-Caveat Lector-

Jeff Russo wrote:

> As I went to private school for 13 years, no one's taxes went to my education.

I find that hard to believe.  How and where were your teachers educated?
What text books did you use?  What curriculum did you follow?  What
technology was used in your school?  Where was that technology
developed?  What roads did you use to get to school?  Did you have
electricity?  Plumbing?  Pardon me if you were educated on a
self-sustaining commune that produced its own paper and ink.

> My parents, who certainly did not qualify as even middle class, paid for my
> education twice.... ~$1500 a year for the private schools, and their taxes
> while the public schools were sucking up $8K+ per student per year.

That was your parents choice.  However, I find it hard to believe that
your tuition was $1,500 per year for a private school.  And, actually,
without knowing what country you live in, there is no point talking the
nuts and bolts of numbers.  I'm from Canada where education is primarily
a provincial matter.

But I think that, in a sense, you are talking about deregulating
education, much the same as electricity was deregulated in California?

> And, beside the benefit to childless people of not paying these insane taxes,
> eliminating the current public school situation would be the best way to
> achieve your goal of "providing children with a good education."

The children here do receive a good education.  I can see nothing to be
gained whatsoever by 'eliminating' the school system - it might make an
interesting science fiction story though.

> observes an intractable public school situation.... such as I observed for
> years in the school system where I grew up.... realizes that they are far
> beyond repair. The $10000+ they now receive per child is essentially fraud and
> theft.

Well, that's sad.  I'm happy to report that my 15 nieces and nephews
under the age of 10 are receiving excellent educations in our school
system.  It's a community thang, you know?


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