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Hey there sport!  Are you sick and tired of those pesky aliens coming into
your bedroom each and every night, interrupting your precious sleep to
perform their medical examinations?  Are you weary of the Men-In-Black
knocking on your door early in the morning to tell you to stop
fraternizing with those pesky aliens?  Are you fed up with the FBI, CIA,
and the NSA constantly taping your phones, reading your e-mail and
rummaging through your garbage to find out why the MIBs are visiting you?

Well buck up!  Because Conspiracy Journal has once again arrived in your
e-mail box with all the sweet news and information that THEY don't want
you to know.  Once everyone sees that you are an outstanding member of the
Conspiracy Journal society, they will flee in fear and panic. Overwhelmed
by your knowledge of what is REALLY going on!


Conspiracy Journal is pleased to announce the winners of our 100th issue
trivia contest.  Our trivia question, located somewhere on our homepage
was: Give the full name of the police officer who sighted a UFO with its
occupants on April 24, 1964 near Socorro, NM.  The answer of course is:
Lonnie Zamora.

Our winners are: John Huddleston and Norman arendt!

Thanks to everyone who entered.  John and Norman will soon be receiving
their mystery prizes from the cluttered office of the President of Global
Communications, Mr. UFO himself... Timothy Green Beckley.

This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such cartilage-cracking
stories as: FAA official confirms that chemtrails are a "military
operation" - Teeth could show radiation exposure - Cannabis shrinks
tumors, according to suppressed studies  - And DNA test shows the Yeti
could be an unknown animal.   All these stories and MORE, in this weeks
exciting edition of Conspiracy Journal.

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

Chemtrails - FAA Official Confirms Ongoing "Military Operation

An ongoing military operation in the skies  over the U.S. has been
confirmed by an FAA official in charge of air traffic control over the
northeastern United States.

The Air Traffic  Control (ATC) manager said in an exclusive taped
interview with freelance reporter S.T. Brendt that he was told on as many
as four occasions in March of this year to reroute  commercial air traffic
around military aircraft participating in a secret aerial operation over
the northeast seaboard.

While en route to the interview, Brendt noticed six large jets leaving
brilliant white lines above a broken cloud layer. Instead of dissipating
like normal condensation trails, the lingering plumes expanded, eventually
merging with one another.

The Deep Sky federal aviation source spoke on condition of strict
anonymity, expressing concern over the classified nature of military
operations repeatedly carried out at altitudes between 37,000 and 40,000
feet. Although air traffic controllers normally ignore air traffic above
10,000 feet, the ATC manager said he was ordered to divert incoming
European air traffic away from the military planes. When asked why, he
said, "I was told there was a military exercise in the area. Of course,
they wouldn't give me any of the particulars."

The initial disclosure from the FAA happened on March 12 when mass aerial
maneuvers saturated the skies in the northeastern U.S. with Xs, circular
patterns and parallel lines typical of chemtrail activity, reported by
pilots, police officers and former military  personnel across the country.

Brendt got in touch with the FAA official after counting over 30 big jets
spreading persistent plumes within a period of 45 minutes. Lou Aubuchont
confirmed Brendt's count, pointing out that during his time as U.S. Navy
intelligence he had never seen a military exercise of such magnitude.

After Brendt called in her sightings, assistant WMWV news director Richard
Dean counted 370 chemical trails criss-crossing his nearby location over
6.5 hours. However, local Air Traffic Controllers reported just  nine
commercial jets on their radars during that time.

Similar spray activity obscuring North American skies has been reported by
thousands of eye-witnesses over the past two years.

In December, 2000, Terry Stewart of the Canadian aviation authority
investigated a Victoria caller's complaint of intensive chemtrail activity
over the British Columbia capitol. The environmental manager for the
Victoria International Airport checked with the control tower and
reported, "It's a military exercise, U.S. and Canadian air force exercise
that's going on. They  wouldn't give me any specifics on it." Stewart also
said that he found the incident, which was just one of  hundreds reported
over B.C. since the fall of 1998 to be very odd.

The aircraft leaving lingering X's and grids over Vancouver Island have
been photo-identified to be USAF KC-135 and KC-10 aerial refueling
tankers. U.S. Air Force Weather Force Specialists who are intent on
fulfilling an official USAF mission to Own The Weather call chemical cloud
cover spread by high flying tankers aerial obscuration.

After heavy spray days, outbreaks of acute upper respiratory and
gastrointestinal illness, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, dizziness, and
nose bleeds have kept doctors busy at hospital emergency rooms across the
U.S. and Canada.

On November 20, 1999, Brendt was admitted to the  hospital with a gushing
nosebleed and pains in her chest after she inadvertently photographed
dozens of chemtrails over Parsonsfield, Maine. Nosebleeds are a common
after chemtrail exposure. "Now I know what this is," Brendt says. "I never
get nosebleeds."

Cancer Concerns and the Tooth Fairy Project

There are concerns that South Florida children are being exposed to
materials that cause cancer. These concerns come from a new report that
says increased levels of radiation are being found in South Florida

According to a report by the Radiation and Public Health Project, during
the 1990's, the cancer death rate in young adults in South Florida has
gone up while across the U.S. it has declined.

A clue to the cause can be obtained from the study of children's teeth.
The presence of the radioactive element strontium-90 can forecast an
increase in incidents of cancer. It is the occurrence of that element in
children's teeth that a group looked at. and now wants to do a larger,
more complete study on.

Dade County and other southeastern Florida baby teeth have the highest
levels of radioactive Strontium-90, a known carcinogen, than anywhere in
the U.S. where baby teeth have been studied. In addition, the area also
has a rate of childhood cancer that is considerably higher than the U.S.

"In order to conduct this study on a national level we need 5,000 baby
teeth, including 1,000 baby teeth from South Florida," said Dr. Jerry
Brown of the Tooth Fairy Project.

The study also wants to determine if there is a link between the Turkey
Point nuclear power plant and what the R.P.H.P. says is a higher than
usual level of the Strontium-90 in Miami-Dade county children's teeth.

The Tooth Fairy Project is designed to build a case to urge the federal
government to conduct its own South Florida study and use the findings to
determine if the Turkey Point Plant should be relicensed.

"Environmental radiation from nuclear reactors is linked to increasing
childhood cancer is southeast Florida," said Brown.

Florida Light and Power tells NBC 6 that the amount of strontium-90
released from power plants is minute. "There is no credible scientific
study that shows that the level of strontium-90 ... poses a health risk,"
we were told.

The R.P.H.P.'s Miami-Dade county initial results were from a study of 85
teeth conducted by a research team in Canada. For this next study, the
group wants parents to mail at least one of their child's baby teeth for

Elsewhere, the Tooth Fairy Project is gaining support from area residents,
according to a member of the Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch Program.

The project is a privately funded effort dedicated to collecting more than
5,000 baby teeth throughout the United States to measure levels of the
radioactive strontium 90 in the roots of the teeth.

"We have had a really good response from area residents," said Edith Gbur,
co-chair of the Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch Group. "Ocean County has been
one of the best areas to collect teeth. It is one of the highest ranking
areas in the country."

Gbur added that the reason the group has seen an increase in donations is
a result of appearance by the "Tooth Fairy" along with members of the
nuclear watch group at the Ocean County Mall last month, where they
distributed information about the study.

Gbur said that 255 baby teeth from New Jersey have been tested so far.

"We found that 80 percent of them have had high levels of strontium 90 in
them," Gbur said. Gbur added that strontium 90 is only released through
nuclear fission.

Gbur said that the current project is based on similar federal research
conducted from 1957 to 1961. According to the Radiation and Public Health
Project, strontium 90 is one of the deadliest elements released by nuclear
facilities and its chemical structure is similar to that of calcium.

Gbur said the teeth will be tested for strontium 90 this month. "They get
tested every six months," Gbur said.

If you are interested in participating in the "Tooth Fairy Project" you
can get more information by calling 1-800-582-3716.  Or by visiting

Source: Times Beacon Newspapers 03/21/01-22/01

Did A UFO Crash In Arkansas In 1946?

The UFO Crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 is rightfully considered the
paramount case thus far experienced by the public in the history of the
UFO enigma. Yet, there was another disc recovery disclosed to me in 1994,
and it apparently occurred  in the State of Arkansas in October/November,

A former United States Army Air Force Private stationed at Wright
Patterson A. F. B., recently came out of the closet and disclosed his
experience witnessing a recovered disc which was being stored at building
18 (not yet called Hangar 18). The Private was delivering documents to the
building when a friend in his unit, on guard duty asked him if he wanted
to see a strange craft stored in the building.

He followed him inside and to his surprise, a disc shaped object was
sitting on the deck. It was 15 feet in diameter and about 7 feet in width.
He said it looked like two soup bowls sealed together. In the center was
an 18 inch divider with 10 x 15 inch rectangular "windows" set about 8 to
10 inches apart circling the disc.

The guard told the Private that several scientists were attempting to gain
entry into the interior. They tried to use a diamond drill to penetrate
the "glass" yet the drill had no effect on the clear material. There were
no visual doors or entry hatches. No insignias, flags, no writing, no
numbers. The material appeared to be a mold of one continuous material. It
appeared to be brushed aluminum yet it wasn't. The body inside and out had
no weld seams, no rivets, no apparent joining of the skin.

They both looked into the interior and did not see anything of apparent
interest. No control panels, no seats, no hatches, no entities, nothing. A
cylinder was in the center and its wall was about 6 feet from the window.
The cylinder was about 3 feet in diameter and possibly housed the power

The Private was a Clerk Specialist assigned to interview and classify new
recruits to their specialty school on base. The base Commander was Colonel
Nathan Twining who would years later be the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs
of Staff at the Pentagon.

Source: The Stargate Chronicles

Cannabis Shrinks Tumors:  Government Knew In '74

The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February 2000,
when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain
tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in

The Madrid study marks only the second time that THC has been administered
to tumor-bearing animals. In 1974, researchers at the Medical College of
Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institutes of Health to find
evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC
slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice – lung and breast
cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.

The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further
cannabis/tumor research, according to Jack Herer, who reports on the
events in his book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes. In 1976, President
Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted
exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out –
unsuccessfully – to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all
the medical benefits without the "high."

The Madrid researchers reported in the March issue of Nature Medicine that
they injected the brains of 45 rats with cancer cells, producing tumors
whose presence they confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On
the 12th day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with
Win-55,212-2, a synthetic compound similar to THC. "All the rats left
untreated uniformly died 12-18 days after glioma (brain cancer) cell
inoculation ... Cannabinoid (THC)-treated rats survived significantly
longer than control rats.

THC administration was ineffective in three rats, which died by days
16-18. Nine of the THC-treated rats surpassed the time of death of
untreated rats, and survived up to 19-35 days. Moreover, the tumor was
completely eradicated in three of the treated rats." The rats treated with
Win-55,212-2 showed similar results.

The Spanish researchers, led by Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense
University, also irrigated healthy rats' brains with large doses of THC
for seven days, to test for harmful biochemical or neurological effects.
They found none.
In 1983, the Reagan/Bush Administration tried to persuade American
universities and researchers to destroy all 1966-76 cannabis research
work, including compendiums in libraries, reports Jack Herer, who states,
"We know that large amounts of information have since disappeared."

News coverage of the Madrid discovery has been virtually nonexistent in
this country. The news broke quietly on Feb. 29, 2000 with a story that
ran once on the UPI wire about the Nature Medicine article. This writer
stumbled on it through a link that appeared briefly on the Drudge Report
Web page. The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times
all ignored the story, even though its newsworthiness is indisputable: a
benign substance occurring in nature destroys deadly brain tumors.

Source: San Antonio Current, March 29, 2001

The Strange Doom of Frank Bertschy

A 78-year-old blind man died mysteriously of burns he suffered Thursday
(March 29, 2001) after apparently setting himself on fire while lighting a
cigar, authorities said.

Investigators remained puzzled over the rapidity with which Francis
Bertschy became engulfed in flames. He suffered second and third degree
burns over about 95 percent of his body, fire officials said. Officials
were investigating whether an inflammable compound such as glue or alcohol
may have been on Bertschy's clothes.

No such substance was found on the man's body, however, and a search of
the apartment where he and his wife shared in the 5000 block of West
National Avenue in West Milwaukee, Wisconsin, failed to turn up any signs
of an accelerant.

A spokesman at St. Mary's Hospital, where Bertschy was treated, said
Bertschy died sometime Thursday evening. She was unsure what time he died,
however, and could not comment on the extent of his injuries.

Bertschy was burned about 6:15 a.m. Thursday (March 29) after his cotton
clothing apparently caught fire while he was trying to light a cigar with
a match.

Fatima Ahmed, Bertschy's 13-year-old neighbor, said she awoke early
Thursday morning , as Bertschy screamed desperately for help, and his
wife, Mary, pounded frantically on her (Fatima's)front door.

"I got scared at first because I thought, Nobody pounds on our door at six
o'clock in the morning," she said.  "Then I heard Mary's husband
screaming, ‘Someone help me! I'm on fire!' Well, I went out in the
hallway. I saw him standing there, with his hand on fire."

As Fatima dialed 911 from her home, she said her mother, Noorb Behegum,
followed the Bertschys back into their apartment.

When she joined them minutes later, Fatima said she saw the flames had
crept across Bertschy's arm and chest and had consumed his clothing, which
Fatima described as ‘boxer shorts and a muscle shirt.'

The West Milwaukee Middle School student said Frank Bertschy was stumbling
around in his one-bedroom apartment and turning on faucets and splashing
himself with water in an attempt to douse the flames.

When police arrived, they found Bertschy still on fire in the bathroom.
They used a fire extinguisher and towels to douse the flames, authorities

Two police officers were later treated for smoke inhalation, police said.

Source: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel  March 29, 2001, UFO Roundup -, and Louise A. Lowry

Possible Yeti Hair Sample Defies DNA Analysis

British scientists on the trail of the Yeti have found some of the best
evidence yet for the existence of the mythical Himalayan creature - a
sample of hair that has proved impossible to identify.

Genetic tests on the hair, which was gathered  from a tree in Bhutan, have
failed to match its DNA to that of another animal. The findings, which
have surprised skeptical researchers,  raise the strong possibility that
the sample  belongs to an as yet undiscovered species.

In Bhutan, an expedition team was led by an 'official Yeti-hunter' to a
forest in the eastern part of the country, where he was convinced  that an
animal was at large. He told us that he had found evidence of the Yeti in
the hollow of  a cedar tree. Rob McCall, a zoologist who was part of the
expedition, said. Dr McCall's team  removed strands of hair from the tree
and returned to Britain to have them analyzed.

Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics at the Oxford Institute of
Molecular Medicine, one of the world's leading experts on DNA analysis,
who examined the hair, said: "We found some DNA in it, but we don't know
what it is. It's not a human, not a bear nor anything else we have so far
been able to identify. It's a mystery and I never thought this would end
in a mystery. We  have never encountered DNA that we couldn't recognize

The discovery was made by a team of scientists  assembled by Channel 4 for
a documentary in the To the Ends of the Earth series.

Source: The Times

Most Complete Scientific Ghost Investigation Yet Begins In England

The most comprehensive scientific investigation into the existence of
ghosts and ghoulies begins this week in Edinburgh.

Over the next two weeks, 10 researchers aided by more than 200 members of
the public will seek to record the presence of various types of spirit

They will be using the most sophisticated equipment to see what might be
lurking in the dungeons of Edinburgh Castle, the vaults underneath South
Bridge, and Mary King's close, underneath the High Street.

Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at  Hertfordshire University who is
leading the investigation, is not convinced but is willing to be

"I am not a great believer in spirit hypotheses but we have equipment
which is more sensitive than what has been used before. The difference is
that we will be logging all the information and the good thing is that the
public can also  join in," he said.

Edinburgh was chosen because of a high concentration of paranormal
personages and weird behavior. Not much new here, Auld Reekie cynics might
say, but the aim now is to put some flesh on sightings.

"It is probably the most haunted city in Europe. A lot of people report
unusual experiences, particularly in the underground city," Dr Wiseman

The team will have a thermal imager, geomagnetic sensors, temperature
probes, and night vision equipment to monitor the  locations. The ability
to detect naturally occurring low-level magnetic fields may come up
trumps. Initial results will be presented on the final day of Edinburgh
Science Festival.

"I would be totally delighted if we did detect something. But if a spirit
did come out in front of me I would be out of there pretty quickly,"  Dr
Wiseman said.

His last investigation examined claims that Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's
fifth wife, was still walking around Hampton Court Palace screaming in
terror at the prospect of being beheaded.

The study which reported last week to the British Psychological Society's
annual conference in Glasgow pointed to a more likely physical cause - two
cold, draughty areas, one of which was beside a concealed door.

Dr Wiseman says more was found in Hampton Court but he is keeping mum lest
anything prejudices what might be revealed in Edinburgh.

"We think we are on to something in terms of  understanding why people
have these experiences - something that we did not know before," he said.

For all his professional distance he is in no doubt of the reality of the
powerful experiences people do have. It is how these are interpreted that
causes the debate.

Some might be down to suggestion - from visits to Culloden, for example,
where people already know it was a scene of mass slaughter.  Others may
have a predisposition to such spiritual presence which is not readily

Source: The Herald

House of Spiders Still a Mystery

A New South Wales backyard overrun by hundreds of deadly spiders will be
dug up this week as experts continue their hunt for clues in a case that's
been likened to something out of the X-Files.

There's still no clear answer as to why more than 400 hairy, venomous
mouse spiders invaded the backyard of the Osborn family home in the
state's Hunter region.

Mary Layner, of the Australian Reptile Park in Gosford, on the NSW
Central Coast, admitted yesterday experts were stumped by the case which
she described as "X-File-ish". "Maybe we'll have a better picture once we
dig up the yard," she said.

The Osborns moved into the Kotara house in September last year, closely
followed by the spiders, whose venom is more poisonous  than the funnel

Most of the hairy arachnids have been collected from the backyard and are
either being kept at a reptile park or used for toxin tests at the
University of Technology in Sydney.

Source: The Advertiser
Conspiracy Journal #101 4/6/01
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