-Caveat Lector-

> would you care to describe to me the high standard of living I had as a
> Did you know me?

i don't need to. you were regularly fed and you recieved an education.
therefore, you had a much higher standard of living than most people on the
planet. you may take those two things for granted, and all people SHOULD
have the right to them, but the reality is that most don't.
the fact that you are able to wear clean underpants every day gives you an
extremely high standard of living.

> We do have people in this country that can not afford to educate
> Currently, we take money.... sometimes $10000+ per student per year....
> send them to a place where there is strong possiblity that at the end of
> years we'll have, as a result of the $40000 spent, a person that cannot
read a
> job application or a childrens's novel and can't figure out change on a
> dollar bill if a transaction costs $8.25. Would you care to cite for me
> private schools where this is the case?

i disagree with the 'strong possibility' designation and if you want me to
take you seriously you're going to have to cite me statistics from a
reliable source. yes, there are some people that have problems with this. in
canada, anyways, they have programs for these people - they are put into
special classes [put may be a strong word; we have seperate academic levels
that students follow within the same school. in order to stay in, for
example, the 'advanced' program one would need to maintain a certain
average. otherwise, they are refused entry and put in a general program. if
they don't meet the general program requirements, which is where the kids
you are speaking of would fall in, they are put in the 'basic' program. this
is what i am speaking of in the next few lines. some schools, like the one i
was at, also have 'enriched' programs for the really bright kids.] where
they are taught essential life skills instead of academics. the same
curriculum, with very subtle changes, is retaught over again throughout the
5 years - this way the kids get it straight. instead of doing book reports
in senior english, they take spelling courses. some even make it to college.
others drop out, but that's their choice - a choice that is usually based on
outside influences. if a kid can't cut it in the special programs, they are
put into the 'alternate' program - where they are taught almost one-on-one
the VERY basics that they need in order to get by. some kids can't, or
choose not to, excel even in these programs - there's not much else you can
do for them, but their numbers are extraordinarily low.

remember that most of the western world shares literacy rates of higher than
95%, most are at 97, 98, 99 and some even boast of being at 100!

students in private schools just get booted out if they can't follow the
material. that way the statistics are more favourable. by getting money
involved, yes, SOME people will benefit but the vast majority will suffer.
competition will skyrocket, and so will prices.

but let me get this straight: i don't doubt that your school system needs an
overhaul, most americans i speak to online are uneducated gun-crazy
lunatics, but privatizing schools is a completely ass-backwards way to go
about it.

> We provide various forms of assistance to poor people in this country. We
> provide food stamps, yet you don't have to spend them at a government food
> store. We provide some medical coverage, which many private doctors will
> In some cases, we send a check which can be cashed and spent on whatever
> hell the recipient would like to buy. Why not give poor people another
> and say "here, find yourself a good school for your child. One that
provides as
> much or as little academic rigor, structure, and moral training as you
> ?

because, as i said earlier, this will lead to segregation in schools. do you
think that middle class kids are going to get to go to schools as  good as
extremely wealthy kids? do you think that poor kids will get to go to
schools as good as the middle class kids? what 'class' do most minorities
fall into? supply and demand will set in, schools will raise
prices...universities will cut deals with high schools.....HIGH SCHOOLS WILL
elementary schools will become corporate brainwashing centers.
god, could you imagine what would happen if aol or microsoft or exxon or
dupont got into the business of running elementary schools?
the rockefellars and the harriman's will have the minorities EXACTLY where
they want them - subject to everything from vaccine testing to just plain
out purposely bad schooling with awful teachers. propaganda through films
will skyrocket. guess what will happen to the heroin usage rate/distribution
and if they don't fall into the bell curve that george w. bush speaks so
highly of?

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Freeman,

    i'm sorry but your son Johnny, (13), has not met the requirements to
continue to be taught at the brooklyn branch of the CICTC (citigroup inner
city teaching corporation). we have no option but to deny him re-entry into
our school, as space is extremely limited. we have, however, taken the
liberty to put him on the very long waiting list to get into our special
school located in albany [transportation not included] and have sent you an
application for johnny to enter the metro's award-winning "workfare for
students" program in the unfortunate event that he is unable to get into a
different school. we also remind you that johnny is due for his yearly
vaccine shot, courtesy of the CICTC for life, in the upcoming month. please
accept our sincerest aplogies and have a very nice day.

yours truly,
some corporate pawn that *really* gives a fuck


the whole idea makes me sick.

now, as for this:

> While I'm not defending Bush or vouchers as they have been proposed, you
> note (and you may not know as you are not a citizen) that in cities in the
> that have attempted vouchers, minorities have been some of the strongest
> supporters of voucher programs. This is because they have seen close-up
> status of the public schools that you think we should continue to bless
> increased sums of money.

well, that doesn't surprise me - the entire thing has been billed as a way
to make schools more equitable. it's the same line of thinking that the nypd
uses when it hires ever increasing amounts of minorities and then trains
them to treat other minorities as armed at all times; or the line of
thinking that bush is using by stocking his cabinet up with minorities.
image manipulation, lies, propaganda, disinformation....
we all know bush's true objectives.

> Why is the government in the school business?

originally it was to eliminate the high illiteracy rate, nowadays it's to
keep it as amazingly low as it currently is.
and i would refrain from dubbing it as a 'business' as the profit is
if you had kids, you'd realize that most schools are actually extremely cash

np: nirvana - nevermind

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