-Caveat Lector-

I hope you do your homework and read up on this man.  Try the web.  He is in jail for 
reasons.  The autobiography was made by him!
Why would this man EVER tell the truth?  You actually believe his book over the fact 
that he is in jail.  I followed a lot of this.
Of course i am sure there is a lot of stuff out there on him and they won't be 
trivial.  Now he is a senile ole crazy man it
appears.  But when he was young was a different story.  Please read the book Helter 
Skelter.  And even if the women or people were
weak minded probably from low self-esteem, he is still guilty of doing this.  They did 
not use that as an excuse at all.  I hope
others come forward and please back me up on some more talk about this man.  He never 
gets out on parole because the board always
still considers this man dangerous to society.  That speaks for itself.

About Heaven's Gate, why are you always for the perpetrator?  Weak minded people are 
people who have mental health problems,
self-esteem problems, or abused in life etc.  There are a lot of people out there that 
can be mind controlled by the right person
because some of them do it well.  What about the Guyana Tragedy?  That man convinced 
at least about 900 (don't really know no.)
people to commit suicide.  Are they bad people and they are responsible for their 
Mind control is real and has been going on for centuries.

Sounds like you have taken a liking for this man.  Would you know him then if you were 
younger since you believe him?  You consider
him funny.

A  jury did believe this.  He is in jail.  He never gets out on parole not from 
prejudice.  He is still considered harmful to
society.  Please read the right books.  Not from someone like Charles Manson himself.  
He is a big liar.  You must be young, naive
or from a great upbringing not to know all about this man.

Private Mail Welcome

----- Original Message -----
From: Johannes Schmidt III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Charles Manson Tidbit

-Caveat Lector-

>> Charles Manson not a serial killer?  Not physically, but that man
>> mind-controlled all his victims and they did the killing for him.
>> Why do you think Manson never gets out of jail?  He is a very
>> dangerous man.  He may act stupid, but he is not.

As he points out, he's no more dangerous or evil than hundreds of others who have been 
released for similar or worse crimes many
years before his current term.

>Does the fact that he "controlled their minds" mean that he's brilliant
>or that the people he controlled were just weak-minded?

A bit of both, I expect.

I remember a
>little organization called "Heaven's Gate".  Some wild stories came out
>of that place from people who used to be involved with them.  People who
>were only allowed to eat chocolate chip ice cream and others were only
>allowed to eat pizza, etc...  I'd say the people who let themselves get
>involved with Koresh were weak-minded.  Tell me I can only eat pizza and
>I'm going to IHOP for a Rootie Tootie Fresh & Fruity.
>> But he still went to jail.  Good heavens for that.  He has been
>> charged with something believe you me.  I do not know the correct
>> information of his direct charges, but he is in jail for life.
>> He did something I think.......He sat by while he knew Sharon
>> Tate was being stabbed in her stomach.

His story at trial always was that he didn't know about it until afterwards, while the 
real killers found it convenient to claim
that he made them do it. Now I don't know if this is true or not, but he himself 
didn't physically kill any of those people.

It would be like if me and another listmember went out and blew up a Burger King in 
Dallas and when we were caught, claimed that
Kris Millegan was exerting mind control over us with this list, sending us hundreds of 
messages each day telling us what to think.
Of course it is baloney, but would a jury believe it?

>I haven't thought much about Manson before.  I'm actually intrigued so I
>will be doing my homework tonight. :-)

Some of the things he has said are really funny compared to what people say about him. 
I read his autoboigraphy, I think it is
called Charles Manson Speaks or something (I'm sure other list members can give you a 
long list of sources) but some of the things
he said included that:

Despite claims to the contrary, he was never a hippy and wasn't expecially invovled in 
psychodelic music etc. His favourite music
when growing up was the Big Band music he heard as a child in the 40's

The prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, who wrote the best book on the case 'Helter Skelter' 
(which is a good place to start if you want
to read more about it, not just hyperbole), was grandstanding and making grandiose 
claims to bolster his career.

(And this is true) Because of his infamy, he has spent more time in Prison than others 
who have committed far worse multiple murders
and been paroled after 20 years or so.

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