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WARNING! The following material is of a sensitive nature and may not be
suitable for those who do not like to think for themselves!  That's right
– it's time for another synapse-firing issue of your favorite E-mail
newsletter: The Conspiracy Journal.  Where we guarantee that each issue
will have 1 percent or less of the current political crap presently
occurring in the United States.  While the news is busy reporting on who
said what to whom in Florida, Conspiracy Journal is reporting on UFOs
bothering the Russian army - A strange illness in Brazil - And telepathic
contacts with a Chupacabra - This is the real news that never gets
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~ And Now, On With The Show ~

Russia: Flying Saucer Jeopardizes Army Near Chechyna

Majachkalá (Russia) An alleged UFO has jeopardized and eluded Russian
troops near Daguestan, a republic bordering Chechnya. Alarms went off at
01.00 local time (22:00 hrs GMT 11/13/00) and an hour later, confusion was
extreme in the garrisons on the ridges separating Dagestan from Chechnya
and the war which has raged the area north of the Caucasus for over a year
and a half. At 02.00 local time (23:00 GMT) the most lucid reports began
to arrive from the Magaramkent region on the Caspian Sea regading the
"unidentified flying object" which had caused Russian forces to sound

Soldiers provided a detailed description of the artifact or device they
witnessed for a long time as it flew slowly eastward toward the sea. Some
garrisons noted that it was an object flying at low altitude (some 100
meters) and had three fluorescent lights above it with 2 meter spaces
between them, according to the Russian Ministry of the Interior in
Dagestan. Several civilian witnesses agreed on the description and light
arrangement of the mysterious phenomenon, while hesitating to ascribe its
origin to a secret weapon of the Russian army or a new weapon in the hands
of Islamic separatists.

Scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Dagestan were cautious
and stated their unwillingness to state if the object in question was
indeed a UFO or a natural optical phenomenon. Military reports, the alarm
caused by the apparent UFO and  the jet fighters scrambled--too late--in
its pursuit, have renewed mistrust regarding the traditional secrecy shown
by Russian authorities in the light of such situations.

Acting quickly to forestall any possible reprimands, the most mistrusting
military officers indicated that it could be a NATO spy plane interested
in Russian maneuvers in the Caucasus and the Caspian, which are rich in
gas and oil. Muslim leaders in Dagestan were less ambiguous in their
statements: the strange heavenly event was a portent which bore a message
from Allah himself. Even a mufti or spiritual legislator from Dagestan
showed no hesitation in stating that without any doubt it was "a djinn, an
angel or other heavenly being, since God's masterpiece is filled with
SOURCE: EFE News Agency (Spain) 11/14/2000

Translation (c) 2000. Scott Corrales. Institute of Hispanic Ufology.
Special Thanks to Gloria R. Coluchi.

US Carrier Carrying Nuclear Weapons Buzzed By UFO In 1954


>From Table 60, operational activities during the CASTLE test series,
CASTLE SERIES, DNA 6035F, 1 April 1982. Page 341 is from the logbook of
the USS CURTISS, Shot KOON 7 Apr 1954.

Steamed independently in operating area BG 28-36-1.

At 1138 anchored berth N-6, Bikini; at 1948 left berth en route to
Enewetak; at 2305 an unidentified luminous object passed over ship from
bow to stern, yellowish-orange in color, traveling at a high rate of speed
and a low altitude.

The CURTISS was carrying components of the thermonuclear bombs assembled
aboard by the scientific laboratory and detonated in  the Marshall Islands
at Enewetak and Bikini.

was the largest thermonuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere, at 15
megatons, destroying the life style of the Marshallese, ruining their
health, and the health of the American servicemen aboard
those ships.


Cylinder-Shaped UFO Seen Over California By Airline Pilots

Filers Files reports on a story filed by field investigator Chris Altman.
On October 21,  2000, a United Airlines pilot that does not want his name
released at this point. The plane is a 737 Boeing aircraft that was coming
into San Francisco at about 3:00 PM. The pilot as well as twenty other
witnesses all  stated that they saw a large cylindrical object pace the
plane for about 12 minutes.

The plane was about 35 miles out of San Francisco when the pilot observed
a large object about one mile away on the port side of the plan.

The plane was at about 15,000 feet at the time of the sighting. The object
was 45 degrees low on the port side. It was estimated to be about 300 feet
long, very dark in color, and clearly had no windows on it.

After about 10 minutes of being paced, the object rose very rapidly to a
point where it was about 2000 feet over them. Then after 2 more minutes it
just simply shot up and out of sight. The Air Traffic Control stated to
him that they had nothing on radar other than the 737.

Other witnesses are being contacted, as someone took photos and video tape
of the object. The pilot also said that he noticed that many instruments
fluctuated when the craft rose by them. Thanks to Chris Altman.

Russia Edging Towards Truth On Kursk Disaster

A top Russian naval commander was quoted as saying on Thursday that
investigations were moving closer to establishing the truth behind the
sinking in August of the Kursk nuclear-powered submarine.

Vyacheslav Popov, commander of Russia's Northern Fleet, told the military
daily Krasnaya Zvezda that the probe into the disaster, which killed all
118 men on board the Kursk, was leaning towards one of three explanations
under consideration.  But he declined to say which one was being  favored.

"The government commission is continuing to examine three (possible)
reasons for the disaster," he told the daily.  "The material gathered has
increased the likelihood of one of them. We are moving closer to the

Officials have three theories on what sent the Kursk to the bottom of the
Barents Sea -- a collision with a foreign submarine, a World War Two mine
or an initial explosion on board which detonated the Kursk's torpedos.

The navy's commander in chief Vladimir Kuroyedov has said he is 80 percent
certain the two blasts aboard the Kursk during naval manoeuvres were
caused by a collision with a foreign submarine.  Britain and the United
States have denied  their vessels were in the area.

Popov said it had been established that the two blasts occurred between
11:30 and 11:32 on August 12. Investigation, he said,  had ruled out a
collision with a Russian submarine, a surface ship or impact from a
missile fired from another vessel taking part in the exercises.

He said two notes found on the bodies of sailors recovered from the wreck
last month said nothing about the causes of the  accident.

One note, written by Lieutenant Captain Dmitry Kolesnikov, showed that 23
sailors had taken refuge in the submarine's rearmost compartment --
shattering earlier official assurances that all those aboard had died
within minutes of the blasts.

Popov said neither the contents of the second nor the identity of its
author would  be made public.

AIDS Catastrophe Threatens Russia

The spread of AIDS could reach catastrophic proportions in Russia unless
officials take quick action to reduce runaway growth rates of the killer
disease, Russian and foreign experts said Wednesday.

The joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), in a statement
issued ahead of a two-day visit to Russia, put the number of HIV and AIDS
sufferers at 130,000 at the end of last year. But there is broad agreement
that the number of cases is significantly under-reported.

Vadim Pokrovsky, director of the AIDS  prevention center, told Ekho Moskvy
radio that at the current rate of growth Russia could have up to a million
infected cases in two to three years.

He said some consequences of the spread of  the disease were already
irreversible and if "A passive and indifferent attitude to this  epidemic
(continues) Russians will face many more serious problems and tragedies.
The main plague will start in five or six  years because people are dying
on average 10-12 years after contracting the infection and the mass
epidemic in Russia started in    the 1990s.''

UNAIDS said the largest share of funds requested for Russia would go
toward preventing the spread of HIV -- the virus that causes AIDS --
through injecting drugs,  by far the principal means of transmission in
the country.

Resources would also be allocated for what was seen as a growing problem
-- sexually  transmitted infections, with efforts directed at young people
and mothers-to-be.

"So far, the epidemic in Russia has been driven by drug users,'' Arkadiusz
Majszyk, UNAIDS representative in Russia, said in  the statement. "But a
second wave of HIV infections spread by sexual contact could follow the
current drug-driven epidemic and in just three to four years, Russia may
well have a generalized epidemic.''

UNAIDS said its executive director, Peter  Piot, would meet high-ranking
Russian  officials and non-governmental groups on Thursday. The U.N.
agency called on donors to allocate at least $20 million over  the next
three years to stem the epidemic.

Pokrovsky said the existing anti-AIDS  programs in Russia were
"surprisingly weak'' because they were poorly financed.  He said Russia
had spent 44 million rubles  ($1.6 million) on its AIDS program this
year, roughly 1,000 times less than that spent in the United States.

Majszyk also told Ekho Moskvy Russia had the world's highest rate of
growth for the spread of the killer disease.

"In the space of one month this year, 30,000 new HIV cases were uncovered,
while last year this figure was three times lower,'' Majszyk said. "With
so many cases we can begin to talk about a threat to national security.''

The World Health Organization said this month the number of registered HIV
infections in Russia had doubled annually for the last five years and it
urged the country to take tough measures.

AIDS is the fourth biggest killer worldwide. About 18.8 million people
have died since 1983, including 2.8 million last year,  UNAIDS says.
Nearly twice as many -- 34.3 million -- are living with HIV.

Mystery Disease Kills 7 in Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil  The mayor of a small city is considering
quarantining two neighborhoods where a mysterious illness has killed seven
people and left 43 seriously ill, local media reported Tuesday.

Luiz Barcelos de Vasconcelos, mayor of Japeri, a small municipality on the
outskirts of Rio, said he was waiting for results of blood tests sent to
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, before deciding whether
to isolate the neighborhoods.

``My concern is that the illness spreads and the situation becomes
uncontrollable. If that happens all we can do is pray,'' Vasconcelos was
quoted as saying by the Estado news agency.

The first victim was a 15-year-old boy who died on June 12, five days
after he was hospitalized complaining of sharp head pains, the next six
victims died between June and September. All except one of the victims
lived in just two neighborhoods - both without running water.

Symptoms of the disease include sharp muscle pains, headaches, fever,
diarrhea and hemorrhaging. The majority of the deaths occurred less than
five days after the symptoms first appear.

Repeated calls to the Japeri mayor's office went unanswered Tuesday.
Health officials said because of a holiday, no one would be available to
comment on the report until Thursday.

A Telepathic Chupacabra?

Baquedano, Chile (Baquedano is a small town, 18 miles north of
Antofagasta,  at the north part of Chile)

37 year-old Evelyn Esbry went to the bathroom and heard some noises
outside. It was at six o'clock in the morning and she went out to her back
yard to investigate.  Her home is next to the "El Rutero" restaurant, the
same place where, two weeks before, Chupacabras killed nine rabbits,
leaving them bloodless, and some foot prints that match others in the same

Something jumped at her back, the woman turned around and came face to
face with a strange animal. She felt paralyzed in front of this horrible
entity. Later, she described it as being full of dark hair, 4.10 feet
tall, with large, oval luminous orange eyes and a large snout.

With the commotion, Evelyn fell unconscious. Her  husband Walter Allaga
did not hear any noise but went to look for her, when she did not return
to the bedroom,  finding her in the ground. He called for help from local
paramedic Rodolfo Gonzalez. After first-aid, and in state of shock, she
was taken to the Antofagasta Regional Hospital emergency room. There they
found marks in her back, hands and in one side of her neck. Parts of her
clothing were torn. She was given a sedative and sent home.

At first, still in shock, she refused to elaborate on her encounter but
last week she started giving details. The most important and new detail
is, that when she turned around and face the Chupacabra, it sent her a
telepathic order: "Do not scream for help". After hearing that, she

Evelyn Esbry's is not the only case. Paramedic Rodolfo  Gonzalez said he
received, two weeks earlier, another call from Sierra Gorda (between
Baquedano and Calama).  There, he gave first aid to a couple that faced a
Chupacabra  while in their car. The Chupacabra ordered the girl to open
the car door and to step out.

She started unlocking the door but, in that moment, realized what she was
doing and re-locked the door, asking her friend to drive away. Her friend,
could not move his legs but was able to start the motor and when he turned
the lights on, the entity disappeared in the dark of the night. The young
couple wish to remained anonymous.

Linney May Join Gere in ''Mothman'' Movie

HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Fresh off her critically acclaimed turn in Kenneth
Lonergan's sibling drama ''You Can Count on Me,'' Laura Linney is in final
negotiations to co-star with Richard Gere in ''The Mothman Prophecies.''

The movie, based on John Keel's book "The Mothman Prophecies, will feature
Gere playing a reporter who is drawn to a small West Virginia town to
investigate a series of strange events, including psychic visions and the
appearance of bizarre entities.

Production is expected to begin in January, with director Mark Pellington
(''Arlington Road'') at the helm. Sony will distribute domestically via
its specialty label, Screen Gems; Producer Lakeshore Entertainment will
handle international distribution.

Linney is currently in Toronto playing the lead in Showtime's ''Black
Iris,'' which co-stars Gena Rowlands.
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