-Caveat Lector-

"c." wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> well, it is subtly placed perhaps, rather than hidden, let me point that out
> if nothing else because something that is easily come by is not always the
> most valuable thing.
> what i was meaning was that just because you interpret the symbol one way
> (aligning it evilly) doesn't mean to say that the people who designed the
> roads saw the same symbol as having an evil meaning, so the "power" being
> emanated from this symbol might not be evil, just not good under your terms.
> simply this- if you come across a door in a street and it has an inverted
> pentagram on it you would reckon that it is an evil dude's house. but til
> you look closer you do not notice that a screw has fallen out of one side
> and the pentangle has dropped and inverted. inadvertendly. so tell me,
> *have* you examined it at all closely?
> you seem to make the point, now, that it is irrelevant the source of
> evilness and it's history because you are talking about generic evil, am i
> right? and more- that our traditional view of satan as a goatheaded
> man-thing and you can invoke him by reding the lord's prayer backwards etc
> etc?
> or do you subscribe to the revelationary model?


BF>OK.  I can accept good questions.  You have asked me good questions, and they
deserve an answer.
    As far as the Lord's prayer is concerned, that implies that I accept the
Trinity and the new doctines.  I accept the Lord God of Abaraham, Isaac and
Jacob.  I respect my friends who believe in the new doctrines, and indeed they
have taought me much of what I know about these topics, however I believe that
the Trinity is essentially Roman.  It goes back further than that, but let us
leave it at this.
    As far as who designed the symbol over the White House (It is over the White
House, and inverted not right-side up.  Look at the map and it is very clear.)
this is not the most relevant question.  As far as Pierre L'Enfant, Jefferson,
and Washington are concerned, I know that Washington was a Freemason.  He
exemplified the best of the Enlightenment virtues, and truly can be called the
father of our country.  I do not know about the other two, nor do I care.  I do
not care who was a member of what.  I leave this to conspiracy scholars to fill
me in on, along with Masonic scholars who are often more accurate.  If the
traditional account is correct, that Washington and Jefferson pulled rank over
L'Enfant and put "subtly placed" symbols in to the capital, then I would say that
they did not do the nation a service, at least as far as the inverted pentagram
was concerned.  I do not believe in the myth of the all-wise Founding Fathers.
They were great men, but not gods.  They were men, and men can be deceived.
    Masonic historians have discounted the story that Washington and Jefferson
over-rode L'Enfant, and so I really do not know what to believe.  It does not
matter.  The symbol is there.  Hence we must do one of two things:
    1)Acknowledge that it is Satanic and remove it
    2)Deny it and continue to suffer the spirit of Babylonian spiritual slavery
in our nation.

The "Goat of Mendez" is an acknowledged symbol within Satanism.  Whatever its
origin, be it Templarism, Christian heresies, an inversion of the Seal of
Solomon, or solar symbols, it is now a Satanic symbol.  Satanists hang symbols
upside down.  They have used the symbol of the goat for some time.  If we argue
that this is an inversion of Christianity, and thus in a cultural sense a
"Christian" heresy, it still does not change the fact that it is a Satanic
symbol.  In a way, such a line of thought, however accurate or inaccurate, gives
it away.  The inverted pentagram is a symbol that has power whether it was
designed consciously or not.  It does not really matter at this point.  It must
be removed.  It is that simple.  Children are murdering children in America and
the evil must be stopped somewhere.  Why not where no real harm would be done to
any national monument and the local residents can be employed and not simply left
by a racist society to die of gun shot wounds and neglect.

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