-Caveat Lector-

>Nothing is more "classist" then the present Govt School System. The
children  of the Elite attend excellent private schools. The children of
the middle class generally attend mediocre Govt Schools that are
continually declining in the  quality of the eduation offered - at an
increasing higher cost per pupil.

As you have just illustrated, America’s school system is classist, not
because it is a “Government School System,” but because it is a
combination of public and private. The classism results, not from the
public, but from the private component. The rich get better education
because they can afford to pay more.  Vouchers will not change this. The
commodification of education will not change this. If anything, it will
make it worse. Private education sells the same way any commodity sells.
Some people shop at K-Mart and some people shop at Sharper Image. This
is not a free choice on their parts. It dictated by economic reality.
Should some kids get a K-Mart education while other kids get a Sharper
Image education? That’s the issue here.

By your logic, if it is alright for government to give vouchers to buy
one commodity it should be alright to give vouchers to buy any
commodity. Where’s my Sharper Image shopping voucher? Why aren’t you
agitating for that?

Cost per pupil should not even be considered. Education is a right. It
should not matter what it costs. Whatever it costs is worth it. This is
the philosophy applied to “defense” spending. Why not apply it to
education? What’s good for America is good for America, right? Or are
you saying that quality education is not as good for America as a
bloated and redundant military?

We have the the resources to make public schools be better than even the
very best private schools. Instead we squander them on providing the
corporations, especially the oil companies, with a private army with
which to enforce their predation.

>If you provide public funds to provide private alternatives to the
failing Govt Schools, (at less cost per pupil then Govt Schools)  you
provide an opportunity for the poorest kids to have some  hope of
escaping the life time sentence of underachievment.

Even with vouchers, the poorest kids would not be able to afford private
school. You obviously have no understanding of poverty, probably because
you’ve  never been poor or spent very much time around poor people. I
suggest that you educate yourself a little about the subject before you
make an even bigger fool of yourself spouting off about things you know
nothing about. Do a field study. Do some community service. Volunteer at
a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen. Get to know some of these people.
Get to know what their lives are like. Then come back here and talk
about poverty. In the meantime, quite frankly, you’re just blowing hot

Not only that, but if you have never done any community service, it is
extremely likely that you don’t really care about poor people. Yet now
you suddenly profess great concern with the education of their kids. I
strongly suspect that you don’t give a flying rat’s *ss about poor
people or their kids, except as pawns in the promotion of your own
agenda.  If you really cared so much about poor kids’ education you’d be
volunteering as an after school tutor. All you seem to really care about
is your own wallet. Anything that might save you a buck is a good thing.
Selfishness is a social disease. Its carriers should be quarantined.

>Why do you suppose that the biggest supporters for vouchers  come from
the Inner Cities? 

Oh really? Do you know these people personally? Name ten of them. Tell
us how to get in touch with them so we can  contact them and find out if
they exist or if you just made them up. 

And what -exactly- do you mean by “biggest”? Do you mean loudest? Or do
you mean most widely reported by the corporate media?

And what do you mean “supporters”? it seems to me that if anybody is
going to wind up supporting vouchers it’s we taxpayers. That means that
some of my money will effectively be taken from my by threat of force
and given to religious schools. This in intolerable.

>Generations of kids from the Inner  Cities have been destroyed by Govt

Generations of kids from the Inner  Cities, and from rural America, have
been destroyed by poverty. Blaming it on the schools is a distraction
from the real source of the problem.

>But then again the Govt School System is a creation of the Corporate
State. The supporters of the Corporate State will fight to the death to
preserve it.

Are you even aware that you are contradicting yourself when you blame
what’s wrong with education on the “Corporate State” and then propose
that we turn to corporate schools to fix it? If not, you really ought to
go back to school and take Logic 101, because your reasoning abilities
appear to be severely impaired.  If you are aware of this contradiction,
and continue to profess it, you are a hypocrite. So tell us, which is
it? Are you a hypocrite or are you suffering from impaired cognition?

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