-Caveat Lector-

Yes, Dale there is truth in what you say (below). But I
think that one can come to conclusions. One does not reach
a hopeless "who knows" impasse. One must look at the larger
context & do some analysis. Certain parties have an obvious
motive to mis-represent. (sellers of pharmaceuticals try to
get doctors to use their drugs in preference to other
modalities of treatment, for instance. Follow the money;
qui bono, etc.) Also, how do authors argue - do they stick
to issues or try to deflect attention from issues -   by
for instance moving into defamation of character/personal
attack. (The way the mass media try  - alas, so
successfully - to neutralize the patriot/dissident
movement.)  also - is their logic/information clear or is
it so "subtle' that it becomes almost metaphysical. (the
truth vs the disinfo on economics and central banks is a
good example here. Also medicine - chemical versus non-
toxic/non-invasive modalities of treatment for degenerative
illness. The truth is fairly straight-forward and has a
clear logic to it; the dis-info is very very very abstruse
& also punitively boring. One tends to conclude that one is
"not smart enough" or educated enough and to abandon the
field of inquiry and take the 'experts' word for it - which
is of course the desired outcome from the pt of view of
promulgating info/policies, etc. not in the public
        Looking at the mass media treatment of 9-11 vs what is
available on the internet - one can see that the mainstream
sources speak with one voice, with a unanimity that simply
would not be there if we really had a 'free press'. That
unanimity is very scary.
        The JFK assassination is another example showing clearly
how highly controlled the media are. (Regardless of what
one decises re who actually done it. So much info was
        Reading publications by the CFR, the Tri-lateral
Commission and various UN bodies, and globalist spokesmen
like Brezizinski and Kissinger also, if one knows how to de-
code some of their carefully neutral language/code, one can
 see that they are talking not about what is inevitably
going to come to pass in the future but what the globalists
have decided to implement and present as 'inevitable'  or
'necessary.' A good example is discussing how the US will
move to being service-provider  rather than a producer of
goods. Yes - after they made their moves to pass NAFTA &
GATT and move production to places where they can utilize
an essentially slave labor force. They can speak with such
prescience about the shape of things to come because those
are their goals which they are taking steps to implement.
        Aso behind all the obfuscating rhetoric  and red-herring
highly emotional divisive issues such as gay rights and
abortion, one can see that 'our' leaders are moving towards
the same goals regardless of party and that many of these
goals are not in the best interests of the people of this
country... our  declining standard of living, loss of
populist government, loss of national sovereignty to the UN
being  examples; also  all the immigration of  (legal and
illegal) non-nationals being a further one. (And no I am
not 'racist,' but the way to curb exploding populations in
the 3rd world is to stop ripping them off of the value of
their resources & labor - raise the std of living in any
country & the birthrate automatically declines - the
globalists (ie mega corporations & banks in control of most
governments today) know this full well but consciously
chose to let the 3rd world populations explode & then dump
the extra people/cheap labor on the industrialized nations -
 to the detriment of existing populations.)
        So one can come to some conclusions is my main point. One
can also prioritize issues and decide which are the ones to
focus on. Right now a biggie is our loss of freedoms/rights
& loss of sovereignty to the UN. Gun control is desperately
important - the globalists badly want a disarmed citizenry
& if/when they get it the good-guy mask will be summarily
dropped & the planned police state more fully emerge. Also
it is very important to try to wake up more of the sleeping
citizenry - we desperately need more who are awake & aware,
as the country is being run by public opinion.  What they
can get the public to accept they summarily do. If the
masses did not have  power, at least potential power, all
this effort at lying to & deceiving them would not be being
made. Take away our weapons & we will be up the proverbial
creeek w/out a paddle (I btw am not a 'gun person' do not
own one, hardly know how to use one, do not like them, wish
the world were not governed by force - but facts is facts.)
(I am a vegan, partly for health reasons, partly because I
believe like the Buddhists in the importance, morally,  of
treating non-human sentient beings as well as people as I
want to be treated myself.)

        Your thoughts in response would be appreciated...


-Caveat Lector-

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Molli Wolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jim Jones NOT CIA???
> dear Dale -  I have not read her book so I can't comment
> on it at this point. I am sure you know that there is a
> lot of dis-information out to confuse issues

Very true.

> I like books
> that provide lots of documentation & Meier's book does
> that.

Same here, the more the better. Unfortunately one-sided
views can be just as well-documented as balanced views.
are useful if one keeps an open mind.

A few years ago I finally understood I would find opposing
viewpoints, equally convincing, on both sides of any
particular issue. At that point it was up to me to decide,
or choose to remain undecided (open). At that point I began
to review with caution research which chose the viewpoint
first and then filtered the documentation to fit that
viewpoint. The JFK books are good examples of this. Perhaps
because of the emotional nature of that event, not a single
book that I have seen is balanced; they all have to "solve"
the murder. And round and round it goes.

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