hoax.  As far as the relative knew,
Turner always insisted the event actually happened, but refused to discuss
the matter.

Source: UFO Research Cincinnati

U.S. Marines Unveil A Working Microwave Weapon

The United States Marines are preparing to unveil a weapon that directs a
microwave-like field of energy at a person to create a burning sensation
that causes the person to flee, says a report in the February 26, 2001
issue of the Marine Corps Times.

The independent newspaper called the Vehicle Mounted Active Denial System
(VMADS) possibly the biggest breakthrough in weapons technology since the
atomic bomb in 1945.

The energy produced by the weapon which falls on microwaves on the
electromagnetic spectrum, causes skin moisture to heat up rapidly,
creating a burning sensation similar to a hot light bulb against the skin,
the Times said.

The article "quoted Marine Colonel George Fenton, director of the Joint
Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, as saying that when used briefly, the
weapon causes no long-term problems. The amount of time the weapon must be
trained on an individual to cause permanent damage or death is classified.

Its effective range also is secret but is beyond the reach of  traditional
small-arms fire, according to the report.

Source: USA Today, February 27, 2001

Castle Ghosts Get Chance To Haunt TV Viewers

There are strange goings on in Offaly.  In the best traditions of reality
TV and of films such as The Blair Witch Project, an American television
crew is making a documentary about a 'haunted' castle near Tullamore,
Great Britain.

A team of volunteers moved in to Charleville Forest Castle, about two
miles south of Tullamore, last night and will live there for a week. They
will record any spooky incidents.

It is understood the resulting footage will screen in the US only as part
of a new reality series called Scariest Places on Earth.

A cloud of secrecy is blanketing the joint Irish-US project. Production
manager Joel Conroy of English Planet Ltd declined to answer questions
put to him by the Irish Independent yesterday,    saying all details were

 And a Los Angeles-based publicist for the Fox Family Channel, Jane
Stucken, said recently: "We're in the midst of shooting, we don't want any
publicity at all ... we don't want people turning up at the castle or
trying to contact the production company".

Mary Alagna, a spokeswoman for the Vance family which owns the lease on
the 200-year-old castle, said she was forbidden to talk about the project
until it was finished.

She did however say that the castle was "definitely haunted" by the ghost
of a young girl who fell down some stairs to her death in the early 1800s.

Mrs Alagna said she had heard the girl and other ghosts "in rooms above
moving furniture around and laughing and talking". Others had seen the
ghost, she said.  Mrs Alagna said she was taking part in the first night
of filming last night. The crew has spent the last four weeks filming
other aspects of the program around Offaly, including at the Tullamore Dew
heritage centre.

Source: The Irish Independent

Pioneer UFO author Desmond Leslie Dies

Novelist, second World War Spitfire pilot and spiritualist Desmond Leslie
has died in the south of France, aged 79. His wife, Ms Helen Strong, his
six children, sons-in-law, his older  brother Sir John Leslie and Ms
Jennifer Fibbs, with whom he had a daughter, were with him at the time of
his death in hospital in Antibes.

Mr Leslie was the second son of Sir Shane Leslie, of Castle Leslie,
Glaslough, Co Monaghan. He wrote a number of  books, including the
bestselling "Flying Saucers have Landed," which he co-authored with George
Adamski. It was translated into more than 50 languages. He also
co-authored "Space Race" with the astronomer Patrick Moore. His novels
included "Suzy Saucer and Ronnie Rocket" and "The Incredible Mr
Lutterworth."  He also wrote "The Jesus File."

At the time of his death he was working on "Pandora," a novel about the
women in his life. He had lived in St Jeannet since the late 1980s with Ms
Strong, his second wife, with whom he had two daughters, Samantha and
Camilla.  Samantha runs the Castle Leslie estate.

He was first married to the actress Agnes Bernelle, with whom he had three
children. Mr Leslie once famously punched the BBC drama critic Bernard
Levin on the nose during the TV program "That Was The Week That Was."  It
was in 1963 when the critic had written a bad review of the show A Cabaret
of Savagery and Delight, presented by Ms Bernelle.

>From The Irish Times
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