-Caveat Lector-

At 07:05 PM 7/7/01 -0700, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>-Caveat Lector-

>You left out the guns for drugs, with cocaine flooding our streets in the

Do you mean the Chinease 5000 assault rifles brought into the U.S. through
San Francisco
harbor by a Clinton campaign contributor, and winked at by Janet Reno?

Do you mean the cocaine brought in the the Meno, Arkansas airport during the
governorship of William "nose like a vacuum cleaner" Clinton, who never
his medical records to cover up his cocaine damaged nasal septum?  The same
governor Clinton who described the Mena drug transhipment operation as
"Lassiter's deal"?

But I guess
>that is ok for you conservatives because most of the victoms were blacks and
>the drug
>was rock cocaine.

You haven't been paying attention.  Liberals are for drugs.  Conservatives
are against drugs.

If Blacks would listen to Conservatives, they wouldn't do drugs.  The only
culpability that
Conservatives have for Black drug problems is ignorantly and passively
paying taxes to
support paternalistic government bureacracies that expand Black dependency
and powerlessness.

The worst drug problems in America are in those satrapies where there are
NO Conservatives:
Washington, D.C, San Francisco, East Los Angeles, etc, etc.

Washington, D.C. is the shining jewel in the crown of triumphant liberal
social policy.  It doesn't
get any better than that,

>I'll bet you love it.  :(

Wrong.  Socialists love it.  Socialists love desparate, ignorant,
impoverished populations.  Desparate, hopeless people are receptive to the
notion that "government" can solve their problems, and will ultimately be
"grateful" to the "leaders" for doing things for them.

Socialists are ultimately narcissists, and socialism is the ultimate
"self-esteem" problem.

The socialist's fantasy is not about solving problems, it is to be told
over and over by as many people as possible how wonderful they are.  That's
why so many Hollywood airheads are socialists.  That's why Castro's
favorite sport is delivering endless speeches to the adoring masses.
That's why Bill Clinton was an eternal campaigner, never tiring of
appearing before throngs of adoring sycophants.  "Your wonderful, Bill!",
"You're so smart, Bill!", "Only you can help us Bill!". "Your the greatest
President ever, Bill", "Your just a victim of those mean conservatives, Bill".

Socialism is not about reality.  It's an emotional problem.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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