-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 6/7/02 10:55:19 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Conspiracy Journal
Date:6/7/02 10:55:19 AM Central Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet

* Conspiracy Journal *
Subscribe for free at our subscription page:

Due to our systems upgrade, there will be no issue of Conspiracy
Journal next week. We apologize for this but we will be back up
and running from the MIB and other covert agents of the world
wide conspiracy on Friday June 21.

This weeks exciting edition brings you such navel-contemplating
stories as: Air Force Officer Suspended After Charging Bush Knew
Of 911 Threat - The Mystery of Chemtrials, Covert Immunization
Program? - Why is Oil Mysteriously Appearing in Dry Wells - Is
There a Monster in Lake Champlain? - And, Scotland's Atlantis!

All these exciting stories and MORE in this weeks issue of
Conspiracy Journal.

CHECK OUT Tim Swartz's new column - UFO DATABASE - on the Amethyst
Moon website. http://www.amethystmoon.com/
Scroll down and click on the Beyond Boundaries link -

~And Now, On With The Show! ~

A.F. Officer Suspended After Charging Bush Knew Of 911 Threat

MONTEREY - An Air Force officer has been relieved of duties at the
nation's primary foreign-language training institution here after
publication of his letter to the editor accusing President George W.
Bush of having advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Lt. Col. Steve Butler was serving as vice chancellor for student
affairs at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
when he wrote the letter, published in The Monterey County Herald May

The letter accused Bush of allowing the attacks to occur for
political reasons.

The letter read in part: "Of course Bush knew about the impending
attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people
because he needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he
needed Osama.

"His presidency was going nowhere. He wasn't elected by the American
people, but placed into the Oval Office by the conservative supreme
court (if you really want to know why the justices voted like they
did, I suggest 'Supreme Injustice' by Alan Dershowitz), the economy
was sliding into the usual Republican pits and he needed something to
hang his presidency on."

Butler's letter called the president's course of action "sleazy and

Army spokesman Sgt. Mitch Frazier said Butler "has been
administratively suspended from his position as vice
chancellor/student affairs pending the outcome of an investigation."

"Further details are not available at this time as the investigation
is ongoing," Frazier said.

Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice states "any
commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the
president, the vice president, Congress, the secretary of defense,
the secretary of a military department, the secretary of
transportation or the governor or legislature of any state,
territory, commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or
present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."

The last Article 88 court-martial came in 1965 when an Army second
lieutenant was prosecuted for taking part in an anti-war protest in
Texas, said Lt. Col. Maritza S. Ryan of the Army Judge Advocate
General Corps.

Butler couldn't be reached for comment yesterday but his wife,
Shelly Butler, said the military had given her husband "a lot of
grief" over the letter.

Butler was relieved of his duties at the language school and has
been assigned to temporary duty at Travis Air Force Base in
Fairfield, 55 miles northeast of San Francisco, his wife said.

She said Butler plans to retire in a few weeks after 24 years in the
Air Force, including duty as a combat pilot in Desert Storm.

Source: Knight Ridder Newspapers

The View From Marrs - June 3, 2002
CHEMTRAILS: Covert Immunization Program or Surplus Population

For more than 3 years now, I have heard widespread reports of
aircraft leaving cross-hatching chemical trails in the sky. Being
a former award-winning aviation writer, I initially wrote these
stories off as reports from persons unaccustomed to the common vapor
trails left in the wake of high-flying aircraft.  But now I'm not so

The other morning from my front porch I watched as several jet
aircraft, at least two running parallel, created tic-tac-toe patterns
in an otherwise cloudless North Texas sky.  I would estimate these
craft at somewhere around 20,000 feet.  The trails spread outward,
blended, and within two hours had created a hazy cloud cover with
only occasional patches of blue sky.  By afternoon I was wheezing
and experiencing a shortness of breath.  Most interesting was yet
another jet at a much higher altitude, no less than 30,000 feet,
which also left a sharply-defined condensation or vapor trail.  In
this case, however, the trail dissipated and totally disappeared as
expected from evaporation in low humidity of North Texas.  This was a
true vapor trail.  But what about the lower ones?

This experience brought home to me the claims of many people across
the country who have reported large military-type aircraft leaving
crossing trails which blend together into a cirrus cloud cover and
settle to earth.

Such reports have been coming in from all over the continental 48
states for more than three years now and some of the stories I had
heard came to mind.  One came from a producer friend, who early in
1999 stood on a Hollywood set and watched a large tanker plane make
several trips up and down the California coast leaving a trail which
coalesced into a hazy cloud which drifted over Los Angeles.  This was
clearly not a normal point A to point B flight.  Another story came
from a retired police and military pilot in Oklahoma who witnessed
KC-135 and KC-10 military craft crisscrossing the sky near his home
in mid-January.  Later he became ill and learned from his doctor that
the local hospitals were overflowing with patients suffering from
flu-like symptoms.  Checking with his former National Guard unit,
this man was told that no one knew anything about the craft and
their trails but that they had been ordered not to fly in the area
of the craft on the days in question.

Even more worrisome was the report from the owner or a large Funeral
Home near Dallas-Fort Worth who said deaths this February were twice
as high as the same time last year with no sign of waning.  Most of
these were elderly person suffering from respiratory ailments. 
Doctors report an increasing number of respiratory ailments and
one pharmacist I know told he had not seen such widespread
respiratory problems in his more than 30 years of experience. 

Washington reporter Mike Blair wrote in January that what has been
dubbed "chemtrails" is actually anti-bacteriological warfare
chemicals being tested by the federal government.  Some of Blair's
sources told him that the covert spraying is being conducted by the
super secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a
charge the agency's director has denied.

Considering the objections raised by members of the U. S. military
who last year were ordered to undergo Anthrax inoculations coupled
with the prospect of public panic, it has been theorized that the
government is attempting to covertly immunize the general population.

It has been reported that this program gained it legality from US
Code Title 50, Section 1520, which gives the Secretary of Defense
authority to order testing  involving the use of a chemical agent or
biological agent on a civilian population  for research purposes. 
But this theory fails when the chemical composition of the chemtrails
is considered.

Last April, samples from these chemtrails were analyzed by a
facility in Victoria, British Columbia, which is licensed by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and found to contain in
addition to JP-8 jet fuel (possibly the carrier medium which contains
the additive ethylene dibromide, banned as a pesticide due to causing
severe respiratory reactions even at low levels) numerous pathogens,
disease causing agents. These included Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which
not only causes respiratory infection but also attacks the
immunization system; Serratia Marcescens, an antibiotic-resistant
bacteria which causes pneumonia, endocarditis and meningitis; as
well as Streptomyces and molds capable of inducing heart disease,
upper respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments.

Could this covert program be behind the Nile Flu and other
respiratory outbreaks which reportedly are resisting normal
treatment?  And what is its true purpose?  It seems clear that if
this toxic stew of pathogens is intended as an immunization, the
cure might be worst than the cause. And when in history has an entire
population been unknowingly poisoned by its own leaders while footing
the bill for such an outrage?  And don't look to the corporate-owned
mass media or this year's crop of presidential hopefuls to give us
any answer to these questions.  They're too busy verbally attacking
each other, bashing the Second Amendment and arguing over the
Confederate battle flag in South Carolina, you know, all those big

Source: Jim Marrs - http://www.jimmarrs.com/

Thanks to Russ Hamerly for contributing this article.

3-D Map Of Earth Created 120 Millions Ago - News Conference

PRAVDA.Ru will hold an on-line press conference with Doctor of
Physical and Mathematical Science Alexandr CHUVYROV. The professor of
Bashkir State University found indisputable evidence of the existence
of an ancient, highly developed civilization in the Urals. His find
is a huge slab, whose age is supposed to be about 120 million years.
"Our research topic is about the possible migration of ancient
Chinese to the territory of modern Russia: Siberia and Urals. We have
discovered letters on the rocks made in ancient Chinese about 3000
years ago. During our research in the Ufa archives, we discovered
notes from the end of 18th century about 200 unusual ancient stone
plates. Our idea was that these plates are somehow connected to
Chinese migrants.
Thus we were looking for an ancient civilization, but much closer to
ourselves. We were expecting to see nothing more than hieroglyphs or
pictures with a running mammoth and deer typical for that period.
There were six expeditions organized, and in 28 July 1999, at 1.06
meters underground, we found the plate now called "Dashkin kamen"
("kamen" is stone in Russian). It has a significant size: about 1.5
meters in height, more than 1 meter wide, and 16 cm thick. It weights
more than 1 ton. In the scientists' opinion, it is a relief, a 3-D
We were absolutely happy; we thought we found a product made more
2000 years ago. The plate itself is artificial. It was produced from
a special cement of three layers, and the third layer is a white-
colored porcelain. It should be noticed that the relief on this plate
was not cut manually with some ancient stonecutter. It is evident
that some mechanical work was done.
There is a region from Ufa up to the town of Salavat represented on
the plate. Ufa's hills are very familiar from one side. From the
other side there are some changes. Firstly, we were surprised by the
Ufa canyon: the break in the earth's crust from the present Ufa to
the present Sterlitomak city. There was a river in it 2-3 kilometers
deep and 3-4 kilometers wide. Nevertheless, this break is one of the
principal points of our theory. We conducted geological research and
found it's track in the place where it should be theoretically.
Tectonic plates from the East crushed it for about 10-15 kilometers
to the West. We assume that, now, the Urshak River is in the place of
this former canyon.
There are not only rivers, but two systems of channels up to 500
meters wide and a total length of 12,000 kilometers. The whole hydro
system includes 12 dams 300-500 meters wide, 10 kilometers long, and
2-3 kilometers deep. They made it possible to turn water from any
side into any channel. About 1000 trillion cubic meters of soil were
moved to create this." 

Source: Pravda

Oil Mysteriously Appearing in Dry Wells

Around the world, geologists are noticing that old, dry oil wells
are mysteriously filling back up. New oil is also being discovered in
fields where it previously hasn't existed.

Mahlon Kennicutt of Texas A&M University thinks the new oil is
surging upward from deposits deep below the ones currently being
used. "Very light oil and gas were being injected from below, even as
the producing was going on," he says. This suggests there's much more
oil available than we thought.

In 1995, Jean Whelan of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in
Massachusetts also found evidence that oil was moving upward from
somewhere far deep inside the Earth. With new oil drilling
technology, it may soon be possible to tap these deep deposits, for
an almost limitless amount of future oil.

This brings up questions about what oil and natural gas are made of.
It's always been thought this is they are the remains of long-dead
plants and animals from dinosaur days. But if oil exists deep inside
the Earth, is can't be true, since life exists only on the surface of
the Earth.

Thomas Gold of Cornell believes oil and gas are the remains of
methane left over from the Earth's origin. Methane is one of the most
common minerals in the universe. If this is true, we'll be able to
find oil and gas everywhere, if we dig down deep enough.

The new scientific evidence contradicts long-held theories that oil
is running out fast. The U.S. Geological has said that we only have
about 10 years worth of oil left.

Source: New Scientist

Scotland's Atlantis

A lost world has risen from the sand and sea of Scotland, and been
labeled, "Scotland's Atlantis". For 500 years, the town of Findhorn
in Moray had been a prosperous fishing and commercial port, servicing
trade with Europe, the Baltic states, the New World and the Orient.
As the main harbor on the Moray Firth coast in 1532, it was used to
ship the great oaks from the forests of Earl of Moray's estates to
build the Scottish parliament, and the Edinburgh and Stirling

But in the 17th century, the busy harbor began to relive the fate of
the neighboring estate of Culbin. The sands that had buried Culbin
began to silt up the harbor, and citizens were forced to begin a new
community a mile and half from the current village of Findhorn.

In 1702, the town disappeared as the waters of the River Findhorn
broke through the barrier of sand protecting the community. The river
formed a new channel through the town, and it stayed on the river's
bottom for over three centuries.

An exceptionally low spring tide prompted Tim Negus, a retired
surgeon and member of the local heritage society, to search for clues
of the lost town. Negus told Scotsman, "I knew roughly where the old
town was from maps we have at the heritage center and the first thing
I saw was a pile of stones that looked like the ruins of a building.
These stones were fairly unfashioned. But then I discovered two well
masoned slabs, including a piece of carved masonry that must have
come from a fairly substantial and sophisticated building."

Negus contacted the society's chairman, Bill Anderson, via e-mail
and said, "Atlantis has been found." Anderson told Scotsman, "It was
an absolutely fantastic discovery which will allow us to fill in this
massive black hole about the history of Old Findhorn.

"Accounts tell us that Findhorn was an important trading port for
many years before it disappeared into the sea in 1702, a busy harbor
with bonded warehouses. But there have also been conflicting claims
that Findhorn was nothing but a huddle of rude rural buildings, with
the boats beached on the shore and no harbor. All the evidence we
have found now points to a thriving cosmopolitan port of some

Though the discovery is intriguing, shifting tides and dangerous
currents prevent detailed excavations of the area.

The discovery is being compared to that of the city under the sea-
Atlantis. Plato (427-347 BC) explained that the history of Atlantis
began when the gods divided the world amongst themselves. More than
11,000 years ago, Poseidon, god of the sea, created the lost island,
an area larger than Asia and Libya combined, for his love- a mortal
woman named Cleito. Cleito bore ten sons for Poseidon, the first of
which was named Atlas. The proud father named the islands and
surrounding oceans after his firstborn.

Atlantis blossomed and grew for centuries until the Atlanteans began
to worship the false gods of wealth, idleness and luxury. In
9,600 BC, the corrupted Atlanteans embarked on a quest to conquer the
world. The muscle preventing their success was Athens, the city
dedicated to the goddess of wisdom and war-Athenia. Zeus, angered by
the behavior of the Atlanteans, deliberated with the other gods to
bring appropriate punishment upon Atlantis. The fate of Atlantis was
described by Plato, "Afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes
and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune ... the
island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea."

Source: Scotsman.com

Champ: A Monster In The Lake?

>From Godzilla and King Kong to Mike and Scully, monsters have always
loomed large in the popular imagination. But what if one of these
beasts actually existed - not just on some far away continent or in a
film writer's head, but in your own backyard?

Dennis Hall claims just that. Twenty years ago, he looked out onto
the vastness of Lake Champlain near his home in Vergennes, Vt., and
after seeing what he saw, he's never looked back. Hall has made the
quest for the prehistoric Champ the focus of his life.

He isn't the only one who believes a monster lurks in those waters,
reports Saturday Early Show Co-Anchor Russ Mitchell. Sighting sheets
from last summer carry entries by people ranging from kids to full-
grown adults. And then there are videos.

Sightings of a monster in Lake Champlain are nothing new. There are
even cave drawings of something that looks a lot like Champ dating
back to the 1700s. These days, there are scores of sightings each
year. And on the streets of Burlington, Vt., you are likely to get a
first-person account.

Whether he actually exists or not, the legend of Champ is certainly
a real part of local life Mascots, car washes, commerce, even
politicians celebrate the beast.

Of course, not everyone from the lake area is convinced.

"I don't honestly believe there's something that big out there,"
says Ellen Marsden, a professor who has been studying the lake for
more than five years. "We need something mysterious out on that lake
that we don't understand yet. I think it fills a human need. But-- if
you're going to start subjecting it to the scrutiny of science, it's
not as easy to explain."

But Dennis Hall says those who don't believe in Champ are missing
out on something.

"Well, they're missing out on the possibilities that there's a
little more in this world than what meets the eye," he says.

The crew from The Saturday Early Show looked and looked, but they
didn't see Champ. And even if they did, they could only have captured
him on video tape. Champ is protected by both New York and Vermont
state law.

Source: CBS News

Blessed Biscuits 'As Good as New After 50 Years'

Biscuits given to a Buddhist monk as an offering 50 years ago are
reported to have remained unspoiled.

Everest climber Sonam Gatso presented the biscuit tin to a Buddhist
lama seeking his blessing before climbing the world's highest peak in

His son says it was put in a cupboard after the climb and family
members were instructed not to touch the contents.

He says the biscuits are remarkably well preserved and they have now
been offered to a museum in Calcutta, where they were produced.

Newspaper Jagriti reports Sonam Gatso presented the tin to Shushong
Rimpoche, a Buddhist monk from Lachung in India's Sikkim state.

His 36-year-old son G Lachungpa said: "My father's blessings for the
success of the expedition to Mount Everest must have extended to the
biscuits as well.

"It is nothing short of a miracle that the biscuits are as good as
they were many years ago.

"We have refrained from eating them so far because we were told to
keep the box as a treasure."

Source: Ananova

Real Life Catches up with Star Trek

HSV Technologies Inc., of San Diego, California is developing a non-
lethal weapon that uses ultraviolet laser beams to harmlessly
immobilize people and animals at a distance. The Phaser-like device
uses two beams of UV radiation to ionize paths in the air along which
electrical current is conducted to and from the target. In effect,
the beams create wires through the atmosphere wherever they are

The current within these beams is a close replication of the neuro-
electric impulses that control skeletal muscles. It is imperceptible
to the target person because it differs from his own neural impulses
only in that its repetition rate is sufficiently rapid to tetanize
muscle tissue. (Tetanization is the stimulation of muscle fibers at a
frequency which merges their individual contractions into a single
sustained contraction.)

No retinal damage can occur because the cornea absorbs all
ultraviolet radiation at the wavelengths used. Moreover, the beams
are too weak to produce photokeratitis (corneal inflammation) unless
they are directed at the eyes for several minutes. In addition, the
current they transmit is insufficient to affect the muscles of the
heart and diaphragm.
See Ocular Safety of the Tetanizing Beam Weapon

Our electrical beam weapon has a far longer potential range than its
nearest competitor, the wire-based Taser® .

Successful proof-of-principle tests have been performed at the
University of California at San Diego, and further refinements using
novel laser designs are forthcoming.

Although the smallest laser now available for this application is
the size of a carry-on suitcase, a hand-held version should become
feasible with only modest advances in laser technology.

Also under development is an engine-disabling variation for use
against the electronic ignitions of automobiles. The engine-disabling
version should be able to operate with off-the-shelf lasers because
it would be carried aboard police patrol cars and helicopters.

See US Patent #5,675,103

Source: http://www.hsvt.org/
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Conspiracy Journal - Issue 162, 6/7/02
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

 * Conspiracy Journal *
Subscribe for free at our subscription page:

Due to our systems upgrade, there will be no issue of Conspiracy
Journal next week. We apologize for this but we will be back up
and running from the MIB and other covert agents of the world
wide conspiracy on Friday June 21.

This weeks exciting edition brings you such navel-contemplating
stories as: Air Force Officer Suspended After Charging Bush Knew
Of 911 Threat - The Mystery of Chemtrials, Covert Immunization
Program? - Why is Oil Mysteriously Appearing in Dry Wells - Is
There a Monster in Lake Champlain? - And, Scotland's Atlantis!

All these exciting stories and MORE in this weeks issue of
Conspiracy Journal.

CHECK OUT Tim Swartz's new column - UFO DATABASE - on the Amethyst
Moon website. http://www.amethystmoon.com/
Scroll down and click on the Beyond Boundaries link -

~And Now, On With The Show! ~

A.F. Officer Suspended After Charging Bush Knew Of 911 Threat

MONTEREY - An Air Force officer has been relieved of duties at the
nation's primary foreign-language training institution here after
publication of his letter to the editor accusing President George W.
Bush of having advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Lt. Col. Steve Butler was serving as vice chancellor for student
affairs at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
when he wrote the letter, published in The Monterey County Herald May

The letter accused Bush of allowing the attacks to occur for
political reasons.

The letter read in part: "Of course Bush knew about the impending
attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people
because he needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he
needed Osama.

"His presidency was going nowhere. He wasn't elected by the American
people, but placed into the Oval Office by the conservative supreme
court (if you really want to know why the justices voted like they
did, I suggest 'Supreme Injustice' by Alan Dershowitz), the economy
was sliding into the usual Republican pits and he needed something to
hang his presidency on."

Butler's letter called the president's course of action "sleazy and

Army spokesman Sgt. Mitch Frazier said Butler "has been
administratively suspended from his position as vice
chancellor/student affairs pending the outcome of an investigation."

"Further details are not available at this time as the investigation
is ongoing," Frazier said.

Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice states "any
commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the
president, the vice president, Congress, the secretary of defense,
the secretary of a military department, the secretary of
transportation or the governor or legislature of any state,
territory, commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or
present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."

The last Article 88 court-martial came in 1965 when an Army second
lieutenant was prosecuted for taking part in an anti-war protest in
Texas, said Lt. Col. Maritza S. Ryan of the Army Judge Advocate
General Corps.

Butler couldn't be reached for comment yesterday but his wife,
Shelly Butler, said the military had given her husband "a lot of
grief" over the letter.

Butler was relieved of his duties at the language school and has
been assigned to temporary duty at Travis Air Force Base in
Fairfield, 55 miles northeast of San Francisco, his wife said.

She said Butler plans to retire in a few weeks after 24 years in the
Air Force, including duty as a combat pilot in Desert Storm.

Source: Knight Ridder Newspapers

The View From Marrs - June 3, 2002
CHEMTRAILS: Covert Immunization Program or Surplus Population

For more than 3 years now, I have heard widespread reports of
aircraft leaving cross-hatching chemical trails in the sky. Being
a former award-winning aviation writer, I initially wrote these
stories off as reports from persons unaccustomed to the common vapor
trails left in the wake of high-flying aircraft.  But now I'm not so

The other morning from my front porch I watched as several jet
aircraft, at least two running parallel, created tic-tac-toe patterns
in an otherwise cloudless North Texas sky.  I would estimate these
craft at somewhere around 20,000 feet.  The trails spread outward,
blended, and within two hours had created a hazy cloud cover with
only occasional patches of blue sky.  By afternoon I was wheezing
and experiencing a shortness of breath.  Most interesting was yet
another jet at a much higher altitude, no less than 30,000 feet,
which also left a sharply-defined condensation or vapor trail.  In
this case, however, the trail dissipated and totally disappeared as
expected from evaporation in low humidity of North Texas.  This was a
true vapor trail.  But what about the lower ones?

This experience brought home to me the claims of many people across
the country who have reported large military-type aircraft leaving
crossing trails which blend together into a cirrus cloud cover and
settle to earth.

Such reports have been coming in from all over the continental 48
states for more than three years now and some of the stories I had
heard came to mind.  One came from a producer friend, who early in
1999 stood on a Hollywood set and watched a large tanker plane make
several trips up and down the California coast leaving a trail which
coalesced into a hazy cloud which drifted over Los Angeles.  This was
clearly not a normal point A to point B flight.  Another story came
from a retired police and military pilot in Oklahoma who witnessed
KC-135 and KC-10 military craft crisscrossing the sky near his home
in mid-January.  Later he became ill and learned from his doctor that
the local hospitals were overflowing with patients suffering from
flu-like symptoms.  Checking with his former National Guard unit,
this man was told that no one knew anything about the craft and
their trails but that they had been ordered not to fly in the area
of the craft on the days in question.

Even more worrisome was the report from the owner or a large Funeral
Home near Dallas-Fort Worth who said deaths this February were twice
as high as the same time last year with no sign of waning.  Most of
these were elderly person suffering from respiratory ailments.
Doctors report an increasing number of respiratory ailments and
one pharmacist I know told he had not seen such widespread
respiratory problems in his more than 30 years of experience.

Washington reporter Mike Blair wrote in January that what has been
dubbed "chemtrails" is actually anti-bacteriological warfare
chemicals being tested by the federal government.  Some of Blair's
sources told him that the covert spraying is being conducted by the
super secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a
charge the agency's director has denied.

Considering the objections raised by members of the U. S. military
who last year were ordered to undergo Anthrax inoculations coupled
with the prospect of public panic, it has been theorized that the
government is attempting to covertly immunize the general population.

It has been reported that this program gained it legality from US
Code Title 50, Section 1520, which gives the Secretary of Defense
authority to order testing  involving the use of a chemical agent or
biological agent on a civilian population  for research purposes.
But this theory fails when the chemical composition of the chemtrails
is considered.

Last April, samples from these chemtrails were analyzed by a
facility in Victoria, British Columbia, which is licensed by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and found to contain in
addition to JP-8 jet fuel (possibly the carrier medium which contains
the additive ethylene dibromide, banned as a pesticide due to causing
severe respiratory reactions even at low levels) numerous pathogens,
disease causing agents. These included Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which
not only causes respiratory infection but also attacks the
immunization system; Serratia Marcescens, an antibiotic-resistant
bacteria which causes pneumonia, endocarditis and meningitis; as
well as Streptomyces and molds capable of inducing heart disease,
upper respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments.

Could this covert program be behind the Nile Flu and other
respiratory outbreaks which reportedly are resisting normal
treatment?  And what is its true purpose?  It seems clear that if
this toxic stew of pathogens is intended as an immunization, the
cure might be worst than the cause. And when in history has an entire
population been unknowingly poisoned by its own leaders while footing
the bill for such an outrage?  And don't look to the corporate-owned
mass media or this year's crop of presidential hopefuls to give us
any answer to these questions.  They're too busy verbally attacking
each other, bashing the Second Amendment and arguing over the
Confederate battle flag in South Carolina, you know, all those big

Source: Jim Marrs - http://www.jimmarrs.com/

Thanks to Russ Hamerly for contributing this article.

3-D Map Of Earth Created 120 Millions Ago - News Conference

PRAVDA.Ru will hold an on-line press conference with Doctor of
Physical and Mathematical Science Alexandr CHUVYROV. The professor of
Bashkir State University found indisputable evidence of the existence
of an ancient, highly developed civilization in the Urals. His find
is a huge slab, whose age is supposed to be about 120 million years.

"Our research topic is about the possible migration of ancient
Chinese to the territory of modern Russia: Siberia and Urals. We have
discovered letters on the rocks made in ancient Chinese about 3000
years ago. During our research in the Ufa archives, we discovered
notes from the end of 18th century about 200 unusual ancient stone
plates. Our idea was that these plates are somehow connected to
Chinese migrants.

Thus we were looking for an ancient civilization, but much closer to
ourselves. We were expecting to see nothing more than hieroglyphs or
pictures with a running mammoth and deer typical for that period.
There were six expeditions organized, and in 28 July 1999, at 1.06
meters underground, we found the plate now called "Dashkin kamen"
("kamen" is stone in Russian). It has a significant size: about 1.5
meters in height, more than 1 meter wide, and 16 cm thick. It weights
more than 1 ton. In the scientists' opinion, it is a relief, a 3-D

We were absolutely happy; we thought we found a product made more
2000 years ago. The plate itself is artificial. It was produced from
a special cement of three layers, and the third layer is a white-
colored porcelain. It should be noticed that the relief on this plate
was not cut manually with some ancient stonecutter. It is evident
that some mechanical work was done.

There is a region from Ufa up to the town of Salavat represented on
the plate. Ufa's hills are very familiar from one side. From the
other side there are some changes. Firstly, we were surprised by the
Ufa canyon: the break in the earth's crust from the present Ufa to
the present Sterlitomak city. There was a river in it 2-3 kilometers
deep and 3-4 kilometers wide. Nevertheless, this break is one of the
principal points of our theory. We conducted geological research and
found it's track in the place where it should be theoretically.
Tectonic plates from the East crushed it for about 10-15 kilometers
to the West. We assume that, now, the Urshak River is in the place of
this former canyon.

There are not only rivers, but two systems of channels up to 500
meters wide and a total length of 12,000 kilometers. The whole hydro
system includes 12 dams 300-500 meters wide, 10 kilometers long, and
2-3 kilometers deep. They made it possible to turn water from any
side into any channel. About 1000 trillion cubic meters of soil were
moved to create this."

Source: Pravda

Oil Mysteriously Appearing in Dry Wells

Around the world, geologists are noticing that old, dry oil wells
are mysteriously filling back up. New oil is also being discovered in
fields where it previously hasn't existed.

Mahlon Kennicutt of Texas A&M University thinks the new oil is
surging upward from deposits deep below the ones currently being
used. "Very light oil and gas were being injected from below, even as
the producing was going on," he says. This suggests there's much more
oil available than we thought.

In 1995, Jean Whelan of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in
Massachusetts also found evidence that oil was moving upward from
somewhere far deep inside the Earth. With new oil drilling
technology, it may soon be possible to tap these deep deposits, for
an almost limitless amount of future oil.

This brings up questions about what oil and natural gas are made of.
It's always been thought this is they are the remains of long-dead
plants and animals from dinosaur days. But if oil exists deep inside
the Earth, is can't be true, since life exists only on the surface of
the Earth.

Thomas Gold of Cornell believes oil and gas are the remains of
methane left over from the Earth's origin. Methane is one of the most
common minerals in the universe. If this is true, we'll be able to
find oil and gas everywhere, if we dig down deep enough.

The new scientific evidence contradicts long-held theories that oil
is running out fast. The U.S. Geological has said that we only have
about 10 years worth of oil left.

Source: New Scientist

Scotland's Atlantis

A lost world has risen from the sand and sea of Scotland, and been
labeled, "Scotland's Atlantis". For 500 years, the town of Findhorn
in Moray had been a prosperous fishing and commercial port, servicing
trade with Europe, the Baltic states, the New World and the Orient.
As the main harbor on the Moray Firth coast in 1532, it was used to
ship the great oaks from the forests of Earl of Moray's estates to
build the Scottish parliament, and the Edinburgh and Stirling

But in the 17th century, the busy harbor began to relive the fate of
the neighboring estate of Culbin. The sands that had buried Culbin
began to silt up the harbor, and citizens were forced to begin a new
community a mile and half from the current village of Findhorn.

In 1702, the town disappeared as the waters of the River Findhorn
broke through the barrier of sand protecting the community. The river
formed a new channel through the town, and it stayed on the river's
bottom for over three centuries.

An exceptionally low spring tide prompted Tim Negus, a retired
surgeon and member of the local heritage society, to search for clues
of the lost town. Negus told Scotsman, "I knew roughly where the old
town was from maps we have at the heritage center and the first thing
I saw was a pile of stones that looked like the ruins of a building.
These stones were fairly unfashioned. But then I discovered two well
masoned slabs, including a piece of carved masonry that must have
come from a fairly substantial and sophisticated building."

Negus contacted the society's chairman, Bill Anderson, via e-mail
and said, "Atlantis has been found." Anderson told Scotsman, "It was
an absolutely fantastic discovery which will allow us to fill in this
massive black hole about the history of Old Findhorn.

"Accounts tell us that Findhorn was an important trading port for
many years before it disappeared into the sea in 1702, a busy harbor
with bonded warehouses. But there have also been conflicting claims
that Findhorn was nothing but a huddle of rude rural buildings, with
the boats beached on the shore and no harbor. All the evidence we
have found now points to a thriving cosmopolitan port of some

Though the discovery is intriguing, shifting tides and dangerous
currents prevent detailed excavations of the area.

The discovery is being compared to that of the city under the sea-
Atlantis. Plato (427-347 BC) explained that the history of Atlantis
began when the gods divided the world amongst themselves. More than
11,000 years ago, Poseidon, god of the sea, created the lost island,
an area larger than Asia and Libya combined, for his love- a mortal
woman named Cleito. Cleito bore ten sons for Poseidon, the first of
which was named Atlas. The proud father named the islands and
surrounding oceans after his firstborn.

Atlantis blossomed and grew for centuries until the Atlanteans began
to worship the false gods of wealth, idleness and luxury. In
9,600 BC, the corrupted Atlanteans embarked on a quest to conquer the
world. The muscle preventing their success was Athens, the city
dedicated to the goddess of wisdom and war-Athenia. Zeus, angered by
the behavior of the Atlanteans, deliberated with the other gods to
bring appropriate punishment upon Atlantis. The fate of Atlantis was
described by Plato, "Afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes
and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune ... the
island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea."

Source: Scotsman.com

Champ: A Monster In The Lake?

>From Godzilla and King Kong to Mike and Scully, monsters have always
loomed large in the popular imagination. But what if one of these
beasts actually existed - not just on some far away continent or in a
film writer's head, but in your own backyard?

Dennis Hall claims just that. Twenty years ago, he looked out onto
the vastness of Lake Champlain near his home in Vergennes, Vt., and
after seeing what he saw, he's never looked back. Hall has made the
quest for the prehistoric Champ the focus of his life.

He isn't the only one who believes a monster lurks in those waters,
reports Saturday Early Show Co-Anchor Russ Mitchell. Sighting sheets
from last summer carry entries by people ranging from kids to full-
grown adults. And then there are videos.

Sightings of a monster in Lake Champlain are nothing new. There are
even cave drawings of something that looks a lot like Champ dating
back to the 1700s. These days, there are scores of sightings each
year. And on the streets of Burlington, Vt., you are likely to get a
first-person account.

Whether he actually exists or not, the legend of Champ is certainly
a real part of local life Mascots, car washes, commerce, even
politicians celebrate the beast.

Of course, not everyone from the lake area is convinced.

"I don't honestly believe there's something that big out there,"
says Ellen Marsden, a professor who has been studying the lake for
more than five years. "We need something mysterious out on that lake
that we don't understand yet. I think it fills a human need. But-- if
you're going to start subjecting it to the scrutiny of science, it's
not as easy to explain."

But Dennis Hall says those who don't believe in Champ are missing
out on something.

"Well, they're missing out on the possibilities that there's a
little more in this world than what meets the eye," he says.

The crew from The Saturday Early Show looked and looked, but they
didn't see Champ. And even if they did, they could only have captured
him on video tape. Champ is protected by both New York and Vermont
state law.

Source: CBS News

Blessed Biscuits 'As Good as New After 50 Years'

Biscuits given to a Buddhist monk as an offering 50 years ago are
reported to have remained unspoiled.

Everest climber Sonam Gatso presented the biscuit tin to a Buddhist
lama seeking his blessing before climbing the world's highest peak in

His son says it was put in a cupboard after the climb and family
members were instructed not to touch the contents.

He says the biscuits are remarkably well preserved and they have now
been offered to a museum in Calcutta, where they were produced.

Newspaper Jagriti reports Sonam Gatso presented the tin to Shushong
Rimpoche, a Buddhist monk from Lachung in India's Sikkim state.

His 36-year-old son G Lachungpa said: "My father's blessings for the
success of the expedition to Mount Everest must have extended to the
biscuits as well.

"It is nothing short of a miracle that the biscuits are as good as
they were many years ago.

"We have refrained from eating them so far because we were told to
keep the box as a treasure."

Source: Ananova

Real Life Catches up with Star Trek

HSV Technologies Inc., of San Diego, California is developing a non-
lethal weapon that uses ultraviolet laser beams to harmlessly
immobilize people and animals at a distance. The Phaser-like device
uses two beams of UV radiation to ionize paths in the air along which
electrical current is conducted to and from the target. In effect,
the beams create wires through the atmosphere wherever they are

The current within these beams is a close replication of the neuro-
electric impulses that control skeletal muscles. It is imperceptible
to the target person because it differs from his own neural impulses
only in that its repetition rate is sufficiently rapid to tetanize
muscle tissue. (Tetanization is the stimulation of muscle fibers at a
frequency which merges their individual contractions into a single
sustained contraction.)

No retinal damage can occur because the cornea absorbs all
ultraviolet radiation at the wavelengths used. Moreover, the beams
are too weak to produce photokeratitis (corneal inflammation) unless
they are directed at the eyes for several minutes. In addition, the
current they transmit is insufficient to affect the muscles of the
heart and diaphragm.
See Ocular Safety of the Tetanizing Beam Weapon

Our electrical beam weapon has a far longer potential range than its
nearest competitor, the wire-based Taser® .

Successful proof-of-principle tests have been performed at the
University of California at San Diego, and further refinements using
novel laser designs are forthcoming.

Although the smallest laser now available for this application is
the size of a carry-on suitcase, a hand-held version should become
feasible with only modest advances in laser technology.

Also under development is an engine-disabling variation for use
against the electronic ignitions of automobiles. The engine-disabling
version should be able to operate with off-the-shelf lasers because
it would be carried aboard police patrol cars and helicopters.

See US Patent #5,675,103

Source: http://www.hsvt.org/
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