-Caveat Lector-

>And a pretty darn compelling opinion.  If Bush puts on his fully
pressurized astronaut suit,  . . . think someone might notice.

Bush didn’t have to go to Paris. Casey could have set the whole thing up
on his own.

>Why would a leftie quibble about a little illegality.  

I’m not a leftie. I’m an anarchist. Why do you persist in seeing
politics in purely binary terms? Is half your brain missing?

>Let's not say that  the support of the  Contra's was "illegal".
That's so-o-o judgemental.  

It’s the truth of the matter. Period. End of story.

>Let's just call it   "undocumented".

Then we’d be lying to conceal a crime. Is that what you think we should

>You know, like "undocumented immigrants",

Off topic and irrelevant. Don’t change the subject.

>OK.  So why the hell are you roasting Ollie North?

He used my tax money to finance a murderous bunch of drug dealing

> Because  the New York Times never told you it was "just cause"?

 The NYT has nothing to do with it. Fascists are evil. Period.

>You mean they did things like fly drugs into Mena, Arkansas? As
Arkansas governer William Clinton said, "that was Lassiter's deal".  So,
why are you blaming this on the Contras's?

Why are you buying Clinton’s obvious lie that it was Lassiter’s deal?
Clinton was in it up to his chin. But so were the contras.

>So what's your point?  That the  Contra's were not  as militarily
stupid as you think they should have been?

My point is that they murdered women and children in cold blood and then
ran for it. They passed this off as waging war, but really it was just a
cover for their drug dealing. They were evil.

>Why, didn't the Viet Cong do the same thing?  

Very seldom. The vast overwhelming majority of civilians killed in the
war were killed by US and ARVN troops.

>You LIKED the Viet Cong,  didn't you?

Not particularly. Why do assume that I did? Are you stupid or just
uninformed? Which is it? Be specific.

I do respect what the VC did militarily. They were very, very good at
what they did, which was to defend their homeland against a viscous,
brutal foreign invader.

>Even fascist-symps can be right.  What's a fascist, anyway?  It's just
a made-up  word to smear people that Commies don't like

That’s the flat out lamest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and that’s
saying a lot.  If you don’t know what a fascist is by now, you’re too
stupid to live.

 >Well, it's at least a higher standard than advocated by Al Gore, who
thinks he  should have won an election he lost by a razor thin margin
but tried to fix  after  the fact.

(1.) That’s irrelevant. Stay on topic.

(2.) It was Bush who stole the election. 

(3.) It doesn’t really matte who won because both Bush and Gore were
bought and paid for by the same guys.


>thoughtful, well informed, fair-minded people concluded that the
Contra's were the legitimate expression of the interests of the
Nicaraguan  people.

Who, exactly, were these “well informed, fair-minded people”? Be
specific. They certainly weren’t the majority of the Nicaraguan people
themselves. Which brings us to the crux of the issue. It’s none of our
business how the Nicaraguan people, the Vietnamese people, or any other
people choose to run their own lives. If they want to be ruled by
communists, that’s their choice. We have no more right to force our will
on them than do the Russians or Chinese have to force their will on us.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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