-Caveat Lector-

Dear Dale - I agree with much of what you say. However I
have a problem with 'getting metaphysical' - whether it be
via the Christian way (we are in end times, it is all
foreordained, nothing we can do but wait for rapture), the
New Age way (human nature is evolving into goodness & we
are on the brink of a golden age) or detached/Buddhist
(duality, good/evil are illusions, withdraw from the world
& seek your own enlightenment).(This last is the closest to
my own belief btw.) These in my  view are cop-outs.
         It is known that when the going gets rough people tend to
make certain predictable retreats (in an attempt to retain
the comfort zone) - regression into a more
childlike/dependant mode (big strong paternalistic
political leader/dictator daddy, please make everything all
better, I promise to be a good boy/girl), and also they
take refuge in religion/metaphysics. (Ghost Dance religion
of the Plains Indians is an excellent example of the
religious 'compensatory fantasy'). Of course also the other
defense mechanisms like denial & projection are heavily
used - it (totalitarian govt)can't happen here, we are the
good  & 'they' the bad guys, we have a free country, Dubya
is so strong, wise, etc.
        Re 'one cannot prove anything' - well on a philosophical
level yes. And yet in the world we live in that is hardly
the case. It has been proven to my satisfaction that if I
hold up the 7-11 I may well end up in jail, that if I jump
off that 10 story bldg I will go splat,  if I stick my hand
in boiling water, shoot myself in the foot, etc etc there
will be certain 100% predictable results. etc etc. Not
everything is so certain but much can be known in a way &
with a degree of certainty that is practical and
utilizable. If that were not so the world would have no
order; nothing could be accomplished, predicted, planned,
        Anyway re your beyond-duality view, I do not think it
inconsistant with action. regardless of these beliefs,  if
someone was harming your family or stealing your car you
would not wax philosophical; you would take approproiate
action. Well, our country and assets are being ripped off
and we are being subsumed into a global monopoly police-
state government. Not sure what to do about it, but I
believe that to try to take some appropriate action is the
thing to do. Not some version of sigh, oh well... Wasn't it
Edmund Burke who said 'the only thing necessary for evil to
triumph is for good men to do nothing'?
        Re the fact that they globalist 'masters of the universe'
did not meet their goal of global pop reduction does not
mean that they aren't still tryin.  (Wars work great!) They
may want consumers and labor just like a rancher wants
cattle, but if the herd is too big & over-grazing your land
you get rid of a few... you know there are plenty more
where those came from ...


-Caveat Lector-

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Molli Wolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 4:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jim Jones NOT CIA???
> Yes, Dale there is truth in what you say (below). But I
> think that one can come to conclusions. One does not reach
> a hopeless "who knows" impasse.

Alas, Molli, from my once-agreement with that statement
years ago, I have settled in a place where I am not
convinced it is possible to "prove" anything. Things can be
"known," but not from gathering so-called "facts." I invoke
the example of the blind men and the elephant which seems
demonstrate that all "reality" is but individual perception
within the mind.

> One must look at the larger
> context & do some analysis.

Certainly, although some contexts are larger than others.
Conclusions are like labels, once they are applied or
reached thinking seems to stop.

> Certain parties have an obvious
> motive to mis-represent.

Yes, and for various reasons. Some seek money or power;
unfortunately this category also includes those who merely
wish to be "right," making others "wrong" by "proving" their
particular viewpoint. I can only "prove" that which I have
experienced myself, and even then the person next to me
witnessing the same event may have an entirely different

> Looking at the mass media treatment of 9-11 vs what is
> available on the internet - one can see that the
> mainstream sources speak with one voice, with a unanimity
> that simply would not be there if we really had a 'free
> press'. That unanimity is very scary.

Sadly true. It seems they see their role as reporting and
not critically thinking.

>         Reading publications by the CFR, the Tri-lateral
> Commission and various UN bodies, and globalist spokesmen
> like Brezizinski and Kissinger also, if one knows how to
> de- code some of their carefully neutral language/code,
> one can
>  see that they are talking not about what is inevitably
> going to come to pass in the future...

I have concluded (guessed) that national sovereignty and
democracy have been a carefully-maintained illusion for
anywhere from 85-150 years. Once money was perceived as
necessary to live (moving the people off self-sufficient
farms), naturally those in control of banking controlled all
non-self-sufficient peoples.

> ...the globalists .... consciously
> chose to let the 3rd world populations explode

and yet the Global 2000 report states clearly the goal of
reducing the population of Earth to 500 million by the year
2000, which was an absolute failure. Even so, this goal
clearly conflicts with the assumed desire of international
bankers to have as many consumers as possible paying as much
interest as possible. Either there are two groups at odds
with one another or they are a group operating in self
conflict and why?...

>         So one can come to some conclusions is my main
>         point.

Yes. It is when those conclusions are in conflict that I am
forced to take a step back and this happens over and over.

> the globalists badly want a disarmed citizenry....

It appears that way. However if it has been known and
understood by world leaders for 50-100 years that all
weapons developed by humans are powerless in the big picture
of the 3D universe, the whole issue is meaningless.
MacArthur, Eisenhower and Reagan all dropped hints in public
speeches about this probability, and there is a very long
list of retired and active military leaders well aware of
this. Some don't accept it nonetheless.

>  Also
> it is very important to try to wake up more of the
> sleeping citizenry - we desperately need more who are
> awake & aware,

Absolutely true. My view is that most of them would prefer
death to waking up - and that may be what they will get if
they continue to snooze. > >         Your thoughts in
response would be appreciated...

My view seldom gets smaller than planetary; although I am
documented as a citizen of the USA my true citizenship is of
the universe. The purpose of the universe in my view is
learning, which takes place on an individual and group basis
at many levels. Since learning is independent of duality and
polarity, I do not concern myself much with the game of
good-evil, male-female, etc. etc. etc. Refusing to play this
game can be quite upsetting to others who are deep into the
game. But as Popeye says, I yam what I yam.


>                              molli

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