-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Dale Stonehouse wrote:
>I couldn't agree with this more. I signed up for the free month on AOL to
>file my tax return (I do like their connection speed)

I don't know of any local ISP that doesn't offer at least 56K modem
connections, and most now also offer T1/DSL/cable connections, too...

And local ISPs are infinitely more economical than AOHell...

>and the things AOL
>software did to my operating system should be illegal. The combination of
>Microsoft and AOL, if left to its own ambition/greed, is the epitome of Big
>Brother and will gladly do all your thinking for you. No thanks!

You forgot to add the fedspooks to the mix, too...since at least 1994
(probably earlier) AOHell has been in bed with various fedspook agencies,
and doesn't hide the fact that it freely allows the fedspooks to monitor
all traffic on its system...

You are right regarding AOHell's messing with your OS...back when I was
on it I was using a computer that is configured strangely, specifically
it uses the port usually reserved for the modem for the mouse...and when
I was on AOHell, at least once a month (sometimes more often) I had to
reinstall my mouse driver because AOHell would try to access my computer
via the port usually used by a modem...and whatever they were trying to
do via what they thought would be my modem would mess up my mouse so that
it would either be totally inoperational, or would do really screwy


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